- Josh Howerton - Scott Hubbard - Mike Huckabee - Brandon Hudson - Scott Huffman - Gabriel Hughes - Neal Hughes - CD Hulen - David Hulme - Chris Hume - Daniel Hummel - John Davison Hunter - Johnny Hunt - Nicole Hunt -
==josh howerton======
Josh Howerton is the Senior Pastor of Lakepointe Church, a multisite (and multilingual) church with 6 campuses in Dallas, TX. Before Lakepointe, he graduated with a degree in Biblical Studies from Union University before heading to Southern Seminary and pastoring The Bridge Church in Nashville, TN for ten years.
Southern Baptist megachurch pastor returns to misogyny as a text
Apparently, Josh Howerton must be getting jealous of JD Vance taking all the limelight for sacralized misogyny because he’s back in the news again with a new sermon series called “Fight For Your Family.”
Earlier this year, the pastor of Dallas megachurch Lakepointe made headlines when he told women to crown their abusive husbands as kings in order to get them to act respectably and told women to “stand where he tells you to stand, wear what he tells you to wear, and do what he tells you to do” on “his wedding night.” Then he doubled down by dismissing the feelings of women, centering his own authority, and using Jesus to defend sexually coercive joking from the pulpit. And then we discovered his subsequent apology was plagiarized, while he was out at the Stronger Men’s Conference watching Mark Driscoll get kicked off the stage and listening to men preach about ascending the mountain of the strong king as they rode tanks, shot fake machine guns and dressed like superheroes smashing each other with chairs. (Baptist News Global 8/18/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Apparently, Josh Howerton must be getting jealous of JD Vance taking all the limelight for sacralized misogyny because he’s back in the news again with a new sermon series called “Fight For Your Family.”
Earlier this year, the pastor of Dallas megachurch Lakepointe made headlines when he told women to crown their abusive husbands as kings in order to get them to act respectably and told women to “stand where he tells you to stand, wear what he tells you to wear, and do what he tells you to do” on “his wedding night.” Then he doubled down by dismissing the feelings of women, centering his own authority, and using Jesus to defend sexually coercive joking from the pulpit. And then we discovered his subsequent apology was plagiarized, while he was out at the Stronger Men’s Conference watching Mark Driscoll get kicked off the stage and listening to men preach about ascending the mountain of the strong king as they rode tanks, shot fake machine guns and dressed like superheroes smashing each other with chairs. (Baptist News Global 8/18/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Texas pastor's controversial sermons have driven 'hundreds' away from church
Mary DeMuth, a literary agent and prolific author of Christian books, attended Lakepointe Church in suburban Dallas for more than 23 years before leaving in December after she alleged senior pastor Josh Howerton began routinely revealing misogynistic beliefs during Sunday sermons. Amanda Cunningham, a former actor and model who went to Lakepointe for 12 years, cut ties with the megachurch in March after she said it apparently eliminated women's ministries, even while Howerton invited men to watch sports at Lakepointe's non-alcoholic tailgating events. And after Howerton told a now-infamous "old preacher joke" to the congregation about what women should do for their new husbands on their wedding nights. Melissa Ware got out of Lakepointe just last month after learning Howerton allegedly plagiarized his apology to the congregation for the joke from a similar apology by a Florida pastor—and after church staff reportedly tried to manipulate a traffic study to get a traffic light installed near its entrance. (MSN 6/25/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Mary DeMuth, a literary agent and prolific author of Christian books, attended Lakepointe Church in suburban Dallas for more than 23 years before leaving in December after she alleged senior pastor Josh Howerton began routinely revealing misogynistic beliefs during Sunday sermons. Amanda Cunningham, a former actor and model who went to Lakepointe for 12 years, cut ties with the megachurch in March after she said it apparently eliminated women's ministries, even while Howerton invited men to watch sports at Lakepointe's non-alcoholic tailgating events. And after Howerton told a now-infamous "old preacher joke" to the congregation about what women should do for their new husbands on their wedding nights. Melissa Ware got out of Lakepointe just last month after learning Howerton allegedly plagiarized his apology to the congregation for the joke from a similar apology by a Florida pastor—and after church staff reportedly tried to manipulate a traffic study to get a traffic light installed near its entrance. (MSN 6/25/24) READ MORE>>>>>
What can we learn from children about being liberated from Kendomland?
