- Howard-John Wesley - Ralph Douglas West - Thomas West - Karen Wheaton - Hugh Whelchel - Tim Whitaker - James Emery White - Leslie White - Thomas White - Lamor Whitehead - Donald Whitney - Timothy Whitt - Galyn Wiemers -
== Howard-John Wesley=====
Dr. Howard-John Wesley is the product of the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools and graduated magna cum laude from Duke University with a bachelor of science in biomedical and electrical engineering. While in medical school, Dr. Wesley yielded to the call of God and walked away from a path to a medical career to attend seminary at the prestigious Boston University School of Theology where he was a Martin Luther King, Jr. scholar and a summa cum laude graduate in biblical studies and African American religious history. He received his doctor of ministry in preaching from Northern Baptist Seminary. His passion for and excellence in preaching has aorded him the opportunity to serve as an adjunct professor at Hartford Seminary, Boston University, and Virginia Theological Seminary. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University and the Vice-Chairman of John Leland Center for Theological Studies, the Board of Visitors of the Duke Divinity School, and the Board of Directors of the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Missionary Convention. Dr. Wesley is the son of the late Rev. Dr. Alvin and Dr. Helene Wesley and represents the fourth generation of Baptist preachers in his family. He is an avid golfer, moviegoer, spades player, and aspiring chef. He is a Lifetime member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., as well as a member of Sigma Pi Phi Boule, the rst successful and oldest African American Greek-lettered organization. His sons, Howard-John II (Deuce) and Cooper Reece, are the greatest joys of his life.
Dec 17, 2021: Because of Them We Can: Historic Virginia Church Creates ‘VERSES’ Bible Based Trivia Card Game
The historical Alfred Street Baptist Church, located in Alexandria, Virginia, which traces its history back to the early 1800s, has now entered into the world of gaming. The game was inspired by Pastor Howard-John Wesley, who alongside his ministerial team and creative producer, were looking for a way to make creating Bible study lessons easier while Wesley was in his PhD program during the pandemic. That’s when they decided to create a Bible based trivia game show entitled “VERSES.”
The historical Alfred Street Baptist Church, located in Alexandria, Virginia, which traces its history back to the early 1800s, has now entered into the world of gaming. The game was inspired by Pastor Howard-John Wesley, who alongside his ministerial team and creative producer, were looking for a way to make creating Bible study lessons easier while Wesley was in his PhD program during the pandemic. That’s when they decided to create a Bible based trivia game show entitled “VERSES.”
Apr 6, 2015: Christian Post: Obama Family Attends Prominent African-American Megachurch for Easter; Pastor Touches on Questions of Same-Sex Marriage, Healthcare, Resurrection of Christ
President Barack Obama and his family attended the prominent Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, on Easter Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Howard-John Wesley, touched on a number of social issues in his sermon, including same-sex marriage, healthcare, and the resurrection of Christ.
President Barack Obama and his family attended the prominent Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, on Easter Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Howard-John Wesley, touched on a number of social issues in his sermon, including same-sex marriage, healthcare, and the resurrection of Christ.
==ralph douglas west=====
May 2, 2018: Christianity Today: Tim Keller, John Piper, and Andy Stanley Among the 12 ‘Most Effective’ Preachers
Ralph Douglas West, founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston. A multisite megachurch pastor and adjunct professor of preaching at Truett, West has reflected on Martin Luther King Jr. as a preacher, and a sermon of his on Christian maturity was featured in Preaching Today.
Ralph Douglas West, founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston. A multisite megachurch pastor and adjunct professor of preaching at Truett, West has reflected on Martin Luther King Jr. as a preacher, and a sermon of his on Christian maturity was featured in Preaching Today.
==thomas west======
Thomas West (PhD, Southeastern Seminary) is the pastor of Redeemer Queen’s Park in London, England. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two children, and they share their story at TheWestLondonLife.com.

Cultural apologetics is concerned with helping unbelievers want the gospel to be true even before they completely understand the good news in all its fullness. Keller accentuated this approach by focusing on grace, not just as a theoretical or propositional concept but as a deeply affective and living reality that’s beautiful to behold.
