Jonathan Sacks - Josh Saefkow - Joel Saint - Tarah-Lynn Sait-Ellen - Gabriel Salguero - Hkalam Samson - John Samson - Nick Sandefur - David Saperstein - Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati - Mark Sartin -
==jonathan sacks======
Morality cannot be outsourced because it depends on each of us. Without self-restraint, without the capacity to defer the gratification of instinct, and without the habits of heart and deed that we call virtues, we will eventually lose our freedom. --Rabbi Jonathan Sacks; Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times
==josh saefkow======
Major stories of 2023: Georgia Baptists re-elect president, add more churches to roster
Fayetteville pastor Josh Saefkow will serve a second one-year term as president of the Georgia Baptist Convention, the state’s largest religious group with some 1.4 million members. That’s one of a long series of significant stories reported in The Christian Index during 2023. Saefkow, with his winsome personality and unwavering work ethic that had him crisscrossing the state for preaching engagements and meetings throughout his first term, had no opposition and was elected by acclamation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention in November. (Roger Alford/The Christian Index 12/25/23
Fayetteville pastor Josh Saefkow will serve a second one-year term as president of the Georgia Baptist Convention, the state’s largest religious group with some 1.4 million members. That’s one of a long series of significant stories reported in The Christian Index during 2023. Saefkow, with his winsome personality and unwavering work ethic that had him crisscrossing the state for preaching engagements and meetings throughout his first term, had no opposition and was elected by acclamation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention in November. (Roger Alford/The Christian Index 12/25/23
==joel saint======
Joel Saint is a graduate of Washington Bible College in Lanham, MD (now a subsidiary of Lancaster Bible College), Joel began in ministry as an Arminian youth pastor, became reformed and theonomic in his theology, and then entered a secular career as an executive salesman . While maintaining a secular career, he has used his teaching gifts and abilities in his local church bodies, hosted a worldview radio commentary and run for a local political office. He is a pastor at the Independence Reformed Bible Church in Morgantown, PA and is the Executive Director of The Mid Atlantic Reformation Society.
For his part, Pastor Joel Saint said the ReAwaken America Tour failed to explain how we got here and what to do about it, except to reelect Trump and create a Red wave. He also complains that the Republican Party has “already accepted homo-sex marriage” and “is playing footsie-wootsie now with transgenderism.” This, he says, “is completely offensive to God.”
For his part, Pastor Joel Saint said the ReAwaken America Tour failed to explain how we got here and what to do about it, except to reelect Trump and create a Red wave. He also complains that the Republican Party has “already accepted homo-sex marriage” and “is playing footsie-wootsie now with transgenderism.” This, he says, “is completely offensive to God.”

“We believe that Christ set all authority,” he explained, noting that there “is no such thing as legitimate authority outside of Jesus Christ. The U.S. is not a monarchy, that’s why we have legislation, that’s why we have written constitutions to limit the power and the authority of tyrannical people and yes, this governor is a tyrant. And you know what? We’re not thrilled with taking other people’s money in the form of these stimulus checks — doesn’t really make us feel all that good.....How about this? How about you stop taking our money, and I won’t ask for any of it back.” The pastor added that welfare is job of the church and family, telling Breitbart News, “It’s not the job of the state, because the state takes it away by force. The church and the family give it away voluntarily. No more state-sponsored welfare. It’s unbiblical and ungodly and needs to stop. People should be held accountable....China may have started this whole thing, but right now I’m not worried about the coronavirus. I’m worried about the hype surrounding the coronavirus. I’m worried about all the rights that have been taken away from people because of the coronavirus....I’m not concentrating on China right now. I’m concentrating on the US of A and Gov. Wolf, who are overreacting, overreaching, and destroying their neighbors." -Pastor Joel Saint to Breitbart; Apr 20, 2020
==tarah-lynn sait-ellen======

So how do we overcome our fear? Here are three quick tips.
1. It starts with taking every thought captive. The apostle Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to capture every thought and subject it to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). This process of thinking about what we’re thinking about is important. If we don’t examine what we think about, we won’t be able to identify the areas we’re most fearful. We won’t be able to expose the lies of the enemy.
2. Replace lies with truth. Where do you find truth in a world that changes the narrative to suit whatever agenda is being pushed?
The Bible tells us that the Word of God is truth (John 17:17). Jesus Himself said He was the truth (John 14:6). It, therefore, means that we need to immerse ourselves in the Word of God so we can know the truth.
3. Prepare for battle. This process of overcoming our fear is not a one-time event. Sadly, we will have to do it many times in our lifetimes, sometimes battling the same fears. The good news is that God has already equipped us with everything we need to be successful (Psalm 18:39).
--Tarah-Lynn Sait-Ellen; Hebrews12Endurance; How to Overcome Fear: 3 Quick Tips
1. It starts with taking every thought captive. The apostle Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to capture every thought and subject it to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). This process of thinking about what we’re thinking about is important. If we don’t examine what we think about, we won’t be able to identify the areas we’re most fearful. We won’t be able to expose the lies of the enemy.
2. Replace lies with truth. Where do you find truth in a world that changes the narrative to suit whatever agenda is being pushed?
The Bible tells us that the Word of God is truth (John 17:17). Jesus Himself said He was the truth (John 14:6). It, therefore, means that we need to immerse ourselves in the Word of God so we can know the truth.
3. Prepare for battle. This process of overcoming our fear is not a one-time event. Sadly, we will have to do it many times in our lifetimes, sometimes battling the same fears. The good news is that God has already equipped us with everything we need to be successful (Psalm 18:39).
--Tarah-Lynn Sait-Ellen; Hebrews12Endurance; How to Overcome Fear: 3 Quick Tips
==Gabriel Salguero======

