- Richard Phillips- Rick Pidcock - Chuck Pierce - Duncan Edward Pile -
==Richard D Phillips====== |
- Right Now Media -
Dr. Richard Phillips is the Senior Minister of the Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville in South Carolina. He attended Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and, after graduation, joined the pastoral staff of the church where he came to faith, Tenth Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. There, Rick was mentored by the well-known Bible teacher, Dr. James Montgomery Boice, and began his calling as a weekly preacher of God's Word. After serving at Tenth Presbyterian from 1995-2002, Rick accepted the call to be Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs, Florida. After five years there, he moved to Greenville to serve Second Presbyterian. His ministry is widely heard on the radio and the internet and Rick is frequently called upon to speak at conferences on the Bible and Reformed theology. He further serves the church by authoring books, with over twenty-five currently in print. Among his many activities, he serves on the board and council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, the council of The Gospel Coalition, and the board of trustees of Westminster Theological Seminary. Together with Philip Graham Ryken, he is series coeditor of the Reformed Expository Commentary series. In addition to the Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, Rick holds degrees from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Doctor of Divinity), the University of Pennsylvania (M.B.A.) and the University of Michigan (B.A.). Rick is married to Sharon, and they have five children.
Apr 1, 2015: Rick Phillips: : Reformation 21: More PCRT Q/A: Does Christian Marriage Require a Civil License? -
Dec 3, 2012: Tullian Tchividjian: Sin Remains: My Response To Rick Phillips
This is nothing more and nothing less than classic Reformed theology, which is why I was surprised that Rick Phillips wrote a critique of my post.
Dec 3, 2012: Tullian Tchividjian: Sin Remains: My Response To Rick Phillips
This is nothing more and nothing less than classic Reformed theology, which is why I was surprised that Rick Phillips wrote a critique of my post.
"Few of us are eager to proclaim ourselves prophets, and yet is the duty of Christians — and especially of ministers in the church — to serve in the office of prophets, voicing truth from God's Word to the church. Yet there is a great principle of deformation that always opposes this calling, a principle that is especially influential in our own day. This is the idea that it is more important to be winsome, more excellent to be pleasing in the sight of men, regardless of what you do or say, than it is to guard and proclaim the truth of God. Just as in Jeremiah's day, the pragmatists and the lovers of the new and the allies of the world hate and attack the prophetic voice because it unsettles the people. "Your words mark you as a traitor," they said to Jeremiah, and so they still say today.
If there is one certainty in the Evangelical Movement today, it is that those who confront error and compromise, those who deliver bad though biblical news, just like those reformers the prophets, will be cast aide, will be mocked and abused, will be denied access to major media, will be ridiculed and marginalized, just as the prophets of old were put to death with stones and cast into cisterns. Indeed, as Jesus Himself lamented, this treatment of prophets is veritably the spectator sport of deformation history" - Richard D. Phillips, Turning Back the Darkness: The Biblical Pattern of Reformation, (Crossway Books, Wheaton, Il, USA, 2002), p. 107-108 |
The Gospel is relevent; it is always relevent, as long as there are sinners, as long as God sits upon a holy throne of judgment, as long as lawbreakers are under the condemnation and in the bondage of sin. The Gospel is relevent to the ultimate and greatest needs of every man and woman, needs that do not change with the generations or intellectual fashions."
- Richard D. Phillips, Turning Back the Darkness: The Biblical Pattern of Reformation, (Crossway Books, Wheaton, Il, USA, 2002), p. 167 |
==rick pidcock======
Rick Pidcock is a 2004 graduate of Bob Jones University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible. He’s a freelance writer based in South Carolina and a former Clemons Fellow with BNG. He recently completed a Master of Arts degree in worship from Northern Seminary. He is a stay-at-home father of five children and produces music under the artist name Provoke Wonder. Follow his blog at www.rickpidcock.com
We all recognize what’s going on here. Sure, there are some nuances between the Duggars, Bill Gothard, IBLP, The Gospel Coalition, fundamentalists, John Piper, Kevin DeYoung, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Al Mohler, and all the organizations they write for or denominations they are members of. But they’re not fundamentally different from one another. They’re simply contractors building the same tower, with different assignments. So let’s stop pretending like the entire tower doesn’t need to be taken down. --Rick Pidcock; Baptist News Global; How to connect the dots while watching Shiny Happy People 6.7.23
==Chuck Pierce======
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Pierce leads an apostolic and prophetic ministry in Corinth, Texas. He is President of Glory of Zion International, Kingdom Harvest Alliance. The three ministries are housed at Global Spheres Center, which also includes Beulah Acres and the Israel Prayer Garden. He continues to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. The ministries located at Global Spheres Center participate in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Dr. Pierce also serves as a key bridge between Jew and Gentile as the Lord raises up One New Man. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. He has written numerous best-selling books, and has a degree in Business from Texas A&M, Master’s work in Cognitive Systems from the University of North Texas, and a D. Min. from the Wagner Leadership Institute.
July 11, 2023: Bucks County Beacon: Pennsylvania’s Prayer Warrior: Abby Abildness And Her Dominionist Crusade In The Commonwealth
We initially reported on the NAR in August last year. As stated in that report, some of the NAR’s most prominent leaders include: Cindy Jacobs, John Benefiel, Lance Wallnau, Abby Abildness, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Ché Ahn, Lou Engle, Jim Garlow, Steve Strang (Charisma News), Steve Shultz (Elijah List).
We initially reported on the NAR in August last year. As stated in that report, some of the NAR’s most prominent leaders include: Cindy Jacobs, John Benefiel, Lance Wallnau, Abby Abildness, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Ché Ahn, Lou Engle, Jim Garlow, Steve Strang (Charisma News), Steve Shultz (Elijah List).
==duncan edward pile======
The fear of the Lord is a basic acknowledgement of the difference between God and us – he is Almighty, while we are limited in power; he is immortal, but our flesh will die; he is all-knowing, while human perspective is limited. In other words, God is God, and we are not.
This fundamental acknowledgement of the way things are is the beginning of our response to God, who in terms of ability is infinitely above us. The fact of the matter is that God so exceeds us in power, that if he chose to make our lives unbearable, we would have no ability to deny him, or even voice to complain. If God were a cruel, self-important despot, the lives of his creations would be unrelentingly miserable.
It is healthy to dwell on this, from time to time, as a point of context.
-Duncan Edward Pile; Seekers Corner; The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom; 12.21.21
This fundamental acknowledgement of the way things are is the beginning of our response to God, who in terms of ability is infinitely above us. The fact of the matter is that God so exceeds us in power, that if he chose to make our lives unbearable, we would have no ability to deny him, or even voice to complain. If God were a cruel, self-important despot, the lives of his creations would be unrelentingly miserable.
It is healthy to dwell on this, from time to time, as a point of context.
-Duncan Edward Pile; Seekers Corner; The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom; 12.21.21