April 2024 has been the month when the Kens of the Mojo Dojo Casa Churches came out in full force to flex their patriarchy power in preach-offs. It started with Josh Howerton telling women to crown dishonorable men as their kings and telling women to stand, wear and do whatever their husbands tell them on their wedding night. Then Howerton claimed it was a joke and gave a joke of a plagiarized apology that promoted male power. Amidst these controversies, Howerton attended the Stronger Men’s Conference, which features men smashing cars with tanks, shooting fake machine guns, smashing chairs over each other’s heads while dressed up in superhero costumes and confronting one another from the pulpit.
(Baptist News Global 4/30/24) READ MORE>>>>>
April 2024 has been the month when the Kens of the Mojo Dojo Casa Churches came out in full force to flex their patriarchy power in preach-offs. It started with Josh Howerton telling women to crown dishonorable men as their kings and telling women to stand, wear and do whatever their husbands tell them on their wedding night. Then Howerton claimed it was a joke and gave a joke of a plagiarized apology that promoted male power. Amidst these controversies, Howerton attended the Stronger Men’s Conference, which features men smashing cars with tanks, shooting fake machine guns, smashing chairs over each other’s heads while dressed up in superhero costumes and confronting one another from the pulpit.
(Baptist News Global 4/30/24) READ MORE>>>>>
Megachurch pastor apologizes for 'careless words' after backlash to wedding night joke
A megachurch pastor apologized for what he characterized as "careless words" when he joked that women should do whatever their husbands want on their wedding night, even though he insisted that his remarks were taken out of context. During service on Sunday, Josh Howerton, pastor of Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, Texas, addressed comments he made during a Feb. 26 sermon that generated backlash online. "A couple of weeks ago … the week after Marriage Night, I tossed out a joke," he said.
(Christian Post 4/10/24) READ MORE>>>>>
A megachurch pastor apologized for what he characterized as "careless words" when he joked that women should do whatever their husbands want on their wedding night, even though he insisted that his remarks were taken out of context. During service on Sunday, Josh Howerton, pastor of Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, Texas, addressed comments he made during a Feb. 26 sermon that generated backlash online. "A couple of weeks ago … the week after Marriage Night, I tossed out a joke," he said.
(Christian Post 4/10/24) READ MORE>>>>>
==scott hubbard======
Scott Hubbard is full-time as an editor for Desiring God, an online Christian ministry. At All Peoples Church, he oversees the kids’ ministry and helps to lead a Missional Community and DNA group. He longs to see the church grounded in the Scriptures, growing in love, and laboring together to make disciples. While serving part-time in college ministry after graduation, Scott sensed a growing desire to faithfully teach God’s word for the good of his people. That desire led him to move to Minneapolis to pursue an M.Div. at Bethlehem College & Seminary, from which he graduated in 2018.
To some, the word routine carries the stiffness of stale bread and the rot of dead plants, the stuffiness of library books never opened and attics dusty with age. The very thought of routine spirituality — planned, scheduled, disciplined — seems to undermine the ministry of the life-giving, freedom-bestowing Spirit. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17) — and where the spirit of routine is (we may think), there is bondage. The dichotomy, however, is self-imposed, self-imagined. If routine smells stale to us, the problem lies in our own sniffer. No doubt, routine can be made stale and dead, as any flower can be trampled underfoot or any sky cloaked with smog. But routine itself remains good, the friend of freedom and joy.
We might call any number of witnesses to testify on behalf of routine: Daniel, who “got down on his knees” and prayed “three times a day” (Daniel 6:10), whether lions waited or not; Peter and John, who went to the temple “at the hour of prayer” even after Pentecost brought the Spirit (Acts 3:1); or our Lord Jesus himself, who spontaneously defeated the devil’s lies, after fasting for forty days, because he had routinely memorized Deuteronomy (Matthew 4:1–10). --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; ‘Just Not Feeling It’ 9.2.23
We might call any number of witnesses to testify on behalf of routine: Daniel, who “got down on his knees” and prayed “three times a day” (Daniel 6:10), whether lions waited or not; Peter and John, who went to the temple “at the hour of prayer” even after Pentecost brought the Spirit (Acts 3:1); or our Lord Jesus himself, who spontaneously defeated the devil’s lies, after fasting for forty days, because he had routinely memorized Deuteronomy (Matthew 4:1–10). --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; ‘Just Not Feeling It’ 9.2.23
Perhaps no book teaches us how to wield the imagination against lust more than Proverbs does. Especially in the father’s words to his son in chapters 5–7, the book fills the theater of the mind with images designed to strip lust of its strength. Consider, for example, the father’s warning against the forbidden woman in Proverbs 7:25–27. He begins with a simple command:
Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths.