Here’s how Mason describes it: “He showed us how grace applied to a whole range of personal and pastoral situations—and how that changed the way we think about God, ourselves, and other people. We’re deeply indebted to him for that.”
It’s hard to think of another Christian leader whose works are as widely influential among British evangelicals in the present day.
Fuller traces out the effects of God’s grace even further. “Keller was a helpful corrective in his irenic tone. To British evangelicals, who often feel they are a beleaguered minority holding back a liberal tide, he was a great model of holding firmly to confessional truths of the Scriptures with generosity and with grace.”
Keller helped British people see that the God-satisfied center of Reformed theology has implications for all of life and ministry. -Thomas West: Gospel Coalition; 5 Ways Keller Influenced British Evangelicals 8.23.23
Here’s how Mason describes it: “He showed us how grace applied to a whole range of personal and pastoral situations—and how that changed the way we think about God, ourselves, and other people. We’re deeply indebted to him for that.”
It’s hard to think of another Christian leader whose works are as widely influential among British evangelicals in the present day.
Fuller traces out the effects of God’s grace even further. “Keller was a helpful corrective in his irenic tone. To British evangelicals, who often feel they are a beleaguered minority holding back a liberal tide, he was a great model of holding firmly to confessional truths of the Scriptures with generosity and with grace.”
Keller helped British people see that the God-satisfied center of Reformed theology has implications for all of life and ministry. -Thomas West: Gospel Coalition; 5 Ways Keller Influenced British Evangelicals 8.23.23
==Karen Wheaton======
Karen Harris Wheaton Towe is an American Pentecostal preacher, Gospel music singer and recording artist based in Hamilton, Alabama whose career has spanned the late 1970s until the present time. She has toured throughout the U.S. performing at events that also featured preachers and Christian artists such as Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Benny Hinn and the Gaither Homecoming. Her singing voice is classified in the Mississippi Delta style, which is fused with blues, urban contemporary gospel, and bluegrass gospel influences. She is the Director and Founder of "The Ramp," a youth ministry located in the city of Hamilton, Alabama. The Ramp operates with the goal of "awakening a generation," holding Christian rallies, concerts, and conferences for teenagers.
Mar 29, 2015: Youtube: "Lord You're Holy" by Karen Wheaton
D2D4H (Destined to Dance for Him) ministers in a MIGHTY way under the direction of Shannon Lehew
Dec 17, 2014: Daystar: Karen Wheaton, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Ricky and Cyd Texada (12.17.2014)
Coming up on Marcus and Joni, Rodrigo Rodriguez ministers through music, plus Karen Wheaton and Ricky and Cyd Texada share their stories.
Nov 2, 2010: Youtube: 03. Karen Wheaton Live! "Lord You're Holy" & "Exhoration III"
Karen Wheaton Live! "Lord You're Holy" & "Exhoration III". Eddie James directs Choir & Band.
D2D4H (Destined to Dance for Him) ministers in a MIGHTY way under the direction of Shannon Lehew
Dec 17, 2014: Daystar: Karen Wheaton, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Ricky and Cyd Texada (12.17.2014)
Coming up on Marcus and Joni, Rodrigo Rodriguez ministers through music, plus Karen Wheaton and Ricky and Cyd Texada share their stories.
Nov 2, 2010: Youtube: 03. Karen Wheaton Live! "Lord You're Holy" & "Exhoration III"
Karen Wheaton Live! "Lord You're Holy" & "Exhoration III". Eddie James directs Choir & Band.
==hugh whelchel=====
Hugh Whelchel is executive director of the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, a biblical advocacy think tank based in the Washington, DC area, and author of How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work.

God gave humanity dominion over the earth to steward with authority, responsibility and care. In Genesis 1:28, we are told that one of the things we are created to do is to subdue the earth. The Hebrew word, translated “subdue” in verse 28 (Hebrew kabash) in that context, means to make the earth useful for human beings’ benefit and enjoyment.
Stewardship implies an expectation of human achievement. If God entrusts me with something, then he expects me to do something with it, something worthwhile, something that he finds valuable. God has entrusted us with certain resources, gifts and abilities. Our responsibility, as Dr. Ken Boa, president of Reflections Ministries, writes, “is to live by that trust by managing these things well, according to his design and desire.”
