==Christian Nationalism 2023==
december 2023
Preserving Our Religious Freedom In America
Christian nationalists gained access to Americans’ bedrooms when the Supreme Court reversed Roe vs. Wade in 2023. Flushed with victory, some far-right conservatives are now attempting to gain power over something that’s even more private – our religious beliefs and relationships with God. I’m thoroughly Christian, but I reject twisted Christian nationalists’ views about God and the Bible. And as I thought about religion in America in preparation for this post, I wondered what ordinary Americans like you and me can do about preserving our religious freedom. (Ginny Baxter/Woman to Woman 12/30/23)
Christian nationalists gained access to Americans’ bedrooms when the Supreme Court reversed Roe vs. Wade in 2023. Flushed with victory, some far-right conservatives are now attempting to gain power over something that’s even more private – our religious beliefs and relationships with God. I’m thoroughly Christian, but I reject twisted Christian nationalists’ views about God and the Bible. And as I thought about religion in America in preparation for this post, I wondered what ordinary Americans like you and me can do about preserving our religious freedom. (Ginny Baxter/Woman to Woman 12/30/23)
If we really want to have a community and nation that comes together with respect, humility and love for one another that actually succeeds, we need to stop taking marching orders from faux religious right-wing politicians. They have proven they only really care about themselves and self-promotion. |
Heimbuch: Christian nationalism has been taking hold
Christmas is past and the new year is dawning, time for a little reflection. In embracing Jesus, a teacher who was humble, full of grace and of love, his virtues we are told to emulate. To love one another, his greatest commandment. But, now with the rise Christian nationalism, his teachings have been cast aside as too woke, too unmanly. Healing the sick? Welcoming immigrants? Helping the poor among you? To quote the former President, Jimmy Carter, “Evangelical Christianity has been hijacked by people who would have given Jesus himself the boot if he’s knocked at the door.” The Christian nationalism that has been taking hold in our country can be seen in the microcosm of our small town. "Us" and "Them" divisions are certainly damaging our sense of community, as well as nationhood. Locally a town councilman is in photos endorsing the symbols of Christian nationalists, but from what I have seen that means strutting around with your name emblazoned on your chest and denigrating your neighbors in the worst possible ways. Like the stocks of the olden days, his social media accounts parade his perceived enemies up for community scorn, over and over. Pride in his prejudices! (Robyn Heimbuch/Daily Independent 12/29/23) READ MORE>>>>> |
Christian Nationalism 2023: The Escalating War on Truth, Freedom and Life, and How People of Good Faith and Goodwill are Turning the Tide
In 2023, white Christian nationalist lawmakers and voters yet again escalated their war on truth, freedom and life. Denial of truth is a key strategy in Christian nationalists’ war against America’s democracy. Many far-right Christians in the United States still deny the truth that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, sharing an ideology of Christian authoritarianism with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán. Forsaking truth, in turn, opens the door to stripping freedom away from disliked “others.” This is the cornerstone of a Dominionist theocratic vision Christian Nationalists have of establishing a so-called “Christian nation” based on a “biblical worldview.” Forbidding freedom is an indicator that human lives, other than their own, do not matter to Christian nationalists. (Bruce T Gourley/Good Faith Media 12/28/23)
In 2023, white Christian nationalist lawmakers and voters yet again escalated their war on truth, freedom and life. Denial of truth is a key strategy in Christian nationalists’ war against America’s democracy. Many far-right Christians in the United States still deny the truth that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, sharing an ideology of Christian authoritarianism with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán. Forsaking truth, in turn, opens the door to stripping freedom away from disliked “others.” This is the cornerstone of a Dominionist theocratic vision Christian Nationalists have of establishing a so-called “Christian nation” based on a “biblical worldview.” Forbidding freedom is an indicator that human lives, other than their own, do not matter to Christian nationalists. (Bruce T Gourley/Good Faith Media 12/28/23)
Most-read analysis pieces addressed patriarchy, complementarianism, LGBTQ inclusion and Christian nationalism
The most-read Baptist News Global analysis pieces in 2023 focused on patriarchy and complementarianism, LGBTQ inclusion, fundamentalism and Christian nationalism. Personalities like Amy Grant, Greg Locke, John MacArthur, Rick Warren and Karen Swallow Prior were among the leading personalities featured in the Top 20 analysis articles for the year. (Jeff Brumley/Baptist News Global 12/28/23)
The most-read Baptist News Global analysis pieces in 2023 focused on patriarchy and complementarianism, LGBTQ inclusion, fundamentalism and Christian nationalism. Personalities like Amy Grant, Greg Locke, John MacArthur, Rick Warren and Karen Swallow Prior were among the leading personalities featured in the Top 20 analysis articles for the year. (Jeff Brumley/Baptist News Global 12/28/23)
A New Year, Intro To Project 2025, Threats To Freedom & Life
In past articles, I listed the traits of fascism and linked them to current event articles. Now that our democracy is in true danger, I still have some hope that we can break free of the Christian Nationalist hold before Project 2025 could possibly be implemented. Let’s look at a political scientist from Yale named Jason Stanley. Stanley defines the traits of fascism in his video. The key is, when most to all of them exist together concurrently, this is when we are in trouble. They are all happening concurrently at this moment in time. I believe they tie right into the blueprint of Project 2025 and the threats to historically-marginalized populations, including in our area of San Antonio, TX, especially in places like Texas. (Julie Nichols/All Texans Not Some Texans 12/27/23)
In past articles, I listed the traits of fascism and linked them to current event articles. Now that our democracy is in true danger, I still have some hope that we can break free of the Christian Nationalist hold before Project 2025 could possibly be implemented. Let’s look at a political scientist from Yale named Jason Stanley. Stanley defines the traits of fascism in his video. The key is, when most to all of them exist together concurrently, this is when we are in trouble. They are all happening concurrently at this moment in time. I believe they tie right into the blueprint of Project 2025 and the threats to historically-marginalized populations, including in our area of San Antonio, TX, especially in places like Texas. (Julie Nichols/All Texans Not Some Texans 12/27/23)
Trump isn't the real threat to democracy. Christian nationalism is
Less than a year away from what is surely the most fateful presidential election in American history, warnings about the threats to democracy associated with right-wing extremism and Trumpist authoritarianism dominate media’s attention. Meanwhile, at the local level, a related movement, Christian nationalism, constitutes an equally serious creeping threat to democracy, pluralism and diversity. Its driving force is the National Association of Christian Lawmakers. (Herb Paine/AzCentral 12/26/23)
Less than a year away from what is surely the most fateful presidential election in American history, warnings about the threats to democracy associated with right-wing extremism and Trumpist authoritarianism dominate media’s attention. Meanwhile, at the local level, a related movement, Christian nationalism, constitutes an equally serious creeping threat to democracy, pluralism and diversity. Its driving force is the National Association of Christian Lawmakers. (Herb Paine/AzCentral 12/26/23)
“"The crisis at hand is not simply that Christ’s message has been corroded, but that his Church has been radicalized," Alberta wrote, adding that "culture-war flash points have accelerated notions of imminent Armageddon inside American Christendom." |
'Incumbent' on Christians to condemn 'extremism in the church' for democracy’s sake: evangelical
This Christmas, a journalist raised in the evangelical tradition called on his fellow believers to confront the rise of Christian nationalism before it tears apart the fabric of society. In a recent essay for The Atlantic, journalist Tim Alberta — the son of a megachurch pastor who has identified as an evangelical since childhood — warned of the creeping threat that Christian nationalism poses to society as a whole. (Carl Gibson/Alternet 12/26/23) READ MORE>>>>> |
‘You better pray’: Christian nationalist groups are mobilizing before the 2024 elections
Now, with the 2024 presidential election less than a year away, Wisconsin’s patriot movement and its allies are fighting for legislation that they believe will protect the state’s electoral process from fraud, and mobilizing supporters to work the polls, observe polling places and spread the word about their concerns – pushing the GOP further to the right and threatening more challenges to the voting process come election day. Patriots of Ozaukee County was created in March 2021 by local activists who were “upset about the election”, said Scott Rishel, who founded the group. He felt there was nowhere he could speak freely about the 2020 election, or things like Covid-19 vaccines and masks. Plus, he said: “We were tired of the GOP, because they’re not really an activist organization.” (Alice Sherman/The Guardian 12/24/23)
Now, with the 2024 presidential election less than a year away, Wisconsin’s patriot movement and its allies are fighting for legislation that they believe will protect the state’s electoral process from fraud, and mobilizing supporters to work the polls, observe polling places and spread the word about their concerns – pushing the GOP further to the right and threatening more challenges to the voting process come election day. Patriots of Ozaukee County was created in March 2021 by local activists who were “upset about the election”, said Scott Rishel, who founded the group. He felt there was nowhere he could speak freely about the 2020 election, or things like Covid-19 vaccines and masks. Plus, he said: “We were tired of the GOP, because they’re not really an activist organization.” (Alice Sherman/The Guardian 12/24/23)
Mike Johnson's Christian Nationalism
Links between the new Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson, and key Christian nationalist leaders have sparked fears the devout Louisiana congressman might seek to erode elements of the first amendment, which protects key US civil liberties including freedom of religion and the separation of church and state.
Long before the evangelical conservative Johnson became speaker, he had forged close ties with Christian nationalists like David Barton, whose writings claiming the country’s founders intended to create a Christian nation have been widely debunked by religion scholars.
(TheShortSwede/Daily Kos/12/23/23)
Links between the new Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson, and key Christian nationalist leaders have sparked fears the devout Louisiana congressman might seek to erode elements of the first amendment, which protects key US civil liberties including freedom of religion and the separation of church and state.
Long before the evangelical conservative Johnson became speaker, he had forged close ties with Christian nationalists like David Barton, whose writings claiming the country’s founders intended to create a Christian nation have been widely debunked by religion scholars.