Here is well-worn wisdom for resisting lust, wisdom we have likely heard many times before (and probably can’t hear too often). As with so many sins, the battle against lust is often won or lost at the start. Once the heart has turned aside, once the feet have strayed, we bring them back only with great difficulty. The road to the forbidden woman’s house runs downhill in every direction — and every road back is an upward climb. Far easier, then, to turn and flee at the head of her street than over the threshold of her home. --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; Imagine Lust 7.8.23
Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths.
Here is well-worn wisdom for resisting lust, wisdom we have likely heard many times before (and probably can’t hear too often). As with so many sins, the battle against lust is often won or lost at the start. Once the heart has turned aside, once the feet have strayed, we bring them back only with great difficulty. The road to the forbidden woman’s house runs downhill in every direction — and every road back is an upward climb. Far easier, then, to turn and flee at the head of her street than over the threshold of her home. --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; Imagine Lust 7.8.23
God brings good news to his burdened people as surely as he brings sunshine after rain.
So Joseph’s painful imprisonment gives way to an appointment as prime minister. Job’s misery simmers for thirty-some chapters, then breaks forth into a new family and fortune. The Baptist’s beheading transfers him from prison to paradise. And the bad news of Good Friday entombs the Son of God, only to have the stone roll away on Easter morning. Jesus himself was cast down dead in the dirt like a grain of wheat — and the world still cannot restrain the fruit from that death (John 12:24). Our good-news God gives “a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit” (Isaiah 61:3).
It’s not that the ashes, mourning, and faint spirit aren’t real. They are — as real as Jesus’s tomb. But like the tomb, they’re also temporary. You may lie battered in a tomb of bad news for three days, or for a stretch of miserable months, or even for many sorrowful years. But Sunday is always coming, and God will exchange your death for resurrection. --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; Beauty is Born in Bad News 9.3.16
So Joseph’s painful imprisonment gives way to an appointment as prime minister. Job’s misery simmers for thirty-some chapters, then breaks forth into a new family and fortune. The Baptist’s beheading transfers him from prison to paradise. And the bad news of Good Friday entombs the Son of God, only to have the stone roll away on Easter morning. Jesus himself was cast down dead in the dirt like a grain of wheat — and the world still cannot restrain the fruit from that death (John 12:24). Our good-news God gives “a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit” (Isaiah 61:3).
It’s not that the ashes, mourning, and faint spirit aren’t real. They are — as real as Jesus’s tomb. But like the tomb, they’re also temporary. You may lie battered in a tomb of bad news for three days, or for a stretch of miserable months, or even for many sorrowful years. But Sunday is always coming, and God will exchange your death for resurrection. --Scott Hubbard; Desiring God; Beauty is Born in Bad News 9.3.16
==brandon hudson======
First Baptist Abilene Pastor Brandon Hudson resigns after arrest
The pastor of a historic large Baptist church in West Texas has resigned two weeks after being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Forty-four-year-old Brandon Hudson, the senior pastor of Texas' First Baptist Church Abilene, submitted his resignation Sunday after over a year as senior pastor. At the church's Sunday morning service, Bob Ellis, introduced by the church's personnel committee chair, read Hudson's letter of resignation and asked the congregation to keep Hudson and his family in their prayers.(Idaho Press 4/3/24) READ MORE>>>>>
The pastor of a historic large Baptist church in West Texas has resigned two weeks after being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Forty-four-year-old Brandon Hudson, the senior pastor of Texas' First Baptist Church Abilene, submitted his resignation Sunday after over a year as senior pastor. At the church's Sunday morning service, Bob Ellis, introduced by the church's personnel committee chair, read Hudson's letter of resignation and asked the congregation to keep Hudson and his family in their prayers.(Idaho Press 4/3/24) READ MORE>>>>>
==scott huffman======
Oct 26, 2022: NC Policy Watch: North Carolina Republican leaders embrace Christian nationalism
Dr. Scott Huffmon, a professor of Political Science at Winthrop University in South Carolina, said these are core tenets of Christian nationalist ideology that has long emphasized certain Bible passages its adherents believe provide a rationale for their political agendas.