--Hugh Whelchel
Stewardship implies an expectation of human achievement. If God entrusts me with something, then he expects me to do something with it, something worthwhile, something that he finds valuable. God has entrusted us with certain resources, gifts and abilities. Our responsibility, as Dr. Ken Boa, president of Reflections Ministries, writes, “is to live by that trust by managing these things well, according to his design and desire.”
--Hugh Whelchel
==tim whitaker======
June 24, 2023: Flux: Can evangelical Christianity be saved from right-wing extremism?
Activist and podcaster Tim Whitaker describes how and why he and others are trying to build an inclusive faith
Activist and podcaster Tim Whitaker describes how and why he and others are trying to build an inclusive faith
==james emery white======
2010: Preaching: The 25 Most Influential Pastors of the Past 25 Years
A quarter-century has brought great changes to the preaching landscape, and today’s list of contributing editors includes names that would have been unknown to most pastors 25 years ago: Rick Warren, Bryan Chapell, James MacDonald, Robert Smith, Dave Stone, James Emery White and Ed Young Jr. (though his pastor dad would have been a good candidate for the original list—and is now among our senior consulting editors).
A quarter-century has brought great changes to the preaching landscape, and today’s list of contributing editors includes names that would have been unknown to most pastors 25 years ago: Rick Warren, Bryan Chapell, James MacDonald, Robert Smith, Dave Stone, James Emery White and Ed Young Jr. (though his pastor dad would have been a good candidate for the original list—and is now among our senior consulting editors).
==james r white======
Pastors slam Todd Starnes for urging Christians to leave churches if they didn’t preach on Trump attack James White, a well-known pastor and elder at Apologia Church in Tempe, Arizona, who also serves as director of Alpha and Omega Ministries in Phoenix, said Starnes’ comment about what pastors should be preaching about on Sunday was out of order and urged him to get “back in your lane.” (Christian Post 7/15/24) READMORE>>>>> |
July 14, 2024: White to Todd Starnes: “You've GOT to be kidding me. No sir, I did not address the assassination attempt in today's service. I taught on Jesus' view of Scripture, actually. There would have been nothing wrong in mentioning it, even praying about it. In fact, if we had wanted to address, again, the proper role of the church in calling magistrates to obedience to Christ (something we were doing long before it became popular after 2020), that would have been fine as well,” White wrote on X. “But how dare you get on your high horse and pretend to dictate to the elders of Christ's churches what they must address on a given Lord's Day from the pulpit lest they be labeled ‘limp-wristed wokevangelicals.’ You need to apologize for this absurd tweet and delete it. Back in your lane, sir.” |
==leslie white======
Lesli White is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth with a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and a concentration in print and online journalism. In college, she took a number of religious studies courses and harnessed her talent for storytelling. White has a rich faith background. Her father, a Lutheran pastor and life coach was a big influence in her faith life, helping her to see the value of sharing the message of Christ with others. She has served in the church from an early age. Some of these roles include assisting ministry, mutual ministry, worship and music ministry and church council.

If the devil can get you to believe the physical world is more real than the spiritual world, he can trick you into pursuing things like money, power and fame and have you believing that materialistic things are more important than being in a relationship with God. If you think this, then you won’t seek first the kingdom of God. But there is far more greatness in God’s Heavenly Kingdom than any material possession we acquire while in physical form on Earth.
In 1 Timothy 1:9-11, lying is listed as something that is practiced by the lawless. Just as there are people around you who will lie to avoid confronting the truth, there are people who will buy into lies in order to avoid God’s truth. While the devil lies constantly, God never does. In fact, He is the source of truth. Hebrews 6:18 tells us, “It is impossible for God to lie.” Jesus tells us He is the way, the truth and the life. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of truth. Believing these lies keeps us from fully living this. --Leslie White; Belief.Net: 6 Lies Satan Wants You to Believe About God
In 1 Timothy 1:9-11, lying is listed as something that is practiced by the lawless. Just as there are people around you who will lie to avoid confronting the truth, there are people who will buy into lies in order to avoid God’s truth. While the devil lies constantly, God never does. In fact, He is the source of truth. Hebrews 6:18 tells us, “It is impossible for God to lie.” Jesus tells us He is the way, the truth and the life. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of truth. Believing these lies keeps us from fully living this. --Leslie White; Belief.Net: 6 Lies Satan Wants You to Believe About God
==Thomas white======
Feb 16, 2023: Christian Post: Cedarville University experiencing ‘outpouring of the Lord’ in campus revival
A Christian university in Ohio is seeing spontaneous prayer and worship among its student body days after a revival began at Asbury University in Kentucky.