(TheShortSwede/Daily Kos/12/23/23)
COLUMN: Christian nationalism, once fringe, now seen as more mainstream in conservative politics As Christmas Day draws near and the season of perpetual hope is in full swing, it comes a time for many to reflect on the previous year and to start setting goals for the next year. As all years seem to be since the dawn of this century, it’s been a tough political one – and many, including myself, are not looking forward to 2024, which includes a presidential election. I find myself often feeling hopeless that our country will have more appealing choices than we’ve had the past few election cycles. All across our political spectrum, political parties and ideologies are gearing up for a combative and divisive election cycle once again. (Cindy Allen/Talequah Daily Press 12/21/23) Read More>>>>> |
New study finds Christian nationalists to be more complex than media portrayals
(RNS) — A new study estimates that about 30% of Americans are open to the ideas associated with Christian nationalism, but the study’s authors say those who adhere to or sympathize with the ideology are a more complex group than media portrayals and even other studies have found. “Christian Nationalism: A New Approach” is the work of Neighborly Faith, an organization founded to help evangelical Christians build stronger relationships with people from other religious groups. In a webinar on Monday (Dec. 18), Neighborly Faith researchers said they took a more detailed look at Christian nationalism than previous efforts, beginning with the criterion typically used to identify Christian nationalist leanings. Where most surveys ask six questions, the Neighborly Faith survey asked 14. (Jack Jenkins/Religion News Service 12/18/23)
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(RNS) — A new study estimates that about 30% of Americans are open to the ideas associated with Christian nationalism, but the study’s authors say those who adhere to or sympathize with the ideology are a more complex group than media portrayals and even other studies have found. “Christian Nationalism: A New Approach” is the work of Neighborly Faith, an organization founded to help evangelical Christians build stronger relationships with people from other religious groups. In a webinar on Monday (Dec. 18), Neighborly Faith researchers said they took a more detailed look at Christian nationalism than previous efforts, beginning with the criterion typically used to identify Christian nationalist leanings. Where most surveys ask six questions, the Neighborly Faith survey asked 14. (Jack Jenkins/Religion News Service 12/18/23)
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Shayne Looper: Christian Nationalism a seduction of a different gospel In an article from 2019, Newsweek summarized a Pew Research Center Study this way: “While Americans largely have a positive view of the role of religion in public life, they overwhelmingly want religious institutions to stay out of politics.” I do not know if that is an accurate summary of Pew’s research. It is, however, a sentiment that one hears expressed with increasing frequency. The enemy du jour is Christian Nationalism. The Speaker of the House of Representatives has been labeled a Christian nationalist and considered by some to be a threat to society, democracy and interestingly, morality. Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry, writing in Time, claim that Speaker Johnson is “a near perfect example” of a Christian nationalist, longing for a society that “revolves around patriarchy, heterosexual marriage, and pronatalism” — the promotion of high birth rates to avoid national decline. (Shayne Looper/The Daily Reporter12/15/23) READ MORE>>>>> |
St. Paul would call the gospel of Christian Nationalism “a different gospel.” It proclaims the present realization of the kingdom of God through political might. America, rather than the Church of Jesus Christ, is the proverbial city on a hill. Legislation takes the place of God’s Spirit in conforming people to the image of Christ — whether they want to be conformed or not. In the gospel of Christian Nationalism, it is the blood of our men and women in uniform that saves us, not the blood of the Lamb. What strength does a Lamb have compared to a Navy Seal? Christian Nationalism’s saints are soldiers. To honor soldiers is a good thing. To dishonor Christ, through neglect and inattention, is not. Christians give more than lip service to Christ. They give him their highest loyalty. The problem, once again, is not that Christians want to shape society by legislation. That is their right and, in some cases, their responsibility. The problem is not even that some secularists want to silence Christians in the public square. Let them try. The problem is that Christians themselves are silent about Christ. They would rather talk about politics than about Jesus. They display more confidence in the power of the president than in the power of God. They have been seduced by a different gospel. That may be nationalism, but it is not Christian. Christians put Christ first.
--Shayne Looper; Christian Nationalism a seduction of a different gospel 12/15/23 |
Trump 'supercharged' decades of work to remake GOP as Christian nationalist party: column
Donald Trump "supercharged" decades of work by right-wing Christians to remake the Republican Party as an "ethno-nationalist party," according to a new column. Polling data shows a majority of Republicans – 54 percent – identify with Christian nationalism, compared to just 31 percent in 2010 who identified as merely conservative Christians, and Salon columnist Amanda Marcotte said that shift has been the result of a long-term project by religious extremists that had accelerated since Trump was first elected.
(Travis Gettys/Raw Story 12/13/23)
Donald Trump "supercharged" decades of work by right-wing Christians to remake the Republican Party as an "ethno-nationalist party," according to a new column. Polling data shows a majority of Republicans – 54 percent – identify with Christian nationalism, compared to just 31 percent in 2010 who identified as merely conservative Christians, and Salon columnist Amanda Marcotte said that shift has been the result of a long-term project by religious extremists that had accelerated since Trump was first elected.
(Travis Gettys/Raw Story 12/13/23)
Christianity = Love; Christian Nationalism = Power And Hate
Starting the day Trump mocked the disabled reporter in 2016, my eyes started opening to the dangers of Christian Nationalism, but I didn’t start calling it by-name until recently. For other Christians who had a similar awakening to mine, there may have been a different event, like the photo-op with Trump in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church. The best definition of Christian Nationalism I know of is from an American non-profit group called Christians Against Christian Nationalism. “Christian Nationalism seems to merge Christian and American identities distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy. Christian Nationalism demands that Christianity is privileged by the state and implies that in order to be a “good American,” one must be Christian. This often intertwined with white supremacy and racial subjugation.”
(Julie Nichols/All Texans Not Some Texans 12/13/23)
Starting the day Trump mocked the disabled reporter in 2016, my eyes started opening to the dangers of Christian Nationalism, but I didn’t start calling it by-name until recently. For other Christians who had a similar awakening to mine, there may have been a different event, like the photo-op with Trump in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church. The best definition of Christian Nationalism I know of is from an American non-profit group called Christians Against Christian Nationalism. “Christian Nationalism seems to merge Christian and American identities distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy. Christian Nationalism demands that Christianity is privileged by the state and implies that in order to be a “good American,” one must be Christian. This often intertwined with white supremacy and racial subjugation.”
(Julie Nichols/All Texans Not Some Texans 12/13/23)
november 2023
Moms For Liberty Cuddles Up To Proud Boys, Again
In stage horror, Moms for Liberty issued a press release stating “Moms for Liberty is in no way affiliated with the Proud Boys…”. Again. So let’s revisit some of the coverage of the Moms for Liberty-Proud Boys coupling—the one we know the Moms would never, ever engage in. Except . . . Here’s the latest evidence of the close relationship between Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys, reported on November 13 by Robert Burns in the Space Rocket Daily, Moms for Liberty leadership Poses with Proud Boys and Flashes “White Power” Sign. (Maurice T Cunningham/Bucks County Beacon 11/17/23) READ MORE>>>>> |
How a bucolic Tennessee suburb became a hotbed of ‘Christian Nashville-ism’
Williamson County is Tennessee’s wealthiest community and has the best schools in the state, some of the biggest churches, a host of Christian nonprofits and a whole bunch of country music stars who call it home.
It’s not the place you expect to find neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Yet there they were last month, showing up at a forum to back then-mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson, a local Realtor and alderman in Franklin, Tennessee, a bucolic suburb 20 miles south of Nashville best known for its Civil War-era mansions, historical downtown and annual Pumpkinfest and “Dickens of a Christmas” festivals.
(Bob Smietana/Religion News 11/8/23)
Williamson County is Tennessee’s wealthiest community and has the best schools in the state, some of the biggest churches, a host of Christian nonprofits and a whole bunch of country music stars who call it home.
It’s not the place you expect to find neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Yet there they were last month, showing up at a forum to back then-mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson, a local Realtor and alderman in Franklin, Tennessee, a bucolic suburb 20 miles south of Nashville best known for its Civil War-era mansions, historical downtown and annual Pumpkinfest and “Dickens of a Christmas” festivals.
(Bob Smietana/Religion News 11/8/23)
The Influence of Christian nationalism in American politics
Mike Johnson was once a little-known Republican from Louisiana. Now he's the newly elected Speaker of the House. Who Mike Johnson and what does his win tell us about the GOP now? Today, On Point: The Influence of Christian nationalism in American politics. (Hilary McQuilkin, Meghna Chakrabarti/WBUR 11/6/23)
Mike Johnson was once a little-known Republican from Louisiana. Now he's the newly elected Speaker of the House. Who Mike Johnson and what does his win tell us about the GOP now? Today, On Point: The Influence of Christian nationalism in American politics. (Hilary McQuilkin, Meghna Chakrabarti/WBUR 11/6/23)
“Leaders who selfishly exploit Christianity for their own personal and political gain must be held accountable to the Christian values of peace and justice. Christian nationalism is sowing further division in our churches, politics. and local communities. These false prophets must be exposed for the wolves in sheep’s clothing they are to protect the future of our religion and our multiracial democracy.” --Karli Wallace Thompson, digital organizer for Faithful America. 11/6/23
“Leaders who selfishly exploit Christianity for their own personal and political gain must be held accountable to the Christian values of peace and justice. Christian nationalism is sowing further division in our churches, politics. and local communities. These false prophets must be exposed for the wolves in sheep’s clothing they are to protect the future of our religion and our multiracial democracy.” --Karli Wallace Thompson, digital organizer for Faithful America. 11/6/23
Faithful America inducts 12 more into its ‘false prophets’ hall of fame
Two weeks into his new job, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives already has made the list. Although it’s a list he might not want to be on.Mike Johnson is one of 12 “false prophets” highlighted this year by Faithful America, the organization behind the “False Prophets Don’t Speak for Me” campaign. The 12 new inductees into the hall of fame for promoting Christian nationalism join 20 “false prophets” named by the group last fall. (Baptist News Global Staff/Baptist News Global 11/6/23)
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Two weeks into his new job, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives already has made the list. Although it’s a list he might not want to be on.Mike Johnson is one of 12 “false prophets” highlighted this year by Faithful America, the organization behind the “False Prophets Don’t Speak for Me” campaign. The 12 new inductees into the hall of fame for promoting Christian nationalism join 20 “false prophets” named by the group last fall. (Baptist News Global Staff/Baptist News Global 11/6/23)
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october 2023
Christian nationalists: Drop Mike, hold on to your Johnson
The challenge of Christian nationalism has resurfaced over the last week with a tale of two Mikes. The first concerns conservative Christian Mike Pence dropping out of the race for president. The charisma black hole that is the former vice president under Donald Trump never really stood a chance, even against the aging Joe Biden. Sometimes reality is unassailable. But while Pence was debating with himself whether to continue his campaign, another Mike was throwing his hat into the political ring. It got to a point where congressional Republicans were keenly aware of the embarrassing situation of not having a majority leader in the House of Representatives. After a number of potential candidates failed to get enough support, including the controversial Jim Jordan, it appears that the GOP lawmakers ran out of patience. The first person to come along who appeared to be a safe pair of hands would command quite an advantage. (Jonathan Ms Pearce/Only Sky 10/31/23)
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The challenge of Christian nationalism has resurfaced over the last week with a tale of two Mikes. The first concerns conservative Christian Mike Pence dropping out of the race for president. The charisma black hole that is the former vice president under Donald Trump never really stood a chance, even against the aging Joe Biden. Sometimes reality is unassailable. But while Pence was debating with himself whether to continue his campaign, another Mike was throwing his hat into the political ring. It got to a point where congressional Republicans were keenly aware of the embarrassing situation of not having a majority leader in the House of Representatives. After a number of potential candidates failed to get enough support, including the controversial Jim Jordan, it appears that the GOP lawmakers ran out of patience. The first person to come along who appeared to be a safe pair of hands would command quite an advantage. (Jonathan Ms Pearce/Only Sky 10/31/23)
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How Christian Nationalism Spread In The US Military
As tensions between Moscow and Washington, D.C. rise along the Ukrainian border, an officer responsible for some of the most powerful weapons in the U.S. arsenal tells his men that he knows how to respond to the situation because he has seen it all before — in the Book of Revelation. While the scenario sounds like the plot of a Tom Clancy novel, this is no work of fiction, according to Mikey Weinstein, a former air force officer who is the founder and head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. (Joseph Hammond/Religion Unplugged 10/24/23)
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As tensions between Moscow and Washington, D.C. rise along the Ukrainian border, an officer responsible for some of the most powerful weapons in the U.S. arsenal tells his men that he knows how to respond to the situation because he has seen it all before — in the Book of Revelation. While the scenario sounds like the plot of a Tom Clancy novel, this is no work of fiction, according to Mikey Weinstein, a former air force officer who is the founder and head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. (Joseph Hammond/Religion Unplugged 10/24/23)
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American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church: A conversation with Andrew L. Whitehead
Andrew L. Whitehead’s accessible book American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church raises difficult but necessary questions about the influence of Christian nationalism in America. What is it? Why is it dangerous for our faith, our churches, and our country? How can Christians see through Christian nationalism as a false god that twists the good news of Jesus away from his call to “love your neighbor as yourself”? (Jim Denison/Denison Forum 10/30/23)
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Andrew L. Whitehead’s accessible book American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church raises difficult but necessary questions about the influence of Christian nationalism in America. What is it? Why is it dangerous for our faith, our churches, and our country? How can Christians see through Christian nationalism as a false god that twists the good news of Jesus away from his call to “love your neighbor as yourself”? (Jim Denison/Denison Forum 10/30/23)
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“Christian nationalism is a form of religious extremism making its way into our policies and undermining our democracy. These extremist actors are co-opting the language of Christianity and religious freedom to push an undemocratic agenda that seeks the very opposite of what they claim to do.” --Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Fla (10/25/23)
"In his first act as speaker, Johnson claimed God gave each member of the U.S. House authority. As a Christian, I reject Christian lawmakers using language that alienates and excludes lawmakers and Americans of different faiths from the political process. While it is common for people of faith to feel called to their vocations, Americans dedicated to religious freedom for all are understandably alarmed by elected officials claiming to be God's chosen. A growing number of Christians, and I am one of them, feel a religious imperative to stand against Christian nationalism...Conflating religious authority with political authority is idolatrous. In his (Rep Mike Johnsons)first act as speaker, Johnson claimed God gave each member of the U.S. House authority. As a Christian, I reject Christian lawmakers using language that alienates and excludes lawmakers and Americans of different faiths from the political process. While it is common for people of faith to feel called to their vocations, Americans dedicated to religious freedom for all are understandably alarmed by elected officials claiming to be God's chosen."
--Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism; Oct 2023
--Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism; Oct 2023
“I don’t think that—in the United States today—there is any other single figure who poses as big a threat to democracy and who has anything like the hold on people’s loyalty that we see in Donald Trump,” said Gushee in an interview this week about his new book. “Donald Trump will be a threat to American democracy for as long as he is alive. I think at this point he could be sent to prison and, even in his jail cell, millions of his followers would continue to support him...........That fine-tuning of the terminology used to describe this danger is one of the major points in Gushee’s new book that is intended to further develop warnings found in books by sociologists of religion that include:
- Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States by sociologists Andrew L. Whitehead and Samuel L. Perry
- American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church by Whitehead
- The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy by sociologist Philip S. Gorski with Perry as co-author.
“The category I pioneer in my new book is ‘Authoritarian Reactionary Christianity,’” Gushee said. “I realize that this term may not be as useful in newspaper or magazine headlines as the simpler Christian Nationalism. And I do respect the usefulness of this term Christian Nationalism to get a national conversation going that is much needed right now. But, I think there is more we need to think about, to study and to discuss, if we hope to understand these movements that are raising really ugly forms of hatred and are threatening violence.
“Adding the word ‘reactionary’ to our description is a very important way to name what is often articulated on the Right: These people are reacting to changes in culture that they believe are wrong—which makes them reactionary. And the word ‘authoritarian’ names this desire we are now seeing for the election of a Christian-leaning strongman who will demand or decree the recovery of a world that has been lost. There’s a really troubling loss of confidence in this movement in the democratic process itself to solve the problems they think that only a strongman could address. So, we get this desire to elect someone who will act as a defender of what some people think of as Christian civilization through traditional values—and through opposing modern liberalizing and pluralizing trends. That’s why we we often hear people sum up this appeal as: ‘Taking back our country back.’
“It’s a fierce negative reaction that goes all the way back at least to the Supreme Court’s prayer in schools decision in 1962, to the Civil Rights movement, to the feminist movement, to the sexual revolution, to Roe vs. Wade, to immigration liberalization in the mid 1960s, to the protests against the Vietnam War, to the gay rights movement, to the trans movement—and even that list leaves out a half dozen other movements that have fueled this fierce reaction.
“The reactionary part of this movement isn’t new. We saw it way back with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, but they tried their best to cozy up to the Republican Party in a more traditional strategy of getting people elected. They supported and were working through the democratic process. What we’re seeing in the last few years is a radicalizing that has moved beyond a democratic process. We’re now seeing some of these groups supporting political violence, militia violence—and even trying to set aside an entire national election because you don’t like the results. That’s a dangerous new development and that really is what has motivated me to write my book.
“So those are some reasons I prefer this new phrase I’m using in this book. The other usefulness of this term of ‘Authoritarian Reactionary Christianity’ is that this category applies to what is happening in a number of other countries around the world.”
--David Gushee; Read The Spirit; Dr. David Gushee joins historians and sociologists in warning against the dangers of Christian extremism 10.1.23
“Adding the word ‘reactionary’ to our description is a very important way to name what is often articulated on the Right: These people are reacting to changes in culture that they believe are wrong—which makes them reactionary. And the word ‘authoritarian’ names this desire we are now seeing for the election of a Christian-leaning strongman who will demand or decree the recovery of a world that has been lost. There’s a really troubling loss of confidence in this movement in the democratic process itself to solve the problems they think that only a strongman could address. So, we get this desire to elect someone who will act as a defender of what some people think of as Christian civilization through traditional values—and through opposing modern liberalizing and pluralizing trends. That’s why we we often hear people sum up this appeal as: ‘Taking back our country back.’
“It’s a fierce negative reaction that goes all the way back at least to the Supreme Court’s prayer in schools decision in 1962, to the Civil Rights movement, to the feminist movement, to the sexual revolution, to Roe vs. Wade, to immigration liberalization in the mid 1960s, to the protests against the Vietnam War, to the gay rights movement, to the trans movement—and even that list leaves out a half dozen other movements that have fueled this fierce reaction.
“The reactionary part of this movement isn’t new. We saw it way back with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, but they tried their best to cozy up to the Republican Party in a more traditional strategy of getting people elected. They supported and were working through the democratic process. What we’re seeing in the last few years is a radicalizing that has moved beyond a democratic process. We’re now seeing some of these groups supporting political violence, militia violence—and even trying to set aside an entire national election because you don’t like the results. That’s a dangerous new development and that really is what has motivated me to write my book.
“So those are some reasons I prefer this new phrase I’m using in this book. The other usefulness of this term of ‘Authoritarian Reactionary Christianity’ is that this category applies to what is happening in a number of other countries around the world.”
--David Gushee; Read The Spirit; Dr. David Gushee joins historians and sociologists in warning against the dangers of Christian extremism 10.1.23
august 2023
'Fight this wicked ideology': Evangelical fundamentalist declares war on white Christian nationalism
The Religious Right has had a stranglehold on the GOP since the early 1980s, when conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona) warned that members of his party were making a huge mistake by embracing far-right evangelical Christian fundamentalists. More than 40 years later, the GOP/Religious Right alliance is as strong as ever. And the term "Christian nationalism" is being used to describe MAGA-minded white evangelicals who are extreme even by Religious Right standards. In an article published by Religion News on August 23, reporter Bob Smietana takes a look at the activities of Owen Strachan — a right-wing evangelical Southern Baptist seminary professor who is now calling out some of the overt racism he is seeing among Christian nationalists.
(Alex Henderson/Raw Story 8/25/23)
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The Religious Right has had a stranglehold on the GOP since the early 1980s, when conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona) warned that members of his party were making a huge mistake by embracing far-right evangelical Christian fundamentalists. More than 40 years later, the GOP/Religious Right alliance is as strong as ever. And the term "Christian nationalism" is being used to describe MAGA-minded white evangelicals who are extreme even by Religious Right standards. In an article published by Religion News on August 23, reporter Bob Smietana takes a look at the activities of Owen Strachan — a right-wing evangelical Southern Baptist seminary professor who is now calling out some of the overt racism he is seeing among Christian nationalists.
(Alex Henderson/Raw Story 8/25/23)
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The term “white Christian nationalism” has recently emerged in the social sciences and the media as a way of describing the worldview that has burst onto the public stage with Trumpism and the “Make America Great Again” movement. The toxic blend of ethno-religious identity politics was reflected in the prayers and religious symbols participants carried at the U.S. Capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021, and it has become central to the trajectory of the contemporary Republican Party, two thirds of whom identify as white and Christian. But if we see these recent trends against the long backdrop of western history, we can see that the phenomenon this term describes has far deeper roots than the post-Obama MAGA backlash. Our two political parties are increasingly animated by two starkly conflicting moral visions that have struggled for ascendancy since the first Europeans landed on these shores five centuries ago. Is America a divinely ordained promised land for European Christians, or is America a pluralistic democracy where all stand on equal footing as citizens? Most Americans embrace the latter vision. But a desperate, defensive, mostly white Christian minority continue to cling to the former. --Robert P Jones; Time; The Roots of Christian Nationalism Go Back Further Than You Think 8.31.23
Unholy alliance
Christian nationalism is as old as Constantine and as new as MAGA. From the Roman emperor to the Trump slogan, the merging of religious and national identities has taken many forms. Christian nationalism seeks power and privilege for followers of one faith. But, as Jesus warned, what does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose one’s soul (Mark 8:36)? Constantine’s conversion did not spiritualize the empire, says historian Peter Heather in his new book, Christendom. Just the opposite: It produced the Romanization of Christianity — religion as servant of the state. (Paul Schrag/Anabaptist World 8/21/23)
Christian nationalism is as old as Constantine and as new as MAGA. From the Roman emperor to the Trump slogan, the merging of religious and national identities has taken many forms. Christian nationalism seeks power and privilege for followers of one faith. But, as Jesus warned, what does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose one’s soul (Mark 8:36)? Constantine’s conversion did not spiritualize the empire, says historian Peter Heather in his new book, Christendom. Just the opposite: It produced the Romanization of Christianity — religion as servant of the state. (Paul Schrag/Anabaptist World 8/21/23)
Aug 14, 2023:
What is white Christian nationalism? Generally – according to the Southern Poverty Law Center – it “refers to a political ideology and identity that fuses white supremacy, Christianity and American nationalism, and whose proponents claim that the United States is a `Christian Nation.’”
Research conducted by the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) with the non-partisan Brookings Institution (BI), as well as a poll sponsored by Southern Poverty Law Center/Tulchin have the same conclusion: white Christian nationalism movement is a growing threat to America’s democracy. The far-right anti-government and religious rights movement of the 1990s is getting stronger and stronger and will play a major role in the 2024 local, county, state and federal elections.