Rev. Gabriel Salguero is the pastor of The Gathering Place, a multi-ethnic Assemblies of God congregation in Orlando, Florida. He is also the co-founder of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, made up of 3,000 churches, nonprofits, clergy leaders, and educational institutions. He was the former Director of the Hispanic Leadership Program (HLP), and the Institute for Faith and Public Life at Princeton Theological Seminary. Salguero is also a powerful voice on issues that affect the close to 9 million Latino evangelicals in the United States. Salguero’s leadership through NaLEC, offers an important voice for the growing diversity and changing demographics in our country. He has written extensively on Latino evangelicalism, immigration, racism, and multicultural congregations. Salguero has been named as one of the nation’s most prominent Latino evangelical leaders by the New York Times, Huffington Post, the New York Observer, the Center for American Progress, El Diario, CNN Español, NBC Universal, Univisión, and Jorge Ramos’s Al Punto. In addition, his leadership on issues of young male education and criminal justice reform has been featured by the Discovery Channel and the Oprah Winfrey Network. Rev. Salguero has served on the White House Faith-Based Advisory Council, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), and the National Advisory Council of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. He is also on the board of La Asociación Evangélica Latina (AEL) the coalition of Latin American evangelicals which is the representative body for all evangelical associations in Latin America. Salguero holds a BA in Spanish and History from Rutgers University, and M.Div (magna cum laude) from New Brunswick Theological Seminary, and holds a Doctorate in Divinity (honoris causa) from Eastern Nazarene College.
Mar 31, 2023: Baptist News Global: Evangelical leaders beg DeSantis and Florida Legislature not to make them criminals for transporting immigrants to church
Opposition to the legislation is not politically motivated, said Gabriel Salguero, lead pastor of The Gathering, an Assemblies church in Orlando, and president and founder of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition.
Opposition to the legislation is not politically motivated, said Gabriel Salguero, lead pastor of The Gathering, an Assemblies church in Orlando, and president and founder of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition.
Dec 20, 2022: CBN: Churches Targeted 420 Times Since 2018: Homeland Security Warns of New Threats to Houses of Worship
Rev. Gabriel Salguero, an Orlando pastor and head of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, is one of the faith leaders named to the DHS security council.
He told CBN News that the need for real-time communication about threats to churches and faith-based institutions is key.
"We know that regrettably there are bad actors who act against people of faith and we want to be conduits of credible information and receive that information in a timely manner," he said.
Rev. Gabriel Salguero, an Orlando pastor and head of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, is one of the faith leaders named to the DHS security council.
He told CBN News that the need for real-time communication about threats to churches and faith-based institutions is key.
"We know that regrettably there are bad actors who act against people of faith and we want to be conduits of credible information and receive that information in a timely manner," he said.
==hkalam samson=============

April 10, 2023: Myanmar’s military junta sentenced Hkalam Samson, the former head of the Kachin Baptist Convention, to six years in prison on charges of terrorism, unlawful association, and inciting opposition.
Hkalam denies the charges, which the Kachin Convention say is
"politically motivated. " <<<Sound familiar?
Hkalam is in the center of the attached picture with some of Trumps "spiritual advisor board."
Hkalam denies the charges, which the Kachin Convention say is
"politically motivated. " <<<Sound familiar?
Hkalam is in the center of the attached picture with some of Trumps "spiritual advisor board."
==jon samson======

