- Sunny Shell - Don Shenk - Josh Shepherd - Andrew Sheppard - Bill Shiell - Laurie Schlegel - Don Schmierer - Jeff Schreve - Lee Scott - Mark Scott - Nick Scotton - Mike Scruggs - Jasmine Sculark - Steve Seamands -
==Sunny Shell======

Western Christianity is not in ICU because we’re too injured or weary from persecutions and afflictions for the sake of Christ. Western Christianity is in ICU because too many of us have become Christian picnickers rather than Christian soldiers; sitting comfortably on the sidelines, always seeking to enjoy something from the Lord, while striving to avoid the afflictions of the Lord. So choose this day whom you will love and honor above all else: Christ or self. So choose this day whom you will love and honor above all else: Christ or self. Remember, it’s never too late to do the right thing—unless you’re dead. Now, may the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ, so that you may not be ashamed at His appearing. (2 Thess 3:5, 1 Jn 2:28) --Sunny Shell; Western Christianity Is In ICU 7/2924

But love to God is this: That we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? (1 Jn 5:3-5) God, as always, does all the heavy lifting because He alone is the Almighty. We are not. Our only duty as His faithful and loving children is to demonstrate our love for Him, not with mere words, but with deeds and truth (1 Jn 3:18). And we can, because Christ our God suffered, died, and resurrected so that we may suffer for Christ, die to self, and rise in the newness of eternal life—the holy and righteous life of Christ the Father has generously poured out to us. God is kind. And God is good. He never commands us to obey anything He hasn’t already and abundantly provided us with the means and ways to obey Him wholeheartedly. --Sunny Shell; Abandoned to Christ; Bemoaning God's Kindness 7.22.23
==don shenk======
May 14, 2023: Fox News: Example set by persecuted Christians is both 'inspiring' and 'convicting,' says Pennsylvania evangelist
All believers today need to model what life in the spirit of Christ is like, says evangelist Don Shenk
All believers today need to model what life in the spirit of Christ is like, says evangelist Don Shenk
==josh shepherd======

Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), a youth-driven evangelism movement that popularized short-term mission trips among evangelicals, has died following a battle with cancer. He was 88. Cunningham, a missions pioneer who served as chancellor of YWAM’s University of the Nations in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, died on October 6. Lynn Green, a senior leader of YWAM, announced in a statement that Cunningham had “passed away peacefully today at 4:20 AM at home in his sleep.” According to YWAM, Cunningham “was the first person in history to travel to every sovereign nation on earth (and) all dependent countries . . . for the sake of Christ and the Great Commission.” While he had roots in the Assemblies of God denomination, a charismatic fellowship of churches, Cunningham envisioned YWAM as inter-denominational from its founding. --Josh Shepherd; Roys Report; Loren Cunningham, Founder of Youth With A Mission, Has Died 10.10.23
==andrew sheppard======
Immediately, in verse 1, we see themes of justice and righteousness as the ground upon which the Lord’s salvation will stand, and the prophet is clearly making the observance of justice and righteousness a crucial element to the life to which the nations have been invited. Of course, this is not unfamiliar territory for the prophetic office, or for Israel’s ears for that matter. The priority of the “works of mercy” in the ordering of communal life is well established for the people of God. As we see elsewhere, Israel is not always quick to observe this priority, despite its centrality to the scheme of God’s community. If the nations do succeed in this careful and counter-cultural prioritization, their worship, unlike those seen elsewhere (e.g. Amos 5), will be acceptable, fostering the kind of joy envisioned by those originally bound to the covenant. Life together, correctly ordered, leads to worship that is also correctly ordered.
Another key element of this invitation is Sabbath honoring and covenant keeping. It seems to be the case that God is not just inviting the nations as an afterthought, as a periphery addition to extend the greatness of God’s name. Rather, the invitation is to a life fully engaged and involved in the strange, upside-down living of the people of Israel. Whether or not Israel has done well to keep up with these distinctive ways of living, God has no qualms about saying the joy of life together is only possible if all are on equal footing with each other. In other words, the prophet’s speech here serves not to destroy what has already been established in Israel, though that may have been the more efficient or logical option. Rather, God’s invitation transcends the short-sightedness of zero-sum belonging to God, of the markings of an inner circle verses a fringe contingent. With this invitation, the One Lord is making possible the inception of new life together. --Andrew Sheppard; Ekklesia Project; Whose Land? Whose Community?