“It’s a form of active politics that depends on certain Biblical interpretations and enforcing those interpretations,” Huffmon said. “The anti-homosexual agenda and the hyper-masculine agenda are both parts of it. It teaches from II Timothy that women should not teach men, that men are the head of the household, the sheriff of their own hearth, they are in charge.”
It’s a philosophical line echoed by Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who has used his frequent appearances at Renewal Project events — and a recent memoir — to promote the idea Christians are “called to be led by men” and push back on women who he believes try to dominate him.
“I have found that women in general don’t like to be outtalked,” Robinson wrote in his memoir. “When you go out in groups, it often comes down to discussions, women on one side, men on the other. And back then, I’d be just hurling it. Often women would get quite angry. They love to be able to talk a man into submission. And with me, it never happens. They can’t do it.”
Studying Christian nationalism was a natural outgrowth of a study of Southern politics, Huffmon said, which has been closely tied to religion since before the nation’s founding. But Huffmon was also raised Southern Baptist, steeped in the conservative evangelist ideology that now forms the backbone of Christian nationalism. As director of the Winthrop Poll, Huffmon has included questions on Christian nationalism in the Southern Focus Survey.
Now an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian church, Huffmon studies the intersection of Christianity and American politics with both a deep personal faith and a scholar’s understanding of the history.
Warning of America’s transformation into Sodom is a frequent Christian nationalist trope, Huffmon said — but it is almost always deployed in speeches against LGBTQ people. That ignores, he noted, the context of Ezekiel 16:49, in which God enumerates the sins of Sodom, describing its people as prideful, living rich and idle lives while not helping the poor and the needy.
Dr. Scott Huffmon, a professor of Political Science at Winthrop University in South Carolina, said these are core tenets of Christian nationalist ideology that has long emphasized certain Bible passages its adherents believe provide a rationale for their political agendas.
“It’s a form of active politics that depends on certain Biblical interpretations and enforcing those interpretations,” Huffmon said. “The anti-homosexual agenda and the hyper-masculine agenda are both parts of it. It teaches from II Timothy that women should not teach men, that men are the head of the household, the sheriff of their own hearth, they are in charge.”
It’s a philosophical line echoed by Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who has used his frequent appearances at Renewal Project events — and a recent memoir — to promote the idea Christians are “called to be led by men” and push back on women who he believes try to dominate him.
“I have found that women in general don’t like to be outtalked,” Robinson wrote in his memoir. “When you go out in groups, it often comes down to discussions, women on one side, men on the other. And back then, I’d be just hurling it. Often women would get quite angry. They love to be able to talk a man into submission. And with me, it never happens. They can’t do it.”
Studying Christian nationalism was a natural outgrowth of a study of Southern politics, Huffmon said, which has been closely tied to religion since before the nation’s founding. But Huffmon was also raised Southern Baptist, steeped in the conservative evangelist ideology that now forms the backbone of Christian nationalism. As director of the Winthrop Poll, Huffmon has included questions on Christian nationalism in the Southern Focus Survey.
Now an ordained Elder in the Presbyterian church, Huffmon studies the intersection of Christianity and American politics with both a deep personal faith and a scholar’s understanding of the history.
Warning of America’s transformation into Sodom is a frequent Christian nationalist trope, Huffmon said — but it is almost always deployed in speeches against LGBTQ people. That ignores, he noted, the context of Ezekiel 16:49, in which God enumerates the sins of Sodom, describing its people as prideful, living rich and idle lives while not helping the poor and the needy.
==gabriel hughes======
Gabriel Hughes is a pastor of First Baptist Church in Lindale, TX. He previously served as senior pastor for 10 years at First Southern Baptist Church in Junction City, KS, before moving to Texas in partnership with Dr. Tom Buck and his ministry. He’s also the founder and voice behind the online ministry When We Understand the Text (WWUTT), featuring hundreds of videos addressing a wide range of Bible topics.
Aug 18, 2023: The Alabama Baptist: Deal with the Problems of the Self by the Cross through the Exercise of our Spirit
When Alabama’s Neal Hughes was elected chair of the second presidential search team for the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee on June 1, he consistently stated a commitment to “due diligence” in the process.