During the Nov. 21-Dec. 14, 2022 time period, 6,212 Americans were asked by PRRI/BI for their reply to these five statements: 1) the US government should declare America a Christian nation, 2) US laws should be based on Christian values, 3) if the US moves away from our Christian foundations, we will not have a country anymore, 4) being Christian is an important part of being truly American and 5) God has called Christians to exercise dominion over all areas of American society. --Steve Corbin is Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the University of Northern Iowa; White Christian nationalism threatens US democracy 8.14.23
What is white Christian nationalism? Generally – according to the Southern Poverty Law Center – it “refers to a political ideology and identity that fuses white supremacy, Christianity and American nationalism, and whose proponents claim that the United States is a `Christian Nation.’”
Research conducted by the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) with the non-partisan Brookings Institution (BI), as well as a poll sponsored by Southern Poverty Law Center/Tulchin have the same conclusion: white Christian nationalism movement is a growing threat to America’s democracy. The far-right anti-government and religious rights movement of the 1990s is getting stronger and stronger and will play a major role in the 2024 local, county, state and federal elections.
During the Nov. 21-Dec. 14, 2022 time period, 6,212 Americans were asked by PRRI/BI for their reply to these five statements: 1) the US government should declare America a Christian nation, 2) US laws should be based on Christian values, 3) if the US moves away from our Christian foundations, we will not have a country anymore, 4) being Christian is an important part of being truly American and 5) God has called Christians to exercise dominion over all areas of American society. --Steve Corbin is Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the University of Northern Iowa; White Christian nationalism threatens US democracy 8.14.23
What is white Christian nationalism? Generally – according to the Southern Poverty Law Center – it “refers to a political ideology and identity that fuses white supremacy, Christianity and American nationalism, and whose proponents claim that the United States is a `Christian Nation.’”
August 11, 2023: Dallas Observer: Oh, God: Judge Sides with Fort Worth in Early Stages of Atheists' Lawsuit
Instead of small banners on lampposts in downtown Fort Worth like they’ve used before, members of the local group Metroplex Atheists are turning to a billboard campaign to advertise an upcoming event titled “Keep God Out of Our Public Schools,” which will focus on the dangers of Christian nationalism.
The group sued the city of Fort Worth in federal court last month because it was told it wouldn’t be allowed to use city lampposts to promote the event, as it did in 2019.
The city’s policy on lamppost banners stipulates that an event being promoted must take place in Fort Worth and be open to the general public, be of common interest to the general community and recognize and/or contribute to the cultural fabric of the city. The Fort Worth group thought its event checked all of those boxes, but it was still denied access to use the lampposts for its banners because the event was deemed to lack sufficient magnitude to qualify.
Instead of small banners on lampposts in downtown Fort Worth like they’ve used before, members of the local group Metroplex Atheists are turning to a billboard campaign to advertise an upcoming event titled “Keep God Out of Our Public Schools,” which will focus on the dangers of Christian nationalism.
The group sued the city of Fort Worth in federal court last month because it was told it wouldn’t be allowed to use city lampposts to promote the event, as it did in 2019.
The city’s policy on lamppost banners stipulates that an event being promoted must take place in Fort Worth and be open to the general public, be of common interest to the general community and recognize and/or contribute to the cultural fabric of the city. The Fort Worth group thought its event checked all of those boxes, but it was still denied access to use the lampposts for its banners because the event was deemed to lack sufficient magnitude to qualify.
In the last several years, we have seen a resurgence of interest among Christians in political theology. On the whole, I believe this has been a good thing intellectually. I’m less certain this has been a good thing ecclesiastically.
We need smart, well-read Christians talking about natural law, the magisterial Reformers, Enlightenment philosophy, and American history. We need experts weighing in on the differences between classic liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, progressivism, and post-liberalism. Having done my doctoral work on John Witherspoon, I am personally very interested in reading about Locke and the Founders, in analyzing the Declaration and the Constitution, and in examining what political principles we can glean from the Bible and from the wisdom of the church through the ages. More Christians reading deeply and thinking carefully about political theology is a welcome development. Okay, you’re wondering, so where’s the “but”? The “but” is about political theology that supplants the centrality of the church. This can happen by deliberate conviction (the political theology calls for it), but it can also happen by the sheer weight of interest in politics. The issue isn’t merely idolatry (“You are too concerned about politics!”). The bigger issue is when Christians—and pastors worst of all—make the church intellectually, affectionally, and teleologically subservient to the world of politics and nation-states, instead of the other way around. -Kevin DeYoung; Politics, the Church & Getting Our Story Straight 8/9/23
We need smart, well-read Christians talking about natural law, the magisterial Reformers, Enlightenment philosophy, and American history. We need experts weighing in on the differences between classic liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism, progressivism, and post-liberalism. Having done my doctoral work on John Witherspoon, I am personally very interested in reading about Locke and the Founders, in analyzing the Declaration and the Constitution, and in examining what political principles we can glean from the Bible and from the wisdom of the church through the ages. More Christians reading deeply and thinking carefully about political theology is a welcome development. Okay, you’re wondering, so where’s the “but”? The “but” is about political theology that supplants the centrality of the church. This can happen by deliberate conviction (the political theology calls for it), but it can also happen by the sheer weight of interest in politics. The issue isn’t merely idolatry (“You are too concerned about politics!”). The bigger issue is when Christians—and pastors worst of all—make the church intellectually, affectionally, and teleologically subservient to the world of politics and nation-states, instead of the other way around. -Kevin DeYoung; Politics, the Church & Getting Our Story Straight 8/9/23
“Christian Nationalism is not just a problem ‘out there,’ but is something that we have to take ownership of and educate ourselves about and resource our leaders in order to confront and oppose. Christian Nationalism betrays the gospel and threatens the church..............What I later came to recognize, study, and define as Christian Nationalism, was — and for many people still is — taken for granted. I didn’t question the tenets of Christian Nationalism, and more importantly, how they differed from various expressions of the Christian faith............It is so encouraging to see the denomination grappling with Christian Nationalism, committing to having the hard conversations, and equipping its clergy and congregations to respond to the current cultural and political moment. The church is setting a wonderful example!”. --Andrew Whitehead; Word & Way; Disciples Confronting Christian Nationalism 8.8.23
Milwaukee religious leaders representing Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Roman Catholic and Unitarian congregations gathered Thursday to denounce the rise of Christian nationalism and its threat to democracy. About 75 clergy from the Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope, or MICAH, launched the "We All Belong" campaign with a rally and march. The event kicked off what will be a series of public gatherings leading up to the 2024 election to bring awareness to Christian nationalism, a once fringe point of view that is growing in acceptance. Christian nationalism is the belief that America should be defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. A survey conducted in February by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution found that more than half of Republicans believe the country should adhere to the ideals of Christian nationalism or sympathize with those views. That same survey found 15 percent of Democrats hold those beliefs. While it remains a minority opinion nationwide, the study also found correlations between people who hold Christian nationalist views and anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim and patriarchal views. --WPR: Milwaukee religious leaders denounce the rise of Christian nationalism 8/4/23
To be sure, the theology of the NT does not suggest that it is wrong for believers to find themselves in the majority, and to influence human government to the point where decisions of leaders and laws of the land reflect the will of God in the Scriptures. In fact, we celebrate that kind of heritage here in the US, where many of the men who hammered out our constitution were born again believers who desired to honor God. In fact, many of them gave their lives to offer us that kind of government. As Christians who pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10b), of course we want to see righteousness flourish and evil diminished.
However, what I am saying is that the theology of the NT itself does not point us in a political direction that resembles Christian nationalism, but rather in the direction of impacting the world through the preaching the gospel. And if the church uses its time and energy and resources to steer a course toward a mission that the Lord never gave them, they are most likely neglecting or convoluting in some way their actual mission. What the Scriptures do is offer us confidence that we can love and serve the Lord and share his Great Commission strategy even in a political environment where we are outnumbered, where wickedness is unreasonable, and where we suffer for our faith. In fact, that is exactly why the Lord promises to go with us till the end.
The church in the world is better served if we revive and are faithful to what the Lord has definitely called us to do: preach the gospel, serve the church, pray for our governmental leaders, and show honor to them as much as we can while remaining faithful to God. And to do all of these things as we patiently wait for the Lord himself to return and to establish his righteous, visible rule over the earth. --Greg Stiekes; BJU Seminary; THE IDEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 7.20.23
However, what I am saying is that the theology of the NT itself does not point us in a political direction that resembles Christian nationalism, but rather in the direction of impacting the world through the preaching the gospel. And if the church uses its time and energy and resources to steer a course toward a mission that the Lord never gave them, they are most likely neglecting or convoluting in some way their actual mission. What the Scriptures do is offer us confidence that we can love and serve the Lord and share his Great Commission strategy even in a political environment where we are outnumbered, where wickedness is unreasonable, and where we suffer for our faith. In fact, that is exactly why the Lord promises to go with us till the end.
The church in the world is better served if we revive and are faithful to what the Lord has definitely called us to do: preach the gospel, serve the church, pray for our governmental leaders, and show honor to them as much as we can while remaining faithful to God. And to do all of these things as we patiently wait for the Lord himself to return and to establish his righteous, visible rule over the earth. --Greg Stiekes; BJU Seminary; THE IDEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM AND THE THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT 7.20.23
June 14, 2023: ON THE RECORD:
Arizona Mirror: Flag flown by extremists posted on AZ Senate security desk
A flag flown by extremists and Christian Nationalists that was quietly removed from a Senate security desk last session has been put back on display on a security desk out of public view, the Arizona Mirror has learned. The white flag with a pine tree on it and the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” was originally used by George Washington and the Continental Army. It was later adopted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as its naval and maritime flag from 1776 until 1971, when it was replaced by a similar flag that did not include the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven.” In recent years, the flag has been adopted by evangelical Christians and Christian nationalists, who see the flag as a rallying call. Christian nationalists believe that the United States is Christian nation that should base its laws and practices around the teachings of Christianity. For followers of the movement, the flag symbolizes what they view as America’s Christian roots.
The flag has also been embraced by far-right extremist organizations like the Proud Boys and some neo-Nazi groups.
Arizona Mirror: Flag flown by extremists posted on AZ Senate security desk
A flag flown by extremists and Christian Nationalists that was quietly removed from a Senate security desk last session has been put back on display on a security desk out of public view, the Arizona Mirror has learned. The white flag with a pine tree on it and the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” was originally used by George Washington and the Continental Army. It was later adopted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as its naval and maritime flag from 1776 until 1971, when it was replaced by a similar flag that did not include the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven.” In recent years, the flag has been adopted by evangelical Christians and Christian nationalists, who see the flag as a rallying call. Christian nationalists believe that the United States is Christian nation that should base its laws and practices around the teachings of Christianity. For followers of the movement, the flag symbolizes what they view as America’s Christian roots.
The flag has also been embraced by far-right extremist organizations like the Proud Boys and some neo-Nazi groups.