Another key element of this invitation is Sabbath honoring and covenant keeping. It seems to be the case that God is not just inviting the nations as an afterthought, as a periphery addition to extend the greatness of God’s name. Rather, the invitation is to a life fully engaged and involved in the strange, upside-down living of the people of Israel. Whether or not Israel has done well to keep up with these distinctive ways of living, God has no qualms about saying the joy of life together is only possible if all are on equal footing with each other. In other words, the prophet’s speech here serves not to destroy what has already been established in Israel, though that may have been the more efficient or logical option. Rather, God’s invitation transcends the short-sightedness of zero-sum belonging to God, of the markings of an inner circle verses a fringe contingent. With this invitation, the One Lord is making possible the inception of new life together. --Andrew Sheppard; Ekklesia Project; Whose Land? Whose Community?
==bill shiell======
May 12, 2023: Baptist News Global: The hidden battle in Christian higher education: A conversation with Scott Okamoto
Northern Seminary joined the fray when accusations of bullying were brought against President Bill Shiell, which led to a third of the students signing a letter to express no confidence in the board, the resignation of Shiell and the acting chair of the board, and one of the first whistleblowers being fired by the board.
Northern Seminary joined the fray when accusations of bullying were brought against President Bill Shiell, which led to a third of the students signing a letter to express no confidence in the board, the resignation of Shiell and the acting chair of the board, and one of the first whistleblowers being fired by the board.
==laurie schlegel======
Feb 17, 2023: Guardian: Republicans take aim at risque jokes and romance novels with anti-sex bills
Laurie Schlegel, a Republican state senator who drafted the Louisiana law, is a sex-addiction therapist educated at Baptist seminary, who opposed transgender students from being on sports teams that align with their gender. Schlegel’s anti-LGBTQ+ views fit with the broader goal of the laws, according to Carolyn Bronstein, a professor of media studies at DePaul University.
“These laws are really not about controlling minors’ access to violent pornography … In the conservative world view, pornography is information about LGBTQ identity, abortion, gay marriage,” said Bronstein.Eight states have justified their actions by saying that porn is “creating a public health crisis”. Louisiana’s bill claims that pornography “may lead to low self-esteem, body image disorders, an increase in problematic sexual activity at younger ages … impact brain development … shape deviant sexual arousal, and lead to difficulty in forming or maintaining positive, intimate relationships, as well as promoting problematic or harmful sexual behaviors and addiction.”
Laurie Schlegel, a Republican state senator who drafted the Louisiana law, is a sex-addiction therapist educated at Baptist seminary, who opposed transgender students from being on sports teams that align with their gender. Schlegel’s anti-LGBTQ+ views fit with the broader goal of the laws, according to Carolyn Bronstein, a professor of media studies at DePaul University.
“These laws are really not about controlling minors’ access to violent pornography … In the conservative world view, pornography is information about LGBTQ identity, abortion, gay marriage,” said Bronstein.Eight states have justified their actions by saying that porn is “creating a public health crisis”. Louisiana’s bill claims that pornography “may lead to low self-esteem, body image disorders, an increase in problematic sexual activity at younger ages … impact brain development … shape deviant sexual arousal, and lead to difficulty in forming or maintaining positive, intimate relationships, as well as promoting problematic or harmful sexual behaviors and addiction.”
==don schmierer======
March 19, 2023: Foreign Policy: How U.S. Evangelicals Helped Homophobia Flourish in Africa
On that same trip and speaking at the same conference as Lively were evangelicals Caleb Lee Brundidge, who said he was formerly gay, and Exodus International board member Don Schmierer. Schmierer spoke on a lack of good upbringing as a cause of homosexuality and was quoted as saying that 56 percent of homosexuals experienced abuse as children, which turned them into homosexuals.
On that same trip and speaking at the same conference as Lively were evangelicals Caleb Lee Brundidge, who said he was formerly gay, and Exodus International board member Don Schmierer. Schmierer spoke on a lack of good upbringing as a cause of homosexuality and was quoted as saying that 56 percent of homosexuals experienced abuse as children, which turned them into homosexuals.
==Jeff schreve======
April 25, 2023: AFA: Reprove, Rebuke, and Exhort
Listeners to Dr. Jeff Schreve’s AFR shows (Real Truth for Today and From His Heart) will appreciate that his straightforward examination of timely cultural issues through the infallible lens of Scripture are not for the meek or mild – or the woke. But rest assured, Schreve’s passionate and unwavering message of God’s truth continually offers the redemption and grace America so desperately needs.
Listeners to Dr. Jeff Schreve’s AFR shows (Real Truth for Today and From His Heart) will appreciate that his straightforward examination of timely cultural issues through the infallible lens of Scripture are not for the meek or mild – or the woke. But rest assured, Schreve’s passionate and unwavering message of God’s truth continually offers the redemption and grace America so desperately needs.