That commitment allowed a potentially scandalous situation related to Willie McLaurin to be handled prior to a nomination, vote and likely election as the next SBC EC president.
McLaurin, considered the recent frontrunner in the presidential search, resigned from his role as interim president and CEO on Aug. 17, effective immediately.
Effective Aug. 18, Jonathan Howe, EC vice president for communications, stepped into the role temporarily.
McLaurin’s resignation came in response to the search committee’s discovery of falsified academic credentials on his current resumé.
When Alabama’s Neal Hughes was elected chair of the second presidential search team for the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee on June 1, he consistently stated a commitment to “due diligence” in the process.
That commitment allowed a potentially scandalous situation related to Willie McLaurin to be handled prior to a nomination, vote and likely election as the next SBC EC president.
McLaurin, considered the recent frontrunner in the presidential search, resigned from his role as interim president and CEO on Aug. 17, effective immediately.
Effective Aug. 18, Jonathan Howe, EC vice president for communications, stepped into the role temporarily.
McLaurin’s resignation came in response to the search committee’s discovery of falsified academic credentials on his current resumé.
Titus 1:10-16:
10 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision,
11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain.
12 One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
13 This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith,
14 not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
16 They profess to know God, but by their works they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and unfit for any good work.
There’s a contrast between the sound teacher described for us in verses 5-9 and these false teachers Paul warns about in verses 10-16.
In verses 10-11, he says, “There are many rebellious men… empty talkers and deceivers.” And because they go unchallenged, “they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain.” The next part in verses 12-14, Paul says what the people are like where Titus has been sent to minister. And because they are like this, here’s what they need: “Reprove them severely,” he says, “so that they may be sound in the faith.”
The last part in verses 15-16, Paul again contrasts the sound with the unsound, but more than that, he connects doctrine with life. “To the pure, all things are pure,” he says. “But to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure.” We’re being shown here that a person’s doctrine and his behavior go hand in hand. Your doctrine affects your living and living affects your doctrine.
- Gabriel Hughes; Pastor Gabe; DOCTRINE AND LIFE (A SERMON FROM TITUS 1:10-16) 7.11.23
10 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision,
11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain.
12 One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
13 This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith,
14 not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
16 They profess to know God, but by their works they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and unfit for any good work.
There’s a contrast between the sound teacher described for us in verses 5-9 and these false teachers Paul warns about in verses 10-16.
In verses 10-11, he says, “There are many rebellious men… empty talkers and deceivers.” And because they go unchallenged, “they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of dishonest gain.” The next part in verses 12-14, Paul says what the people are like where Titus has been sent to minister. And because they are like this, here’s what they need: “Reprove them severely,” he says, “so that they may be sound in the faith.”
The last part in verses 15-16, Paul again contrasts the sound with the unsound, but more than that, he connects doctrine with life. “To the pure, all things are pure,” he says. “But to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure.” We’re being shown here that a person’s doctrine and his behavior go hand in hand. Your doctrine affects your living and living affects your doctrine.
- Gabriel Hughes; Pastor Gabe; DOCTRINE AND LIFE (A SERMON FROM TITUS 1:10-16) 7.11.23
==neal hughes======
Aug 18, 2023: The Alabama Baptist: Deal with the Problems of the Self by the Cross through the Exercise of our Spirit
When Alabama’s Neal Hughes was elected chair of the second presidential search team for the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee on June 1, he consistently stated a commitment to “due diligence” in the process.
That commitment allowed a potentially scandalous situation related to Willie McLaurin to be handled prior to a nomination, vote and likely election as the next SBC EC president.
McLaurin, considered the recent frontrunner in the presidential search, resigned from his role as interim president and CEO on Aug. 17, effective immediately.
Effective Aug. 18, Jonathan Howe, EC vice president for communications, stepped into the role temporarily.
McLaurin’s resignation came in response to the search committee’s discovery of falsified academic credentials on his current resumé.
When Alabama’s Neal Hughes was elected chair of the second presidential search team for the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee on June 1, he consistently stated a commitment to “due diligence” in the process.
That commitment allowed a potentially scandalous situation related to Willie McLaurin to be handled prior to a nomination, vote and likely election as the next SBC EC president.
McLaurin, considered the recent frontrunner in the presidential search, resigned from his role as interim president and CEO on Aug. 17, effective immediately.