What does this mean for Wyoming, long one of the reddest states in the country? Its government policies have increasingly turned hard right since the 1990s after the Wyoming Supreme Court rejected at-large legislative districts in favor of single-member districts that essentially made all contests two-person races.
Democrats previously had a chance to win at-large seats, particularly in large counties, since many were popular throughout entire House and Senate districts. But in a state where Republicans already had a significant majority of registered voters, the GOP’s dominance in the Legislature quickly increased. By 2022, it led to the election of only seven Democrats in the 93-member body. All were from Albany or Teton counties.
GOP lawmakers were successful in keeping new or higher taxes off the books, which isn’t a great surprise. But many of the signature issues of the religious right that were passed in neighboring states didn’t gain traction here.
The Wyoming Legislature didn’t pass further restrictions on abortion for nearly three decades until a few relatively minor bills were approved in 2017. While moves to pass anti-discrimination bills to protect LGBTQ rights went nowhere, measures like “bathroom bills” to keep transgender individuals out of public restrooms failed too.
But as evangelical Republicans gained power, the Legislature’s agenda shifted accordingly. Abortion bills were soon filed every session, and when the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Wyoming lawmakers had already passed a “trigger” law that banned abortion with few exceptions.
Only lawsuits and the judicial branch have kept Wyoming women from completely losing their reproductive autonomy — for now.
The Wyoming Freedom Caucus, a collection of state House representatives modeled after Congress’ anti-liberal fringe group, started organizing in 2020. Initially, its numbers were so low, and its members so feckless that the caucus couldn’t get any bills passed. But as its ranks grew, the track record improved. The national hot-button issues they pushed in 2022, like banning trans athletes from girls’ sports and banning “critical race theory” in classrooms where it’s not even taught, passed the Senate but couldn’t make it through the House.
That changed this year when Freedom Caucus membership in the House grew to 26 members who consistently voted as a bloc. The anti-trans bill passed, and the only thing standing in the way of measures against CRT and outlawing gender-affirming care was moderate House Speaker Albert Sommers (R-Pinedale), who considered the Freedom Caucus’ prime objectives to be bad legislation.
Rep. John Bear (R-Gillete), the Freedom Caucus chairman and poster boy for Christian nationalism in the state Legislature, joined other members in assessing the group’s future in April. They said it will only take flipping 10 seats in the House now held by RINOs — “Republicans in Name Only” — for the group to take over the chamber in 2025.
That’s doable, which should scare GOP moderates to death. Fortunately, by holding steady and joining the few House Democrats this year, the new “Wyoming Caucus” kept the far-right contingent from passing the most extreme parts of its agenda, including banning LGBTQ-themed books from school and public libraries. That controversial wedge issue will not die anytime soon.
The Freedom Caucus is increasingly at ease using religious arguments against their opponents, like declaring women who choose abortion are murderers and Christians must step up to save innocent babies.
It’s time for the conservative Republicans who helped defeat a 1992 constitutional amendment banning abortion in Wyoming to speak up again, and vote for pro-choice legislative candidates at the ballot box next year.
“Christians electing candidates who reflect godly values is a good thing,” Stubson wrote. “Yet Christian nationalism has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with control.”
I think a coalition of limited-government traditional conservatives, with support from the few Democrats (and hopefully more) in the Legislature, can keep the Freedom Caucus from taking over. But those of us who are positive Christian nationalism will harm Wyomingites had better get our act together soon, or the long-term dreams of the religious right will soon be legislating its version of morality.
--June 6, 2023: WyoFile: Christian nationalism and how it’s hurting Wyoming
Democrats previously had a chance to win at-large seats, particularly in large counties, since many were popular throughout entire House and Senate districts. But in a state where Republicans already had a significant majority of registered voters, the GOP’s dominance in the Legislature quickly increased. By 2022, it led to the election of only seven Democrats in the 93-member body. All were from Albany or Teton counties.
GOP lawmakers were successful in keeping new or higher taxes off the books, which isn’t a great surprise. But many of the signature issues of the religious right that were passed in neighboring states didn’t gain traction here.
The Wyoming Legislature didn’t pass further restrictions on abortion for nearly three decades until a few relatively minor bills were approved in 2017. While moves to pass anti-discrimination bills to protect LGBTQ rights went nowhere, measures like “bathroom bills” to keep transgender individuals out of public restrooms failed too.
But as evangelical Republicans gained power, the Legislature’s agenda shifted accordingly. Abortion bills were soon filed every session, and when the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Wyoming lawmakers had already passed a “trigger” law that banned abortion with few exceptions.
Only lawsuits and the judicial branch have kept Wyoming women from completely losing their reproductive autonomy — for now.
The Wyoming Freedom Caucus, a collection of state House representatives modeled after Congress’ anti-liberal fringe group, started organizing in 2020. Initially, its numbers were so low, and its members so feckless that the caucus couldn’t get any bills passed. But as its ranks grew, the track record improved. The national hot-button issues they pushed in 2022, like banning trans athletes from girls’ sports and banning “critical race theory” in classrooms where it’s not even taught, passed the Senate but couldn’t make it through the House.
That changed this year when Freedom Caucus membership in the House grew to 26 members who consistently voted as a bloc. The anti-trans bill passed, and the only thing standing in the way of measures against CRT and outlawing gender-affirming care was moderate House Speaker Albert Sommers (R-Pinedale), who considered the Freedom Caucus’ prime objectives to be bad legislation.
Rep. John Bear (R-Gillete), the Freedom Caucus chairman and poster boy for Christian nationalism in the state Legislature, joined other members in assessing the group’s future in April. They said it will only take flipping 10 seats in the House now held by RINOs — “Republicans in Name Only” — for the group to take over the chamber in 2025.
That’s doable, which should scare GOP moderates to death. Fortunately, by holding steady and joining the few House Democrats this year, the new “Wyoming Caucus” kept the far-right contingent from passing the most extreme parts of its agenda, including banning LGBTQ-themed books from school and public libraries. That controversial wedge issue will not die anytime soon.
The Freedom Caucus is increasingly at ease using religious arguments against their opponents, like declaring women who choose abortion are murderers and Christians must step up to save innocent babies.
It’s time for the conservative Republicans who helped defeat a 1992 constitutional amendment banning abortion in Wyoming to speak up again, and vote for pro-choice legislative candidates at the ballot box next year.
“Christians electing candidates who reflect godly values is a good thing,” Stubson wrote. “Yet Christian nationalism has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with control.”
I think a coalition of limited-government traditional conservatives, with support from the few Democrats (and hopefully more) in the Legislature, can keep the Freedom Caucus from taking over. But those of us who are positive Christian nationalism will harm Wyomingites had better get our act together soon, or the long-term dreams of the religious right will soon be legislating its version of morality.
--June 6, 2023: WyoFile: Christian nationalism and how it’s hurting Wyoming
“Some elite Republicans are shocked, shocked, to discover the ugliness lurking in the party. Figures from Peggy Noonan to Colin Powell cannot believe it! The party of the city on a hill is turning vulgar! The only card left in the Republican deck is straight out of the religious right’s 30-year-old battle plan, which the GOP has warmly embraced since Reagan. The Republican Party has validated the religious right’s mythology of Christian nationhood, cowed to its authoritarian litmus test, and made demagoguery not only fashionable but heroic....Christians electing candidates who reflect godly values is a good thing. Yet Christian nationalism has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with control.”
-Susan Stubson; New York Times 6.5.23
-Susan Stubson; New York Times 6.5.23
June 5, 2023:
While a surge in Christian nationalism in recent years has garnered media attention — due in part to high-profile conservatives like U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has explicitly declared herself a Christian nationalist, and the backing of influential leaders like white nationalist Nick Fuentes — Christian dominionism has similarly been on the rise, though with much less fanfare.
While Christian nationalism centers on the idea that God intended America to be a Christian nation — one without religious pluralism — and that Christians should control all levels of government and society, Christian dominionism holds that Christians should take total control over most aspects of society.
One of the more popular Dominionist beliefs is in the so-called “Seven Mountain Mandate,” which draws from the biblical book of Revelations and requires Christians to invade the “seven spheres” of society: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. In doing so, American life can be reshaped to hew to conservative Christian values.
The idea has been embraced and promoted by people like Turning Point USA leader Charlie Kirk and Paula White, the televangelist who served as a “spiritual advisor” to Donald Trump while he was president.
According to Neiwart, the key difference between Christian dominionism and nationalism is that dominionists want everyone under Christian rule, while nationalists think everyone should convert to Christianity.
“Christian nationalists take it a step further than Christian Dominionists,” Neiwart said, adding that a dominionist wouldn’t care if a Muslim was present, “they just want them under the thumb of Christian leaders.”
While a surge in Christian nationalism in recent years has garnered media attention — due in part to high-profile conservatives like U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has explicitly declared herself a Christian nationalist, and the backing of influential leaders like white nationalist Nick Fuentes — Christian dominionism has similarly been on the rise, though with much less fanfare.
While Christian nationalism centers on the idea that God intended America to be a Christian nation — one without religious pluralism — and that Christians should control all levels of government and society, Christian dominionism holds that Christians should take total control over most aspects of society.
One of the more popular Dominionist beliefs is in the so-called “Seven Mountain Mandate,” which draws from the biblical book of Revelations and requires Christians to invade the “seven spheres” of society: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. In doing so, American life can be reshaped to hew to conservative Christian values.
The idea has been embraced and promoted by people like Turning Point USA leader Charlie Kirk and Paula White, the televangelist who served as a “spiritual advisor” to Donald Trump while he was president.
According to Neiwart, the key difference between Christian dominionism and nationalism is that dominionists want everyone under Christian rule, while nationalists think everyone should convert to Christianity.
“Christian nationalists take it a step further than Christian Dominionists,” Neiwart said, adding that a dominionist wouldn’t care if a Muslim was present, “they just want them under the thumb of Christian leaders.”
American theocracy: Trinity Broadcasting Network’s nightly news program is spreading Christian nationalism
Trinity Broadcasting Network’s nightly news program Centerpoint repeatedly promoted Christian nationalism. Anchors and guests argue that the U.S. is a fundamentally Christian nation and encourage viewers to support Donald Trump in order to fulfill God’s wishes. TBN is an explicitly Christian broadcaster known globally for its televangelism and Christian lifestyle content. The network reaches around 95 million households via satellite, broadcasts 14 languages across 175 countries, and contains an extensive streaming portfolio. In 2022, TBN set its sights on a new type of programming ahead of the 2024 election: news. On March 23, 2022, TBN launched Centerpoint, a 30-minute nightly news program produced by former Newsmax CEO Michael Clemente and initially anchored by ex-Fox correspondent Doug McKelway. According to Axios, the network claimed the “programming isn't meant to be politically biased, but will lean into Christian values.” The anchor lineup has shifted multiple times featuring various Christian voices such as Pastor Allen Jackson and former politician Rob Astorino, but recently TBN successfully poached yet another Newsmax expat, Lyndsay Keith.