==lee scott======
These evangelicals are voting their values — by backing Kamala Harris
When the Rev. Lee Scott publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for president during the Evangelicals for Harris Zoom call on Aug. 14, the Presbyterian pastor and farmer said he was taking a risk. “The easy thing for us to do this year would be to keep our heads down, go to the ballot box, keep our vote secret and go about our business,” Scott told the group, which garnered roughly 3,200 viewers according to organizers. “But at this time, I just can’t do that.” Scott lives in Butler, Pennsylvania, the same town where a would-be assassin shot former President Donald Trump in July. Scott told The Associated Press that the attack and its impact on his community pushed him to speak out against Trump and the “vitriol” and “acceptable violence” he normalized in politics. (Seattle Times 9.19.24) READMORE>>>>>
When the Rev. Lee Scott publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for president during the Evangelicals for Harris Zoom call on Aug. 14, the Presbyterian pastor and farmer said he was taking a risk. “The easy thing for us to do this year would be to keep our heads down, go to the ballot box, keep our vote secret and go about our business,” Scott told the group, which garnered roughly 3,200 viewers according to organizers. “But at this time, I just can’t do that.” Scott lives in Butler, Pennsylvania, the same town where a would-be assassin shot former President Donald Trump in July. Scott told The Associated Press that the attack and its impact on his community pushed him to speak out against Trump and the “vitriol” and “acceptable violence” he normalized in politics. (Seattle Times 9.19.24) READMORE>>>>>
==mark scott======
Mark Scott, longtime professor of preaching and New Testament with Ozark Christian College concluded his full-time service with the school on May 31, 2021, so he could focus on ministry with Park Plaza Christian Church in Joplin, Mo.

God had given Judah “the way” to follow. But their persistent sinful behavior, evident in verses 16-20, caused God to say, “Don’t even pray to me about this.” It was wasted breath. The way of God is obedience. The people thought the key was jumping through all the hoops of their religion (e.g., burnt offerings, sacrifices, etc.). But they had their priorities in the wrong order. The formula from Egypt forward was deliverance, obedience, and sacrifices. God gave them deliverance (out of Egypt), then called for their obedience (the Ten Commandments), and finally gave them the rules about sacrifices (Leviticus 1–7). All the sacrifices in the world could not atone for a disobedient heart. If they obeyed God, then it would go well with them. Misplaced trust does not bode well with God. False hope will not get us home. -Mark Scott; The Lookout; June 2023
==nick scotton======
A group of pastors are working on opening a new faith based elementary school in Valley City.
Pastor Terry Detwiler said three area pastors have been working on a plan to open a Christian School in Valley City.
Pastor Nick Scotton talked about the concept of this new school.
A group of pastors are working on opening a new faith based elementary school in Valley City.
Pastor Terry Detwiler said three area pastors have been working on a plan to open a Christian School in Valley City.
Pastor Nick Scotton talked about the concept of this new school.
==mike scruggs======
Aug 27, 2019: Cincinnatti Enquirer: 56 named to Chamber's latest Leadership Cincinnati class
Todd Schild, partner, Thompson Hine LLP; Beth Schwartz, president and CEO, Cincinnati Union Bethel; Mike Scruggs, pastor, Light of the World Church; Megan Shaffer, senior director of operations, Kroger Co.; Kristin Smith Shrimplin, president/CEO, Women Helping Women; John Sieg, retail executive, Fifth Third Bank Cincinnati; Jaipal Singh, principal architect and owner, Chaatrik Architecture; and Stephanie A. Smith, chief inclusion and diversity officer, Fifth Third Bank.
Aug 3, 2015: All Christian News: Pastor Uses Stripper Pole In Sermon To Encourage More Intimacy Between Married Couples
Jacque Reid of Majic 102.3 recently hosted Mike Scruggs, the pastor and founder of Light of the World Ministries out of Cincinnati, OH. Pastor Scruggs caused quite a stir when his congregant showed up to church one Sunday to find that he had placed a stripper pole on the stage. The stunt was a part of a sermon that challenged married couples to start having more s*x.
Todd Schild, partner, Thompson Hine LLP; Beth Schwartz, president and CEO, Cincinnati Union Bethel; Mike Scruggs, pastor, Light of the World Church; Megan Shaffer, senior director of operations, Kroger Co.; Kristin Smith Shrimplin, president/CEO, Women Helping Women; John Sieg, retail executive, Fifth Third Bank Cincinnati; Jaipal Singh, principal architect and owner, Chaatrik Architecture; and Stephanie A. Smith, chief inclusion and diversity officer, Fifth Third Bank.
Aug 3, 2015: All Christian News: Pastor Uses Stripper Pole In Sermon To Encourage More Intimacy Between Married Couples
Jacque Reid of Majic 102.3 recently hosted Mike Scruggs, the pastor and founder of Light of the World Ministries out of Cincinnati, OH. Pastor Scruggs caused quite a stir when his congregant showed up to church one Sunday to find that he had placed a stripper pole on the stage. The stunt was a part of a sermon that challenged married couples to start having more s*x.