Effective Aug. 18, Jonathan Howe, EC vice president for communications, stepped into the role temporarily.
McLaurin’s resignation came in response to the search committee’s discovery of falsified academic credentials on his current resumé.
==CD Hulen======
C. D. Hulen is a writer, actor, and the author of the new science fiction novel Abort. A lifelong storyteller, C. D. spent nearly a decade honing his skills in creative writing and now focuses on stories and characters which convey challenging themes relevant to the state of our society. When he is not writing, C. D. Hulen enjoys his family, musical theatre and experiencing the beauty and transformative power of the gospel.
==david hulme======
David Hulme is publisher of the quarterly journal Vision--Insights and New Horizons, president of Vision Media Productions, chairman of Vision Foundation International, and president of Church of God, an International Community. He has studied theology, psychology and philosophy and holds a doctorate in international relations (with an emphasis on the Middle East) from the University of Southern California. Hulme was a producer, writer and on-camera anchor for The World Tomorrow, a weekly 30-minute television program that was syndicated on more than 300 stations worldwide. He is author of Identity, Ideology, and the Future of Jerusalem (Palgrave, 2006), Gospels for the 21st Century (Vision Media Publishing, 2010) and Apostles, First Followers and Their Faith (Vision Media Publishing 2010) and a contributor to What Makes Us Human? (Oneworld, 2007), and Access, Not Excess (Smith-Gordon, 2011), both edited by Charles Pasternak.
The prophet Amos is mentioned in connection with Uzziah and the latter days of Jeroboam II (Amos 1:1). Though he was a Judean, Amos’s message concentrated mostly on the northern Israelites, to whom he announced that captivity was coming. Secondarily he addressed the sins of Judah and several surrounding nations. Amos is listed among the Bible’s 12 minor prophets (from the Latin minor, “smaller” [in length of book]).
In Uzziah’s final year, the well-known major prophet Isaiah was commissioned (Isaiah 6:1–9). He spoke during the subsequent reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah (Isaiah 1:1), delivering messages about the coming downfall of Judah and Jerusalem, its expected Messiah, and the future kingdom of God. - -David Hulme; Vision
In Uzziah’s final year, the well-known major prophet Isaiah was commissioned (Isaiah 6:1–9). He spoke during the subsequent reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah (Isaiah 1:1), delivering messages about the coming downfall of Judah and Jerusalem, its expected Messiah, and the future kingdom of God. - -David Hulme; Vision
==chris hume======
“Anti-intellectualism and emotionalism have given us modern day evangelicalism, which is a mile wide and an inch deep. And we are exporting this garbage to the nations........(Julie) Green’s shenanigans are just one example of how the co-opting of certain conservatives is creating a mass of duped people, ignorant of what God’s Law-Word actually says regarding salvation, revelation, and civil government.” -Chris Hume; Managing Editor of the Lancaster Patriot
==daniel hummel======
We now have a formidable body of scholarship that establishes the depth and extent of these features of the American evangelical tradition, confirming and expanding on Richard Hofstadter’s legendary analysis in his 1964 book, Anti-intellectualism in American Life. This new body of scholarship is the work of a remarkable generation of young historians who have yet to receive the credit they’re due, so I name some of them here: Darren Dochuk, Matthew Sutton, Anthea Butler, Timothy Gloege, Jesse Curtis, Lerone Martin, J. Russell Hawkins, Stephen Young, Daniel Hummel, Daniel Silliman, and—the only one in this cohort to gain wide media recognition--Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of the justly famous and marvelously titled, Jesus and John Wayne. Sadly, while the majority of these scholars have written for Religion Dispatches, the conclusions of these bold and creative scholars have been largely ignored in the discussion of religion and politics found in the pages of The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other media of comparable reach and influence.
--David Hollinger; Religion Dispatches; The Critiques of Evangelical Writers Opposing Christian Nationalism Fail to Recognize Evangelicalism’s Troubling History 6/18/24
--David Hollinger; Religion Dispatches; The Critiques of Evangelical Writers Opposing Christian Nationalism Fail to Recognize Evangelicalism’s Troubling History 6/18/24
American Evangelicals Interpret Israel-Hamas War As A Prelude to End Times
Claiming some 10 million members, Hagee’s organization has become powerful politically, according to Daniel Hummel, author of “Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews and U.S.-Israeli Relations.” “It is quite a large group, but it’s even more significant that they are organized and have demonstrated over the years that they can actually focus their energy on a local level and a national level to advocate their position,” said Hummel.