It is not the church that gave us our Bible, rather it is our Bible the gave us the church. When the church made a list of the inspired Scriptures, these were already acknowledged to be so in the Christian community. The Church did not stand over the Scripture in authority but submitted to them, using the Latin phrase “Recipimus” meaning “We Receive.” That is vital to understand. The Scriptures are self authenticating, having their source in God. The church merely recognized and received the word of God. God created the world by His word and creates Christians the same way – “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” (1 Peter 1:23) – John Samson
==nick sandefur======
KBC votes to disaffiliate with Fern Creek church
Nick Sandefur, senior pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, spoke against the motion.
He noted that the pastor, Linda Popham, has served there for 33 years and the church has “not broken any KBC rules or strayed from our bylaws.” “The flaws are that it doesn’t define what friendly cooperation is, and this ambiguous process could cause future division in our convention,” Sandefur said. “What will be the next issue — open communion or a Saturday night only service? I also see it as infringement on local church autonomy.”
(Chip Hutcheson/The News Enterprise 11/16/23)
Read More>>>>>
Nick Sandefur, senior pastor of Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, spoke against the motion.
He noted that the pastor, Linda Popham, has served there for 33 years and the church has “not broken any KBC rules or strayed from our bylaws.” “The flaws are that it doesn’t define what friendly cooperation is, and this ambiguous process could cause future division in our convention,” Sandefur said. “What will be the next issue — open communion or a Saturday night only service? I also see it as infringement on local church autonomy.”
(Chip Hutcheson/The News Enterprise 11/16/23)
Read More>>>>>
==david sapperstein======
April 25, 2023: Christian Post: Ilhan Omar to speak at religious freedom event after being removed from speaker list
The event will be moderated by former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom and former USCIRF Commissioner Rabbi David Saperstein. USCIRF Chair Nury Turkel and USCIRF Vice Chair Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the Global Social Action Agenda director at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, are scheduled to deliver the event's opening remarks.
The event will be moderated by former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom and former USCIRF Commissioner Rabbi David Saperstein. USCIRF Chair Nury Turkel and USCIRF Vice Chair Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the Global Social Action Agenda director at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, are scheduled to deliver the event's opening remarks.
==sadhvi bhagawati saraswati======
Feb 15, 2023: Religion News Service: A 300-year-old church hopes to connect with spiritual but not religious neighbors
It’s also hosted speakers, including Kimberly Wilson, who performed “A Journey,” her one-woman show about Black women who shaped American history; writer Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, author of “Hollywood to the Himalayas,” which details her life as a Hindu convert; and the Rev. Matthew Wright, an Episcopal priest and Sufi practitioner who teaches about contemplation. A current series features author Mark Greene, host of the “Remaking Manhood” podcast.
It’s also hosted speakers, including Kimberly Wilson, who performed “A Journey,” her one-woman show about Black women who shaped American history; writer Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, author of “Hollywood to the Himalayas,” which details her life as a Hindu convert; and the Rev. Matthew Wright, an Episcopal priest and Sufi practitioner who teaches about contemplation. A current series features author Mark Greene, host of the “Remaking Manhood” podcast.
==mark sartin======
Pastor Mark Sartin is a Bible teacher and a widely-traveled speaker and writer. His preaching communicates the life-changing truths of God's Word. He travels the globe training pastors and inspiring Christians to return to the passion of their faith. Pastor Mark launched Grace School of Faith, a training center birthed out of Grace Fellowship church. He leads the "Prayer for All" (Bø movement in Norway, in which every household in the nation is prayed for by name. He is a trainer with the Billion Soul Network's Global HUBS of Christianity, in which thousands of pastors are being equipped and trained to reach the unreached and fulfill the Great Commission. Pastor Mark also writes a devotional every weekday morning called "Daily Words for Christ Followers," a deeper life study in the Word of God.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but [ b]divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, NASB
Note the use of these words in these verses. In verse four, thoughts or beliefs can be built as fortresses or strongholds used in revolt against God's Truth. Here are the most frequently used terms:
vs 4, our weapons destroy f ortresses or strongholds:
(fortresses, strongholds, wardings, strengths) Most frequent is, "strongholds."
In verse five, we destroy " arguments" that are raised up against the knowledge of God. Words that are frequently used here are:
(vain) imaginations, speculations, considerations, reasonings, arguments, deceptive fantasies, counsels. Note that these thoughts assimilate into vain imaginations, beliefs systems or ways of thinking that oppose God. These systems may become so clearly defined that they are articulated as reasonable ways of thinking about God!...........These may be translated as: heights of man's thoughts, ideas, lofty opinions, imposing defenses erected by men, lofty thoughts, arrogant obstacles, proud obstacles, high ideas. Don't underestimate the ability of the enemy to present these subtly, as unimportant, or as something that is not a deal-breaker of faith. The fact remains that wrong believing will not get you to right results..
--Mike Sartin: How to Pray in Faith: Pulling Down Vain Imaginations 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Note the use of these words in these verses. In verse four, thoughts or beliefs can be built as fortresses or strongholds used in revolt against God's Truth. Here are the most frequently used terms:
vs 4, our weapons destroy f ortresses or strongholds:
(fortresses, strongholds, wardings, strengths) Most frequent is, "strongholds."
In verse five, we destroy " arguments" that are raised up against the knowledge of God. Words that are frequently used here are:
(vain) imaginations, speculations, considerations, reasonings, arguments, deceptive fantasies, counsels. Note that these thoughts assimilate into vain imaginations, beliefs systems or ways of thinking that oppose God. These systems may become so clearly defined that they are articulated as reasonable ways of thinking about God!...........These may be translated as: heights of man's thoughts, ideas, lofty opinions, imposing defenses erected by men, lofty thoughts, arrogant obstacles, proud obstacles, high ideas. Don't underestimate the ability of the enemy to present these subtly, as unimportant, or as something that is not a deal-breaker of faith. The fact remains that wrong believing will not get you to right results..
--Mike Sartin: How to Pray in Faith: Pulling Down Vain Imaginations 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
“A true leader would sacrifice the numbers to save the people- not sacrifice the people for the sake of the numbers.” -Simon Sinek