Cedarville University President Thomas White described what was happening as “a special outpouring and sensing of the presence of the Lord,” adding that it “will be left to the historians” to determine if it was truly a revival.
A Christian university in Ohio is seeing spontaneous prayer and worship among its student body days after a revival began at Asbury University in Kentucky.
Cedarville University President Thomas White described what was happening as “a special outpouring and sensing of the presence of the Lord,” adding that it “will be left to the historians” to determine if it was truly a revival.
==lamor whitehead=====
Mar 12, 2023: Daily Mail: When good pastors go bad: From disgraced Carl Lentz's multiple affairs in Hillsong scandal to NYC's 'bling bishop', these are the biggest falls from grace
New York City's notorious 'bling pastor' Lamor Whitehead, the founder of Brooklyn's Leaders of Tomorrow International Church, was charged in December 2022 with scamming his parishioners out of more than $100,000 and lying to the FBI.
Whitehead, who made headlines for preaching prosperity, was robbed at gunpoint by two men while he was giving a live-streamed sermon.
It was later revealed that he had previously served two years in a state prison on multiple counts of identity fraud and grand larceny before he was released early for good behavior.
According to the indictment, Whitehead scammed one of his parishioners out of $90,000 from her retirement savings.
It says he had promised to buy the woman a home, but instead spent the money on luxury goods and clothing.
Separately, federal authorities allege Whitehead extorted an unnamed businessman out of $5,000 in April and May of 2022 and asked the man to lend him $50,000, promising he could make them both 'millions'.
The pastor also made a name for himself negotiating the surrender of a subway shooting suspect who was wanted for killing a Goldman Sachs employee.
In May 2022, Whitehead rolled up to the NYPD's Fifth Police Precinct on behalf of the shooting suspect in his $350,000 Rolls-Royce, wearing a Fendi blazer.
Whitehead, who denies the fraud allegations, was later hit with further fraud charges for fabricating bank records in an attempt to finance his million-dollar New Jersey mansion, federal prosecutors said.
The pastor allegedly created a fake bank account to get a mortgage loan in 2019 and altered bank records to make it appear that the LLC had an average balance of more than $2 million, when it actually had less than $10.
New York City's notorious 'bling pastor' Lamor Whitehead, the founder of Brooklyn's Leaders of Tomorrow International Church, was charged in December 2022 with scamming his parishioners out of more than $100,000 and lying to the FBI.
Whitehead, who made headlines for preaching prosperity, was robbed at gunpoint by two men while he was giving a live-streamed sermon.
It was later revealed that he had previously served two years in a state prison on multiple counts of identity fraud and grand larceny before he was released early for good behavior.
According to the indictment, Whitehead scammed one of his parishioners out of $90,000 from her retirement savings.
It says he had promised to buy the woman a home, but instead spent the money on luxury goods and clothing.
Separately, federal authorities allege Whitehead extorted an unnamed businessman out of $5,000 in April and May of 2022 and asked the man to lend him $50,000, promising he could make them both 'millions'.
The pastor also made a name for himself negotiating the surrender of a subway shooting suspect who was wanted for killing a Goldman Sachs employee.
In May 2022, Whitehead rolled up to the NYPD's Fifth Police Precinct on behalf of the shooting suspect in his $350,000 Rolls-Royce, wearing a Fendi blazer.
Whitehead, who denies the fraud allegations, was later hit with further fraud charges for fabricating bank records in an attempt to finance his million-dollar New Jersey mansion, federal prosecutors said.