The group’s gatherings have become an obligatory stop for GOP presidential hopefuls wishing to articulate their support for Israel in front of Christian Zionists. “Most of them don’t get into the prophecy stuff,” said Hummel. “They’ll talk more about the national interests that the U.S. has in supporting Israel and about the cultural values that Israel and the U.S. share.”(Fiona Andre/Roys Report 11/19/23) READ MORE>>>>
Claiming some 10 million members, Hagee’s organization has become powerful politically, according to Daniel Hummel, author of “Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews and U.S.-Israeli Relations.” “It is quite a large group, but it’s even more significant that they are organized and have demonstrated over the years that they can actually focus their energy on a local level and a national level to advocate their position,” said Hummel.
The group’s gatherings have become an obligatory stop for GOP presidential hopefuls wishing to articulate their support for Israel in front of Christian Zionists. “Most of them don’t get into the prophecy stuff,” said Hummel. “They’ll talk more about the national interests that the U.S. has in supporting Israel and about the cultural values that Israel and the U.S. share.”(Fiona Andre/Roys Report 11/19/23) READ MORE>>>>
“The overwhelming theme has been: this war is prophetically significant, but no one is willing to really claim exactly how. And that’s been a long tradition of sort of hedging your bets and getting whatever you can in terms of sort of interest and eyeballs, by declaring that there’s something significant here, but once you start saying specific things and you’re sort of on the hook, it doesn’t turn out that way......And so the crude way of doing this is a pastor will say something like: ‘Look at the Roman Empire and how they persecuted the Jews and Rome fell. Look at the British Empire and how the British didn’t treat the Jews well, and how they fell. Look at the Nazis and how they persecuted the Jews, and they fell.....And we, the Americans, don’t want to be the next Empire or the next great power to fall because we didn’t sufficiently bless the Jewish people......When there’s a Republican president they have a seat at the table it doesn’t mean the president’s going to do exactly what they want, but they’re the ones that the president’s listening to more than other interested parties on Israel."
--Daniel Hummel, Author of Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and US-Israeli Relations.
--Daniel Hummel, Author of Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and US-Israeli Relations.
Oct 25, 2023: Times of Israel: Support for Israel becomes top issue for Iowa evangelicals key to first GOP caucuses
Daniel Hummel, author of “Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and U.S.-Israeli Relations,” said that Republican support for Israel has become a proxy for other conservative priorities, particularly on immigration.
Trump and several other Republicans have alleged Hamas sympathizers could cross the southern US border, despite there being almost no known examples of unauthorized border crossers staging mass attacks. And Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who are battling for second place in many national polls — have argued over who is tougher on refugee issues after the Hamas assault.
Daniel Hummel, author of “Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and U.S.-Israeli Relations,” said that Republican support for Israel has become a proxy for other conservative priorities, particularly on immigration.
Trump and several other Republicans have alleged Hamas sympathizers could cross the southern US border, despite there being almost no known examples of unauthorized border crossers staging mass attacks. And Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who are battling for second place in many national polls — have argued over who is tougher on refugee issues after the Hamas assault.
"Endurance is holding to the course you have set regardless of opposition from without and feelings within."
--Leonard Huneke 2/6/82
--Leonard Huneke 2/6/82
==johnny hunt======
Mar 12, 2023: Daily Mail: When good pastors go bad: From disgraced Carl Lentz's multiple affairs in Hillsong scandal to NYC's 'bling bishop', these are the biggest falls from grace
Former Southern Baptist Convention President, Johnny Hunt, 69, was suspended from the Southern Baptist Church (SBC) for allegedly sexually assaulting another pastor's wife during a beach vacation in 2010.
But he returned to the pulpit in January 2023 at Hiland Park Baptist Church in Panama City, Florida, where he gave his first sermon in eight months.
Hunt used to preach at a First Baptist Church Woodstock in Georgia before he was suspended after SBC's Executive Committee released an investigative report in May that found truth in the sexual assault claims against him.
He was accused of sexually assaulting a young pastor's wife - who was 24 years younger than him - and telling her he wanted to have sex with her three times a day while on a Panama City beach vacation in 2010.
The pastor was found guilty in the report of kissing the woman and 'touching her breast over her clothes' and 'pulling down [her] pants.'