(Emma Mae Webber/Media Matters 6/2/23)
Trinity Broadcasting Network’s nightly news program Centerpoint repeatedly promoted Christian nationalism. Anchors and guests argue that the U.S. is a fundamentally Christian nation and encourage viewers to support Donald Trump in order to fulfill God’s wishes. TBN is an explicitly Christian broadcaster known globally for its televangelism and Christian lifestyle content. The network reaches around 95 million households via satellite, broadcasts 14 languages across 175 countries, and contains an extensive streaming portfolio. In 2022, TBN set its sights on a new type of programming ahead of the 2024 election: news. On March 23, 2022, TBN launched Centerpoint, a 30-minute nightly news program produced by former Newsmax CEO Michael Clemente and initially anchored by ex-Fox correspondent Doug McKelway. According to Axios, the network claimed the “programming isn't meant to be politically biased, but will lean into Christian values.” The anchor lineup has shifted multiple times featuring various Christian voices such as Pastor Allen Jackson and former politician Rob Astorino, but recently TBN successfully poached yet another Newsmax expat, Lyndsay Keith.
(Emma Mae Webber/Media Matters 6/2/23)
may 2023
".......look, this country was found on the Judeo-Christian ethics. We, you know, when I was the judge in my courtroom above my bench, it said “In God we trust.” I think that America is moving so far from that foundation that we are in a dangerous point that every person who is a person of religion or a person of God understands the inherent dangers of what is happening in America today.
We are flirting with the kind of destiny that only destroyed nations and fallen empires find themselves in. And so that's why I wrote the book Crimes Against America. What the left is doing to our children in schools and to Americans across the board, and especially to those believers, people who believed in God and are faith-driven, is it is destroying them. And, you know, we saw it with the Dobbs decision. When our own Department of Justice would not follow its own rules of making an arrest of anyone who is parading or protesting in front of a Supreme Court justice’s home in the hope of getting them to change their opinion. Not one of those people was arrested, but you could rest assured that everyone, everyone who was involved in any way — and some of them who were clearly innocent and found to be not guilty by juries later — who got involved in any kind of pro-choice objection ended up being arrested and ended up being prosecuted. But any of the pro-life centers or the pregnancy centers, any of the attacks on them were not even — they were not even investigated. And so, when you look at what is happening, the takedown of religion in America, it forebodes a very difficult future. And I think that people of faith need to worry about not just what's being taught in schools in terms of transgender nonsense, but what is happening in our society today against religion." --Jeanine Pirro; Flashpoint w/Pastor Gene Bailey May 30, 2023 |
"God’s enemies—Big Business, Big Tech, Bud Light, Fortune 500, and Big Biden--venerate the golden calves of multiculturalism, political correctness and secularism as they incite instability in the culture, whip up division between races, and promote political upheaval. Deifying wokeism, Critical Race Theory, DEI [diversity, equity, inclusion], and radical environmentalism, the State’s sacrosanct sacraments include abortion, “anti-racism” struggle sessions, vaccines, and obsessive recycling. As individual freedoms wane, government mandates and edicts are now viewed as the ultimate source of authority. American Christendom meanwhile cowers behind the four walls of the church building, giving center stage to butts, buildings, and budgets instead of getting involved in the culture. Yet it would seem that a focus to ascertain God’s model for cultural transformation would be deemed essential for a healthy church." --David Lane: Charisma: Like Martin Luther, Today’s Believers Must Destroy Golden Calves; May 28, 2023
Christian Nationalism is a
threat to national security
May 22, 2023:
How do we then restore America so that we may enjoy liberty where the Gospel can be preached freely to all without encumbrance? A good start is understanding something about movements attempting to reclaim America. For example, Christian Nationalism. I called Christian Nationalism a threat to national security in my essay for American Reformer. It was buried relatively deeply in the 4,300-words I sent them, so I wanted to highlight that here. You can read my warnings about Christian Nationalism, Divide & Rule: The Problems of Christian Nationalism and then come back here for a few other points about my critique. Key points here: Christian Nationalism is about dividing, which makes America weaker, and Christian Nationalism jeopardizes chances to build electoral coalitions that ignores the lessons of politics. Many of the leading voices of Christian Nationalism champion the idea of balkanization. Of course, the example of the Balkans seems to warn against balkanization. Instead of creating smaller and smaller identity groups, the creation/rediscovery of a national identity would reduce the threat of disorders. Encouraging balkanization seems unwise. I want to highlight how the balkanization of Christian Nationalism is a rightist version of identity politics. This is to be expected. As Francis Fukuyama noted in Identity, “The dynamic of identity politics is to stimulate more of the same, as identity groups begin to see one another as threats” (p. 122). By fostering a sense of grievance, some on the right want to awake among white evangelical Christians an identity that is different from the generic American identity.
--Capstone Report; Christian Nationalism is a threat to national security; 5.22.23
threat to national security
May 22, 2023:
How do we then restore America so that we may enjoy liberty where the Gospel can be preached freely to all without encumbrance? A good start is understanding something about movements attempting to reclaim America. For example, Christian Nationalism. I called Christian Nationalism a threat to national security in my essay for American Reformer. It was buried relatively deeply in the 4,300-words I sent them, so I wanted to highlight that here. You can read my warnings about Christian Nationalism, Divide & Rule: The Problems of Christian Nationalism and then come back here for a few other points about my critique. Key points here: Christian Nationalism is about dividing, which makes America weaker, and Christian Nationalism jeopardizes chances to build electoral coalitions that ignores the lessons of politics. Many of the leading voices of Christian Nationalism champion the idea of balkanization. Of course, the example of the Balkans seems to warn against balkanization. Instead of creating smaller and smaller identity groups, the creation/rediscovery of a national identity would reduce the threat of disorders. Encouraging balkanization seems unwise. I want to highlight how the balkanization of Christian Nationalism is a rightist version of identity politics. This is to be expected. As Francis Fukuyama noted in Identity, “The dynamic of identity politics is to stimulate more of the same, as identity groups begin to see one another as threats” (p. 122). By fostering a sense of grievance, some on the right want to awake among white evangelical Christians an identity that is different from the generic American identity.
--Capstone Report; Christian Nationalism is a threat to national security; 5.22.23
Christian nationalism is the belief that America is blessed by God to be a Christian nation, as it was founded, and that civic life and Christianity should be fused together. Connected to white supremacy, nativism, patriarchy and the like, it envisions Jesus not as the humble Semitic man who turned the other cheek and washed his disciples’ feet, but a broad-shouldered, white man with thick biceps and a sword (or if one had been available at the time, an AR-15) at his hip..........Aside from white militia groups and the extremists who led the Jan. 6 insurrection, some gun manufacturers appear to be among the most out front proponents of the connection between guns and Christian nationalism. They see their businesses as both patriotic and the fulfillment of a sacred religious duty. --Ariel Gold; Waging Nonviolence; 5.1.23
If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. --James Madison
Before the late 1960s, it would have been hard to find anyone in the USA who called themselves an Asian American. Despite there being over a million people in the country who fit the description, the term wasn’t used by people of Asian descent to identify themselves. Then, in 1968 the student activists Emma Gee and Yuchi Ichioka started the Asian American Pacific Alliance in Berkeley as a way to gather all those of Asian descent under one mantle. Now, some half a century later, the category “Asian American” is used widely by millions of people in the USA to describe their racial identity. What was once a category used by a few is now used by many as a way to shape identity and group belonging. The point is that just because a group of people doesn’t use a term to describe themselves doesn’t mean that the term is inaccurate or that a group who fits the characteristics doesn’t exist. Despite the rudimentary logic at play here, we continue to hear that Christian nationalism must surely not exist, or barely exist, or exist only in the minds of sociologists and political scientists, because so few Americans identify themselves as Christian nationalists. This is exactly the line of thought used by former Newsweek editor Kenneth Woodward in a recent op-ed for the Washington Post.
(Bradley Onishi/Religion Dispatches 5/22/23)
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Before the late 1960s, it would have been hard to find anyone in the USA who called themselves an Asian American. Despite there being over a million people in the country who fit the description, the term wasn’t used by people of Asian descent to identify themselves. Then, in 1968 the student activists Emma Gee and Yuchi Ichioka started the Asian American Pacific Alliance in Berkeley as a way to gather all those of Asian descent under one mantle. Now, some half a century later, the category “Asian American” is used widely by millions of people in the USA to describe their racial identity. What was once a category used by a few is now used by many as a way to shape identity and group belonging. The point is that just because a group of people doesn’t use a term to describe themselves doesn’t mean that the term is inaccurate or that a group who fits the characteristics doesn’t exist. Despite the rudimentary logic at play here, we continue to hear that Christian nationalism must surely not exist, or barely exist, or exist only in the minds of sociologists and political scientists, because so few Americans identify themselves as Christian nationalists. This is exactly the line of thought used by former Newsweek editor Kenneth Woodward in a recent op-ed for the Washington Post.
(Bradley Onishi/Religion Dispatches 5/22/23)
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In the Evangelical world, whether or not a person was a good political candidate was dependent not on their policies but on their profession of faith — even if the content of their character was at odds with that profession of faith. They merely had to hold up a Bible and stand in front of a church, and they would get the Evangelical vote, much to the chagrin of those looking on. Yes, the more Christian nationalists with the Republican Party push their agenda for a “Christian” nation, the more Christianity is despised, and the less likely they are to ever obtain that which they seek. What is more, they will destroy the church in the process. One thing is certain. Jesus Christ was not interested in political power, or he could have had it. He arrived in human history precisely at the right moment to lead an uprising against the rule of his Roman conquerors. He could have raised an army. He could have led an insurrection. He could have probably stormed the capitol. He could have leveraged his considerable influence to restore his nation to its former glory, preserve its religion, and vanquish its foes. Yet, he did not. The movement that he started required no armies, governments, or rulers to champion its cause. It can be practiced with or without the approval of any state and, therefore, can never be legislated out of existence. Neither is it threatened by those who believe different things. It is the movement of the human heart that takes place when one resolves to simply love God and love others. Therefore, in order for Christianity to restore its credibility, churches must renounce the pursuit of political safeguarding and entitlement and acknowledge it as wholly incompatible with the principles taught by Jesus Christ. Christians who believe that Trump (or any other political figure, for that matter) and the Republican Party will save Christianity are kidding themselves.