==jasmine sculark======
Dec 8, 2019: Premium Times: Pastor Fatoyinbo To Host Matthew Ashimolowo, Mensa Otabil, Tudor Bismark, Others at 12DG 2020
12DG 2020 will feature impactful sessions from prominent speakers such as Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Dr Mensa Otabil, Dr Bill Winston, Bishop Tudor Bismark, Dr Jasmin Sculark and Reverend Marissa Farrow.
12DG 2020 will feature impactful sessions from prominent speakers such as Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Dr Mensa Otabil, Dr Bill Winston, Bishop Tudor Bismark, Dr Jasmin Sculark and Reverend Marissa Farrow.
Oct 13, 2014: Obnoxioustv's Blog: Open Letter to Pastor Dr. Jasmin Sculark–Bishop T.D. Jakes Might Have Installed Her Prematurely
Obnoxious Media has heard rumors that the deceased pastors will may have been changed while she was on her death bed and unaware of what she was signing. Joel was removed from the church by the police, but it is not over. Now Dr. Jazz was installed as pastor by Bishop T.D. Jakes, but they may have acted prematurely!
Sept 5, 2014: Washington Post: Rev. Jasmin Sculark to be installed as permanent minister at Jericho City of Praise
For nearly four years, Jericho City of Praise, one of the largest churches in the Washington area, has been the object of a power struggle between the son of the sanctuary’s late founders and elders who took control of the church after the second of the two founders died in 2010.
Dr. Jazz, The Daughter of Thunder is a native of the Island of Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Jazz is the Senior Pastor of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD and the Founder and President of Dr. Jazz Ministries. She is a nationally and internationally known as Pastor, Teacher, Author and Evangelist. Dr. Jazz’s life goal and mission is to encourage, equip and empower the world through the written and spoken Word. True to her name sake, “Daughter of Thunder,” Dr. Jazz’s preaching and teaching ministry makes a thunderous sound in the earth and in the mind and hearts of those who come in contact with her ministry.
God has chosen to use this humble vessel to do a mighty work in this 21st Century. In the summer of 2013 she was invited to be a speaker for Bishop TD Jakes world renowned Mega Fest Conference. On March 31, 2014 her new broadcast, “This is your best day yet” was launched on The Word Network and as God saw fit on April 1st, 2014 Dr. Jazz was appointed the Senior Pastor of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD. Dr. Jazz has published her first book, Dancing with Broken Bones and is looking forward to all that God has in store for the ministry that lies within her. Only Dr. Jazz as Esther: a woman for such a time as this!
Obnoxious Media has heard rumors that the deceased pastors will may have been changed while she was on her death bed and unaware of what she was signing. Joel was removed from the church by the police, but it is not over. Now Dr. Jazz was installed as pastor by Bishop T.D. Jakes, but they may have acted prematurely!
Sept 5, 2014: Washington Post: Rev. Jasmin Sculark to be installed as permanent minister at Jericho City of Praise
For nearly four years, Jericho City of Praise, one of the largest churches in the Washington area, has been the object of a power struggle between the son of the sanctuary’s late founders and elders who took control of the church after the second of the two founders died in 2010.
Dr. Jazz, The Daughter of Thunder is a native of the Island of Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Jazz is the Senior Pastor of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD and the Founder and President of Dr. Jazz Ministries. She is a nationally and internationally known as Pastor, Teacher, Author and Evangelist. Dr. Jazz’s life goal and mission is to encourage, equip and empower the world through the written and spoken Word. True to her name sake, “Daughter of Thunder,” Dr. Jazz’s preaching and teaching ministry makes a thunderous sound in the earth and in the mind and hearts of those who come in contact with her ministry.
God has chosen to use this humble vessel to do a mighty work in this 21st Century. In the summer of 2013 she was invited to be a speaker for Bishop TD Jakes world renowned Mega Fest Conference. On March 31, 2014 her new broadcast, “This is your best day yet” was launched on The Word Network and as God saw fit on April 1st, 2014 Dr. Jazz was appointed the Senior Pastor of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD. Dr. Jazz has published her first book, Dancing with Broken Bones and is looking forward to all that God has in store for the ministry that lies within her. Only Dr. Jazz as Esther: a woman for such a time as this!
==steve seamands======
Feb 13, 2023: Christianity Today: Asbury Professor: We’re Witnessing a ‘Surprising Work of God’
My colleague Steve Seamands, a retired theologian from the seminary, told me that what is happening resembles the famous Asbury Revival of 1970 he experienced when he was a student. That revival shut down classes for a week, then went on for two more weeks with nightly services. Hundreds of students went out to share what happened with other schools
My colleague Steve Seamands, a retired theologian from the seminary, told me that what is happening resembles the famous Asbury Revival of 1970 he experienced when he was a student. That revival shut down classes for a week, then went on for two more weeks with nightly services. Hundreds of students went out to share what happened with other schools