The pastor allegedly created a fake bank account to get a mortgage loan in 2019 and altered bank records to make it appear that the LLC had an average balance of more than $2 million, when it actually had less than $10.
==Donald Whitney======

Although the Holy Spirit produces the desire for godliness, progress in godliness isn’t automatic. After all, God says, “Train yourself for godliness.” The Spirit motivates and enables us to train ourselves, but He doesn’t do the training for us. The practical, day-by-day obedience to the command is our Spirit-empowered responsibility. The key to cultivating practical godliness in real life is discipline: intentional, ongoing participation in the God-given means of grace found in God’s Word. That’s why I prefer the New American Standard Bible’s rendering of 1 Timothy 4:7, “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” The “purpose” of the practice is godliness, that is, the “holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” The God-designed responsibility you have in this lifelong pursuit is to “discipline yourself.” What kind of discipline? Well, obviously it’s not bodily discipline (as the next verse—1 Tim. 4:8—makes clear), otherwise body-builders would be the godliest people on earth. Rather the Bible is referring to spiritual discipline. And the practices found in Scripture which cultivate practical godliness have come to be known as “the spiritual disciplines.” So, the way we discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness is by practicing the biblical spiritual disciplines. -Donald Whitney; Gospel Coalition; Cultivating Practical Godliness
Nov 19, 2021: Southern Equip: How God Helps Us Pray According to His Will
To pray the Bible, you simply go through a passage line by line, talking to God about whatever comes to mind as you read the text. See how easy that is? Anyone can do that. Apr 1, 2016: Crossway: An Interview with Donald Whitney
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Donald Whitney to discuss his new book, Family Worship. |
==Timothy Whitt======

James 2:17, “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”
James once again wants to make it clear. Faith in God equals working to be God’s hands, feet and voice in this world. The Bible is clear in verses like Ephesians 2:8-10, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.” we are not saved by our works. However, in verses like James 2:17, and again in James 2:26, “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” The Bible is clear that your life must exhibit a working faith. So now is the time for you to reflect on your life of faith. If you do not see yourself doing, going or speaking for God then it might be time to give your faith life some CPR.
--Timothy Whitt; LetterPile; Your Faith - Dead or Alive, a Devotion From James 2:14-19 8.2.23
James once again wants to make it clear. Faith in God equals working to be God’s hands, feet and voice in this world. The Bible is clear in verses like Ephesians 2:8-10, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.” we are not saved by our works. However, in verses like James 2:17, and again in James 2:26, “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” The Bible is clear that your life must exhibit a working faith. So now is the time for you to reflect on your life of faith. If you do not see yourself doing, going or speaking for God then it might be time to give your faith life some CPR.
--Timothy Whitt; LetterPile; Your Faith - Dead or Alive, a Devotion From James 2:14-19 8.2.23
==galyn Wiemers======

Paul was “called” an apostle. The Greek does not have “to be” in it. So it says “a called apostle” It was never in his mind something he had earned or attained. There are many kinds of apostles: “self appointed apostles”, “man ordained apostles”, “vocational apostles”. Paul was “a called apostle”. This word form usually has the passive meaning. The word “called” means designated and set apart.
“Set Apart” means “to mark off, to separate by a boundary.” It is a perfect passive participle indicates that this was done to Paul without his assistance. Paul had set himself apart to be a Pharisee, but God set him apart for the gospel. The word “Pharisee” means
separated one” and comes form the same root as the word translated “set apart”. The Pharisees where set apart by men and by tradition. Paul uses this verb in Galatians 1:15 and says that he was set apart “from birth”.
-Galyn Wiemers; Generation Word
“Set Apart” means “to mark off, to separate by a boundary.” It is a perfect passive participle indicates that this was done to Paul without his assistance. Paul had set himself apart to be a Pharisee, but God set him apart for the gospel. The word “Pharisee” means
separated one” and comes form the same root as the word translated “set apart”. The Pharisees where set apart by men and by tradition. Paul uses this verb in Galatians 1:15 and says that he was set apart “from birth”.