--Dan Foster; Why Republicans Will Finally Destroy the Church in the USA 5/21/23
--Dan Foster; Why Republicans Will Finally Destroy the Church in the USA 5/21/23
In order to understand American secularization, however, it is necessary to understand that because of Christian dominance and pervasive Christian privilege, many Americans’ primary association with religion is Christianity, and that shapes their responses to the questions about ‘religion’ they encounter in public opinion polls. Some polling over recent years has suggested the trend toward disaffiliation might be slowing down or leveling off, but its continuation seems highly likely given that more and more children are growing up in non-religious families. And one of the primary factors driving the secularizing trend—the close association of Christianity with the cruel and anti-democratic politics of the Republican Party—is still very much in play, with intriguing findings about American attitudes toward religion and secularism from the latest Ipsos Global Religion report suggesting that this association continues to have an impact.I’ll get to the details, but first, some context. Decades before the phenomenon we’ve come to call Christian nationalism became a defining feature of the Republican Party, the U.S. Christian Right’s push for political power was part and parcel of its members’ faith. As someone who was raised evangelical in the 1980s and 1990s, I know this all too well. At my Christian elementary school, we recited not one but three pledges every morning—to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible. In our milieu, ‘liberal’ was a synonym for ‘godless’ that was frequently pronounced with a sneer; and supporting Republican politics, with a focus on banning abortion and ‘getting prayer back in schools,’ was an extension of our Christian practice. (Chrissy Stroop/Religion Dispatches 5/17/23)
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In order to understand American secularization, however, it is necessary to understand that because of Christian dominance and pervasive Christian privilege, many Americans’ primary association with religion is Christianity, and that shapes their responses to the questions about ‘religion’ they encounter in public opinion polls. Some polling over recent years has suggested the trend toward disaffiliation might be slowing down or leveling off, but its continuation seems highly likely given that more and more children are growing up in non-religious families. And one of the primary factors driving the secularizing trend—the close association of Christianity with the cruel and anti-democratic politics of the Republican Party—is still very much in play, with intriguing findings about American attitudes toward religion and secularism from the latest Ipsos Global Religion report suggesting that this association continues to have an impact.I’ll get to the details, but first, some context. Decades before the phenomenon we’ve come to call Christian nationalism became a defining feature of the Republican Party, the U.S. Christian Right’s push for political power was part and parcel of its members’ faith. As someone who was raised evangelical in the 1980s and 1990s, I know this all too well. At my Christian elementary school, we recited not one but three pledges every morning—to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible. In our milieu, ‘liberal’ was a synonym for ‘godless’ that was frequently pronounced with a sneer; and supporting Republican politics, with a focus on banning abortion and ‘getting prayer back in schools,’ was an extension of our Christian practice. (Chrissy Stroop/Religion Dispatches 5/17/23)
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May 16, 2023:
National and state Christian leaders spoke out against the white supremacist ideology espoused during two recent Christian nationalist rallies in South Florida. Christians Against Christian Nationalism and Faithful America organized a livestreamed event as a counter perspective to the May 11 “Pastors for Trump” reception and the May 12 ReAwaken America Tour rally, both held at the Trump Doral resort in Miami. “We are here today as Christians who are horrified to see the faith we hold dear being used to spread lies, violence and authoritarian theocracy,” said Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Tyler was joined at All Angels Episcopal Church in Miami Springs by Nathan Empsall of Faithful America, Russell Meyer of the Florida Council of Churches, Jennifer Butler of Faith in Public Life Action, James Golden of Pastors for Florida Children and Charles Toy of The Christian Left. More at Baptist News Global
National and state Christian leaders spoke out against the white supremacist ideology espoused during two recent Christian nationalist rallies in South Florida. Christians Against Christian Nationalism and Faithful America organized a livestreamed event as a counter perspective to the May 11 “Pastors for Trump” reception and the May 12 ReAwaken America Tour rally, both held at the Trump Doral resort in Miami. “We are here today as Christians who are horrified to see the faith we hold dear being used to spread lies, violence and authoritarian theocracy,” said Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Tyler was joined at All Angels Episcopal Church in Miami Springs by Nathan Empsall of Faithful America, Russell Meyer of the Florida Council of Churches, Jennifer Butler of Faith in Public Life Action, James Golden of Pastors for Florida Children and Charles Toy of The Christian Left. More at Baptist News Global
Yes, Tim Scott is a Black man, but he’s still promoting Christian nationalism
Much of Scott’s political messaging has to do with faith. He called his fundraising tour the “Faith in America” tour. He said in an interview: “My foundation as an individual is one that’s formed by my grandmother, my mother’s faith. And it certainly resonated with me when I was growing up that when things are scarce, the one thing that was in abundance was faith and love.” On the surface, that sounds quite positive.
But during his announcement, Scott claimed President Biden is leading the United States to retreat from “patriotism and faith.” He vowed: “I will be the president who stops the far left’s assault on our religious liberty. I will preserve one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” He added, “We will be the nation where we honor our Creator and respect every innocent life.” Being a nation that honors the Creator may gain him some points with his evangelical base. But what exactly does that mean? And how would honoring evangelicalism’s God affect public policy decisions? Scott has spoken against using the law for political power posturing. He told a group in Iowa: “The weaponizing of the law against political enemies only weakens the fabric of our country. It brings into question whether or not the laws of this country are going to be used as a weapon against those folks that we don’t like.” But despite what Scott may think about weaponizing the law, the masses of faith-driven voters he seeks to court have bigger plans.
(Rick Pidcock/Baptist News Global 5/15/23)
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Much of Scott’s political messaging has to do with faith. He called his fundraising tour the “Faith in America” tour. He said in an interview: “My foundation as an individual is one that’s formed by my grandmother, my mother’s faith. And it certainly resonated with me when I was growing up that when things are scarce, the one thing that was in abundance was faith and love.” On the surface, that sounds quite positive.
But during his announcement, Scott claimed President Biden is leading the United States to retreat from “patriotism and faith.” He vowed: “I will be the president who stops the far left’s assault on our religious liberty. I will preserve one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” He added, “We will be the nation where we honor our Creator and respect every innocent life.” Being a nation that honors the Creator may gain him some points with his evangelical base. But what exactly does that mean? And how would honoring evangelicalism’s God affect public policy decisions? Scott has spoken against using the law for political power posturing. He told a group in Iowa: “The weaponizing of the law against political enemies only weakens the fabric of our country. It brings into question whether or not the laws of this country are going to be used as a weapon against those folks that we don’t like.” But despite what Scott may think about weaponizing the law, the masses of faith-driven voters he seeks to court have bigger plans.
(Rick Pidcock/Baptist News Global 5/15/23)
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May 15, 2023:
If they can keep pushing the idea that anyone left of them is soul-less..........they are doing the same thing Hitler did in German with the Jews.
Following are a few of the most bizarre things that was preached last night at the REAwaken Tour, which is essentially a Christian Nationalist Lovefest for Donald, the sexual predator, Trump. Michael Flynn's remarks (below) are dehumanizing and dangerous.
MAGA cultists gathered at The Trump National Doral resort last night for a "Pastors For Trump" event that kicked off with a prayer asking God to "intervene in the affairs of this nation" by giving Trump "divine wisdom" and "divine discernment."
Self proclaimed "Prophet" Amanda Grace, in one of the most bizarre messages, warned of technologically advanced “mermaids and water people” spreading perversion and told the crowd, “we are meant for hand to hand combat.”
Ex-American Idol contestant and Flat-Earther right-wing activist Jimmy Levy resurrected a conspiracy theory that was championed by QAnon. These people are drinking the blood of children," Levy proclaimed. "These (Hollywood) people are injecting a chemical called adrenochrome that they extract from children that are scared." (apparently because he was on American Idol he is an expert on all things Hollywood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Pastor Mark Burns cited the Bible to suggest that violence is needed to take power: "You got to get to the point where you realize that when they smack you in the face you smack them back two times harder," Burns said, quoting Matthew 5:38-40, which reads, "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." He then suggested violence as he noted that the "Bible says the violent take it... and we take it by force," in reference to Matthew 11:12, which reads, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.""We are here ready to take this nation back," said Burns during the event this week. "And I believe without a shadow of a doubt, the only man that God has anointed him...to be the next President of the United States of America and that is Donald Trump. That's why we got to declare war on this transgender agenda that tried to destroy our children's minds in the United States of America."
Michael Flynn weighed in, of course: "The other side is an ideology that they don't have faith. They don't believe in God. They have no soul. They have no consciousness......When we think about something, we go, you know, black and white right and wrong, good and evil. They don't see things like that. They don't see in those terms."
Baptist Pastor Brian Kaylor said that Flynn's comment is a "dangerous dehumanizing rhetoric," and that he's "painting this as a battle between God's people & soulless creatures."
If they can keep pushing the idea that anyone left of them is soul-less..........they are doing the same thing Hitler did in German with the Jews. Soul-less people are easier to kill. And they will do it to purify whatever race or creed they are claiming. Last night, after he cancelled his Iowa rally, Trump called Michael Flynn and told him he would "bring him back" in his next administration. The "Reawaken" tour came to the Trump National Doral Miami for a three-day conference.
If they can keep pushing the idea that anyone left of them is soul-less..........they are doing the same thing Hitler did in German with the Jews.
Following are a few of the most bizarre things that was preached last night at the REAwaken Tour, which is essentially a Christian Nationalist Lovefest for Donald, the sexual predator, Trump. Michael Flynn's remarks (below) are dehumanizing and dangerous.
MAGA cultists gathered at The Trump National Doral resort last night for a "Pastors For Trump" event that kicked off with a prayer asking God to "intervene in the affairs of this nation" by giving Trump "divine wisdom" and "divine discernment."
Self proclaimed "Prophet" Amanda Grace, in one of the most bizarre messages, warned of technologically advanced “mermaids and water people” spreading perversion and told the crowd, “we are meant for hand to hand combat.”
Ex-American Idol contestant and Flat-Earther right-wing activist Jimmy Levy resurrected a conspiracy theory that was championed by QAnon. These people are drinking the blood of children," Levy proclaimed. "These (Hollywood) people are injecting a chemical called adrenochrome that they extract from children that are scared." (apparently because he was on American Idol he is an expert on all things Hollywood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Pastor Mark Burns cited the Bible to suggest that violence is needed to take power: "You got to get to the point where you realize that when they smack you in the face you smack them back two times harder," Burns said, quoting Matthew 5:38-40, which reads, "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." He then suggested violence as he noted that the "Bible says the violent take it... and we take it by force," in reference to Matthew 11:12, which reads, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.""We are here ready to take this nation back," said Burns during the event this week. "And I believe without a shadow of a doubt, the only man that God has anointed him...to be the next President of the United States of America and that is Donald Trump. That's why we got to declare war on this transgender agenda that tried to destroy our children's minds in the United States of America."
Michael Flynn weighed in, of course: "The other side is an ideology that they don't have faith. They don't believe in God. They have no soul. They have no consciousness......When we think about something, we go, you know, black and white right and wrong, good and evil. They don't see things like that. They don't see in those terms."
Baptist Pastor Brian Kaylor said that Flynn's comment is a "dangerous dehumanizing rhetoric," and that he's "painting this as a battle between God's people & soulless creatures."
If they can keep pushing the idea that anyone left of them is soul-less..........they are doing the same thing Hitler did in German with the Jews. Soul-less people are easier to kill. And they will do it to purify whatever race or creed they are claiming. Last night, after he cancelled his Iowa rally, Trump called Michael Flynn and told him he would "bring him back" in his next administration. The "Reawaken" tour came to the Trump National Doral Miami for a three-day conference.