In a May 2022 statement, after the 288-page report was made public, Hunt admitted to getting into a 'compromising situation' and had a 'brief, but improper, encounter' with the man's wife, who was not named. He said he 'fled' the room after getting an 'overwhelming feeling of conviction.'
He maintains that it was a 'consensual encounter' and that it was 'not abuse nor was it assault.'
In 2022, Hunt and his wife Janet joined Hiland Park Baptist Church, where he was introduced as 'one of the greatest pulpiteers in our generation.'
Former Southern Baptist Convention President, Johnny Hunt, 69, was suspended from the Southern Baptist Church (SBC) for allegedly sexually assaulting another pastor's wife during a beach vacation in 2010.
But he returned to the pulpit in January 2023 at Hiland Park Baptist Church in Panama City, Florida, where he gave his first sermon in eight months.
Hunt used to preach at a First Baptist Church Woodstock in Georgia before he was suspended after SBC's Executive Committee released an investigative report in May that found truth in the sexual assault claims against him.
He was accused of sexually assaulting a young pastor's wife - who was 24 years younger than him - and telling her he wanted to have sex with her three times a day while on a Panama City beach vacation in 2010.
The pastor was found guilty in the report of kissing the woman and 'touching her breast over her clothes' and 'pulling down [her] pants.'
In a May 2022 statement, after the 288-page report was made public, Hunt admitted to getting into a 'compromising situation' and had a 'brief, but improper, encounter' with the man's wife, who was not named. He said he 'fled' the room after getting an 'overwhelming feeling of conviction.'
He maintains that it was a 'consensual encounter' and that it was 'not abuse nor was it assault.'
In 2022, Hunt and his wife Janet joined Hiland Park Baptist Church, where he was introduced as 'one of the greatest pulpiteers in our generation.'
Nov 30, 2022: The Tennessean: Leaders denounce former SBC president Johnny Hunt’s return to ministry amid abuse allegations
- In May, allegations emerged of sexual assault against former SBC president Johnny Hunt.
- Hunt and four Southern Baptist pastors recently announced Hunt will return to ministry after "restoration" process.
- SBC President Bart Barber: "I would permanently 'defrock' Johnny Hunt if I had the authority to do so."
==John Davison Hunter======
James Davison Hunter (born 1955) is an American sociologist and originator of the term "Culture Wars" in his 1991 book Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America. Hunter is the LaBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory at the University of Virginia and the founder and executive director of the university's Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture He is also a senior fellow at the Trinity Forum. Hunter is a prominent figure in the sociology of religion and the sociology of culture, as much of his work dedicated to the study of Evangelicalism and cultural change. He is also notable for popularizing the term culture war
The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis
American evangelicals have long been proficient at introspective assessments of our own movement. Since the mid-1980s, sociologists like James Davison Hunter have diagnosed evangelicalism’s contemporary virtues and pathologies, while thinkers like Mark Noll and David Bebbington have sought to interpret the movement through a historical lens. Such diagnoses have often taken on an urgent tone that, rather than undermining the movement, has been one of the keys to its endurance and vitality. In 1967, Carl Henry wrote Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis, warning that evangelicals were in danger of being culturally marginalized. In 1976, he penned a similarly anxious missive, Evangelicals in Search of an Identity. If evangelicalism is anything at all, it is probably a movement preoccupied with such a search and with the social alienation that demands it.
(Matthew Lee Anderson/Public Discourse 11/13/23)
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American evangelicals have long been proficient at introspective assessments of our own movement. Since the mid-1980s, sociologists like James Davison Hunter have diagnosed evangelicalism’s contemporary virtues and pathologies, while thinkers like Mark Noll and David Bebbington have sought to interpret the movement through a historical lens. Such diagnoses have often taken on an urgent tone that, rather than undermining the movement, has been one of the keys to its endurance and vitality. In 1967, Carl Henry wrote Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis, warning that evangelicals were in danger of being culturally marginalized. In 1976, he penned a similarly anxious missive, Evangelicals in Search of an Identity. If evangelicalism is anything at all, it is probably a movement preoccupied with such a search and with the social alienation that demands it.
(Matthew Lee Anderson/Public Discourse 11/13/23)
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==nicole hunt======
- DAVIS: When Evangelicals Supported Abortion
(Religion Unplugged 8/28/24) READ MORE>>>>>