-Galyn Wiemers; Generation Word

In Matthew 16:1-5, the religious leaders in Christ’s day were trying to make a decision about who Jesus was. So far they had rejected the available information they already had about Jesus, including: 1. The witness of John the Baptist 2. Jesus’ own words 3. Scriptural testimony 4. Jesus’ miraculous works The Pharisees and Sadducees (religious leaders) came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. Jesus replied: “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and
overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.’ Jesus then left them and went away.” Matthew 16:1-4
Although the Pharisees and Sadducees presented themselves as open-minded seekers who wanted to know the truth, the fact was that they would only hear the truth on their terms. Jesus’ response to them indicates that he didn’t view them as real seekers desiring revelation from God, but, rather, men who had rejected the truth time and time again. We too can deduce that those who reject God’s available revelation while still presenting themselves as “open-minded truth seekers” will be rebuked just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus says, “A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign.” Why does he say this? Because only a morally corrupt generation would reject all the revelation God had already provided. Jesus made it clear that no miraculous sign would be given. In other words, God will not ever split the sky, step out of the heavens, and appear in all his glory just long enough for a New York Times photographer to snap his picture and a CNN cameraman to catch it on film. Although that would be very impressive proof of the reality of God’s existence, our creator knows that even an incredible supernatural appearance would do mankind little good. Why? Because as soon as God vanished back into heaven, everyone who’d rejected all his previous revelations would begin to explain away the latest miracle. If men have already found a way to disprove God’s revelation in nature, logic, scripture, and history, they won’t hesitate to again use their science and philosophy to explain away even the most obvious revelation of God’s existence. Consider the Exodus generation. They were a generation of people enslaved in Egypt when Moses first spoke to Pharoah concerning their freedom. He then called upon signs from God and struck Egypt with ten terrible plagues. The Exodus generation experienced all of the ghastly plagues and later walked through the Red Sea after it was parted by the very hand of God. They were led through the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire, and they experienced an incredible manifestation of God on Mt. Sinai. And yet, even after witnessing all these miraculous works of God, the Exodus generation still didn’t believe he would lead them into the Promised Land. Because of their disbelief, they spent the rest of their lives wandering in the wilderness. Hebrews 3:16-18 says: “Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt? And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the desert? --Galyn Wiemers; Hope for America’s Last Generation
overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.’ Jesus then left them and went away.” Matthew 16:1-4
Although the Pharisees and Sadducees presented themselves as open-minded seekers who wanted to know the truth, the fact was that they would only hear the truth on their terms. Jesus’ response to them indicates that he didn’t view them as real seekers desiring revelation from God, but, rather, men who had rejected the truth time and time again. We too can deduce that those who reject God’s available revelation while still presenting themselves as “open-minded truth seekers” will be rebuked just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus says, “A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign.” Why does he say this? Because only a morally corrupt generation would reject all the revelation God had already provided. Jesus made it clear that no miraculous sign would be given. In other words, God will not ever split the sky, step out of the heavens, and appear in all his glory just long enough for a New York Times photographer to snap his picture and a CNN cameraman to catch it on film. Although that would be very impressive proof of the reality of God’s existence, our creator knows that even an incredible supernatural appearance would do mankind little good. Why? Because as soon as God vanished back into heaven, everyone who’d rejected all his previous revelations would begin to explain away the latest miracle. If men have already found a way to disprove God’s revelation in nature, logic, scripture, and history, they won’t hesitate to again use their science and philosophy to explain away even the most obvious revelation of God’s existence. Consider the Exodus generation. They were a generation of people enslaved in Egypt when Moses first spoke to Pharoah concerning their freedom. He then called upon signs from God and struck Egypt with ten terrible plagues. The Exodus generation experienced all of the ghastly plagues and later walked through the Red Sea after it was parted by the very hand of God. They were led through the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire, and they experienced an incredible manifestation of God on Mt. Sinai. And yet, even after witnessing all these miraculous works of God, the Exodus generation still didn’t believe he would lead them into the Promised Land. Because of their disbelief, they spent the rest of their lives wandering in the wilderness. Hebrews 3:16-18 says: “Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt? And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the desert? --Galyn Wiemers; Hope for America’s Last Generation