“I was part of a group of professors who noted the contradictions in how the school advertised itself as a ‘top-notch’ academic institution and a foundation for conservative, fundamentalist, evangelical faith. We knew the two were incompatible. And when it came to its predictable clashes, the fundamentalist side usually won out".......Okamoto believes evangelicalism “is inextricably tied to capitalism and profit...When I was forced to meet with the president and vice president of the student business club because of jokes I made about the study of business, I was shocked to hear them admit that their business classes had never once brought up the contradictions of a capitalist society with the teachings of Jesus...This is simply part of the culture. Even the most ‘on-fire’ freshmen tend to come in with dreams of both serving God and making tons of money.....The president made over 400k when I was there. Starting profs made a little over 40k. Adjuncts were among the lowest paid in SoCal. Sounds like a business.....Valuing capitalism and profit also showed up through the campus bookstore selling a license plate frame that had the school’s name on it, along with a reference to Jeremiah 29:11, which says that God has “plans to prosper you.".....The divide between administration pay and faculty pay grew wider as time went on, reflecting corporate and business trends of the time. I have some bombshell stories with emails to back me, but I’m keeping them in case I need to use them..............But the gilded ivory tower, which pretends to promote academics and critical thinking, is a foundational component of evangelical culture that feeds into evangelical churches and communities.....Evangelical culture often claims to be this eternal entity, but it changes and evolves with each presidential election cycle. Probably more often. Everything changes in evangelical culture. When I was a kid, Mormonism was the greatest threat to the world. But when Mitt Romney won the GOP nomination in 2012, evangelicals universally supported him, claiming him as one of their own. During Obama, evangelicals were polled and almost universally indicated that a president’s moral character was crucial to their vote. And then during Trump, almost none of them felt that way...............What never changes in evangelical culture is the concept of in-groups and out-groups. Who is in the out-groups changes all the time...............I was lucky. My parents were fundamentalist, but they valued truth as much as their faith. So when confronted with facts that contradicted my ‘faith,’ it seemed natural to adjust the faith to the facts instead of the other way around. No ‘alternative facts’ for me. And in doing so, I felt my worldview and my heart grow to include people I had been taught to hate and fear." -Scott Okamata; The hidden battle in Christian higher education: A conversation with Scott Okamoto; Baptist News Global; 5.12.23
May 11, 2023:
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.
Dear Trump Evangelicals:
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.” (Psalm 146:3) - King David when he ruled over Israel
Cal Thomas wrote in a recent column: "Evangelical Christians in the U.S. are treating Donald Trump as their king. While the scenarios are different, it reminds me of when the religious leaders in Jerusalem were asked by Pontius Pilate if he should crucify their king, Jesus. They shouted back, “We have no king but Caesar.”
No matter what is revealed about Donald Trump’s character and attitude toward women, large numbers in the evangelical community seem to have no king but him."
The Urban Dictionary defines "Court Evangelicals" as Trump’s inner circle of Christian evangelicals who think it is a good idea for ministers to endorse candidates from the pulpit, have bowed a knee to the political power of the presidency, think Trump is a “baby Christian,” believe evangelicals have found their “dream president” in Trump, and regularly show up at the White House whenever Trump wants to say something about religion. The court evangelicals sacrifice their prophetic voice to political influence. The court evangelicals have put their faith in a political strongman who promises to alleviate their fears and protect them from the forces of secularization. They are evangelical leaders who will defend Donald Trump no matter what he does.
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.
Dear Trump Evangelicals:
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.” (Psalm 146:3) - King David when he ruled over Israel
Cal Thomas wrote in a recent column: "Evangelical Christians in the U.S. are treating Donald Trump as their king. While the scenarios are different, it reminds me of when the religious leaders in Jerusalem were asked by Pontius Pilate if he should crucify their king, Jesus. They shouted back, “We have no king but Caesar.”
No matter what is revealed about Donald Trump’s character and attitude toward women, large numbers in the evangelical community seem to have no king but him."
The Urban Dictionary defines "Court Evangelicals" as Trump’s inner circle of Christian evangelicals who think it is a good idea for ministers to endorse candidates from the pulpit, have bowed a knee to the political power of the presidency, think Trump is a “baby Christian,” believe evangelicals have found their “dream president” in Trump, and regularly show up at the White House whenever Trump wants to say something about religion. The court evangelicals sacrifice their prophetic voice to political influence. The court evangelicals have put their faith in a political strongman who promises to alleviate their fears and protect them from the forces of secularization. They are evangelical leaders who will defend Donald Trump no matter what he does.
Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA is sponsoring a "Pastors Summitt" in Nashville later this month. Speakers are a whos who of endorsers of Christian Nationalist efforts in the USA who pretty much all support Donald the sexual predator for re-election. On a related note: A week ago Kirk basically said that people getting killed by guns are basically collateral damage we have to live with in order defend the Second Amendment. I have yet to see a "well regulated militia" within the right wing ranks, however.
Essay: Undoing the Christian nationalism of the Doctrine of Discovery In late March of this year, the Vatican formally - and somewhat surprisingly - repudiated the centuries-old 'Doctrine of Discovery', based on papal dictates of the 15th century that justified the domination of newly “discovered” lands and peoples by European Christian explorers. Indigenous activists and organisations in North America were pleased but ultimately underwhelmed by the Vatican’s move, however, as the formal statement failed to submit the Roman Catholic Church to any accountability for the extensive harm the doctrine caused over the centuries - colonisation itself, as well as the motivating values and beliefs inherent in the Doctrine of Discovery that continued well after the first several centuries of active colonialism and conquest declined. (Andrew Whitehead/Sight Magazine 5/10/23) Read More>>>>> |
May 9, 2023:
👉MSNBC host Joe Scarborough predicted on Tuesday that the “bill will come due” for Evangelical churches who support Donald Trump and Christian Nationalism. “The bill will come due for a church that embraces Christian nationalism, and embraces a guy who says it may be a good thing that stars can rape women in 2023,” Scarborough said
👉MSNBC host Joe Scarborough predicted on Tuesday that the “bill will come due” for Evangelical churches who support Donald Trump and Christian Nationalism. “The bill will come due for a church that embraces Christian nationalism, and embraces a guy who says it may be a good thing that stars can rape women in 2023,” Scarborough said
Far right 'Pastors for Trump' trashed by evangelical leaders for flirting with Christian nationalism
Allies of former President Donald Trump, including Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, are backing a far-right Christian group designed to keep evangelicals in the former president's camp for 2024 — but more mainstream Christian denominations are standing up and fighting back, reported The Guardian on Monday. The group, Pastors for Trump, is drawing sharp rebukes from mainstream Christian leaders for being extremist, distorting Christian teachings and endangering American democracy, by fueling the spread of Christian nationalism," reported Peter Stone. "The Tulsa, Oklahoma-based evangelical pastor and businessman Jackson Lahmeyer leads the fledgling Pastors for Trump organization. Lahmeyer told the Guardian it boasts over 7,000 pastors as members and that he will unveil details about its plans on 11 May at the Trump National Doral in Miami, an event Trump will be invited to attend."
(Raw Story 5/1/23) Read More>>>>>
Allies of former President Donald Trump, including Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, are backing a far-right Christian group designed to keep evangelicals in the former president's camp for 2024 — but more mainstream Christian denominations are standing up and fighting back, reported The Guardian on Monday. The group, Pastors for Trump, is drawing sharp rebukes from mainstream Christian leaders for being extremist, distorting Christian teachings and endangering American democracy, by fueling the spread of Christian nationalism," reported Peter Stone. "The Tulsa, Oklahoma-based evangelical pastor and businessman Jackson Lahmeyer leads the fledgling Pastors for Trump organization. Lahmeyer told the Guardian it boasts over 7,000 pastors as members and that he will unveil details about its plans on 11 May at the Trump National Doral in Miami, an event Trump will be invited to attend."
(Raw Story 5/1/23) Read More>>>>>
march 2023
Lance Wallnau Seeks to Break the ‘Demonic Strongholds’ That Are Preventing GOP Candidates from Winning Elections
Thousands of conservative Christians gathered in Florida this week for a “Fire and Glory Tour,” organized by right-wing evangelists Mario Murillo and Lance Wallanu, who are associated with the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation. Both Murillo and Wallnau are conspiracy theorists and unabashed Trump cultists who have declared that Christians must never accept the results of the 2020 election, warning that accepting that Joe Biden is president is a sign of disloyalty to God. Given such views, it was no surprise that the event was filled with right-wing rants, corporate prayers for Trump, and Christian nationalist rhetoric, such as when speaker Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal, urged the audience to “take back America” by having their church literally take over their hometowns. (Kyle Mantyla/Right Wing Watch 3/23/23)
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Thousands of conservative Christians gathered in Florida this week for a “Fire and Glory Tour,” organized by right-wing evangelists Mario Murillo and Lance Wallanu, who are associated with the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation. Both Murillo and Wallnau are conspiracy theorists and unabashed Trump cultists who have declared that Christians must never accept the results of the 2020 election, warning that accepting that Joe Biden is president is a sign of disloyalty to God. Given such views, it was no surprise that the event was filled with right-wing rants, corporate prayers for Trump, and Christian nationalist rhetoric, such as when speaker Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal, urged the audience to “take back America” by having their church literally take over their hometowns. (Kyle Mantyla/Right Wing Watch 3/23/23)
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On Earth as it is in Heaven?
The ongoing ‘Christian nationalism’ debates among the American talking class may be hyper-Twitterized and therefore increasingly wearisome, but one persistent critique of the idea deserves note: Many opponents of Christian nationalism allege that it is a form of idolatry, and as such, threatens not only the mission and health of the state, but also the Church. This charge is profoundly revealing, for it gestures, knowingly or not, to a foundational question in Christian political theology: What does it mean for the Church to fulfill Jesus’ description of it in John 17, and be in the world but not of it? We can find insight on this question in a surprising place: 17th-century debates about monarchy.To be grossly reductionist, the history of Christian political thought contains a dialectic between two impulses: one toward transformationist pursuit of earthly justice, the other toward otherworldly pietism. The first of these views sees in Scripture a mandate to impose heavenly justice on earth. The disposition here is to take the words in the Lord’s Prayer “on earth as it is in heaven,” very seriously. The second regards human political projects with pessimism, looking only to the realization of the Heavenly Kingdom; it is ever wary of “immanentizing the eschaton.” The watchword for this group is “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) (Howe D Whitman III/Providence 3/26/23)
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The ongoing ‘Christian nationalism’ debates among the American talking class may be hyper-Twitterized and therefore increasingly wearisome, but one persistent critique of the idea deserves note: Many opponents of Christian nationalism allege that it is a form of idolatry, and as such, threatens not only the mission and health of the state, but also the Church. This charge is profoundly revealing, for it gestures, knowingly or not, to a foundational question in Christian political theology: What does it mean for the Church to fulfill Jesus’ description of it in John 17, and be in the world but not of it? We can find insight on this question in a surprising place: 17th-century debates about monarchy.To be grossly reductionist, the history of Christian political thought contains a dialectic between two impulses: one toward transformationist pursuit of earthly justice, the other toward otherworldly pietism. The first of these views sees in Scripture a mandate to impose heavenly justice on earth. The disposition here is to take the words in the Lord’s Prayer “on earth as it is in heaven,” very seriously. The second regards human political projects with pessimism, looking only to the realization of the Heavenly Kingdom; it is ever wary of “immanentizing the eschaton.” The watchword for this group is “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) (Howe D Whitman III/Providence 3/26/23)
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