- Bruce Caldwell - Kalie Callaway-George - Juli Camarin - Michael Camp - Caleb Campbell - Mae Elise Cannon - Michael Carden - Greg Carey - Brian Carn - Simonetta Carr - James Carroll - Angela Carson -
==Bruce Caldwell======
Bruce Caldwell is Founder and President of The Sola Scriptura Project
The spirit of man will live on. The question is, will your spirit be united with the Spirit of God or be separated from His Spirit because of your failure to seek a personal relationship with Him? On the other hand, if you do acknowledge that there is life after death, are you obedient enough to make it into the Kingdom of God?
The answer is, no, you are not obedient enough to make it into the Kingdom of God, nor is anyone else. God’s word says that He will not countenance sin. An uncleansed, sinful person will not stand in His midst. No man has ever been perfectly obedient. The Scriptures say that sin is sin and that there is no hierarchy of sin. If you say that you have only stolen something while another person killed someone, you are both in the same place because you have committed a sin for which atonement is required. This is why arrogance and self-righteousness have no place in our lives. We all need to be forgiven for huge sins and small sins. It is very easy to forgive others if you understand what the forgiveness of Christ has done for you. We are never to judge another man’s sin or his salvation. We can observe his actions and see if he bears the kind of fruit he espouses but even then we can not judge the condition of his heart. You can and you should pray for sinners. The salvation of a sinner is a joy to observe. The Scriptures say …there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7
--Bruce Caldwell; Gospel Global Vision; EPILOGUE: GOT ETERNITY?
The answer is, no, you are not obedient enough to make it into the Kingdom of God, nor is anyone else. God’s word says that He will not countenance sin. An uncleansed, sinful person will not stand in His midst. No man has ever been perfectly obedient. The Scriptures say that sin is sin and that there is no hierarchy of sin. If you say that you have only stolen something while another person killed someone, you are both in the same place because you have committed a sin for which atonement is required. This is why arrogance and self-righteousness have no place in our lives. We all need to be forgiven for huge sins and small sins. It is very easy to forgive others if you understand what the forgiveness of Christ has done for you. We are never to judge another man’s sin or his salvation. We can observe his actions and see if he bears the kind of fruit he espouses but even then we can not judge the condition of his heart. You can and you should pray for sinners. The salvation of a sinner is a joy to observe. The Scriptures say …there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7
--Bruce Caldwell; Gospel Global Vision; EPILOGUE: GOT ETERNITY?
The Bible teaches that if you love money more than God, you are in trouble (LUKE 16:13). Either serve God with your resources or disappoint God by acting like the resources are for your private enjoyment. If God has given you wonderful blessings it is, in part, because he is watching to see how you use them. Do you notice the needs of others and try to help them or do you love having the blessing so much that you keep it all to yourself? If you have a great deal more than you need, have you thought about why that is true and what God’s hopes are for you? If God has given you blessings, doesn’t it make sense to try to be a blessing to others? Having money is a good thing as long as you understand that it is a gift from God. Yes you work hard and you save a portion of your money, but even the energy and talent to work hard is also a gift from God. If God has blessed you, be a pipeline of love to others. Use the assets God has given you to serve Him and to serve others. Little blessings are a little test and huge blessings are a huge test.
--Bruce Caldwell; Gospel Global Vision; CORE VALUE 16: ISN’T HAVING MONEY A GOOD THING?
--Bruce Caldwell; Gospel Global Vision; CORE VALUE 16: ISN’T HAVING MONEY A GOOD THING?
==kalie callaway-george======
Kalie Callaway-George was cofounder of Urban Christian Academy in Kansas City. School was forced to close after affirming LGBTQ inclusiveness.
March 1, 2023: ABC News: Christian school that embraced the LGBTQ community is forced to close its doors
Kalie Callaway-George, UCA’s executive director and co-founder, said this new language "is kind of what started the backlash from our donor base, which we anticipated. It was just that we anticipated a 50% loss in funding and made adjustments for that. We had an 80% loss in funding and that was too much to overcome."
Kalie Callaway-George, UCA’s executive director and co-founder, said this new language "is kind of what started the backlash from our donor base, which we anticipated. It was just that we anticipated a 50% loss in funding and made adjustments for that. We had an 80% loss in funding and that was too much to overcome."
Feb 24, 2023: Kansas City Star: Hole that sucked people in’: Teachers allege Christian school in Kansas City is ‘toxic’
School leaders denied many of the employees’ allegations. Kalie Callaway-George, executive director and co-founder, said in an email she is “grieved to hear that was anyone’s experience” of school leadership.
School leaders denied many of the employees’ allegations. Kalie Callaway-George, executive director and co-founder, said in an email she is “grieved to hear that was anyone’s experience” of school leadership.
==juli camarin======
Juli Camarin has been writing since a young age. The practice of journaling scriptural insights started during her sophomore year in high school as quiet time devotions. Since then, this habit of studying and writing on the scriptures has become a lifelong learning journey. Juli currently blogs at JCBlog.net, a blog dedicated to exploring God's Word and planting the seeds of life. The internet has been a wonderful platform to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and her blog is well-read throughout the world. (SOURCE: Amazon)
Paul opens the Book of Romans with this powerful statement, “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus..." (Rom. 1:1a). The Greek word for servant is doulos, literally meaning bondservant as described in Deuteronomy. Paul declares himself a lifelong slave of Jesus Christ. His opening statement acknowledges he has submitted himself into the master’s service in response to God’s goodness, kindness, and grace.This is a powerful illustration of the true heart of the gospel. Our response to Christ when gaining insight into His grace should be that of Paul. We willingly enter into relationship with Him as a bondservant. No obligation, no pressure, and not because it’s what we should do, but it wholeheartedly comes in response to an understanding and appreciation of Jesus. Only in this context could Paul exclaim that he, the former persecutor of the Church, was set apart from birth to preach the gospel of Jesus (Rom. 1:1; Gal. 1:15). He saw the depths of God's grace and knew that he was ordained to bring this good news to the world. -Juli Camarin; Set Apart for the Gospel—Romans 1:1 10.1.15
The natural mind cannot receive the things of God. Paul says that the sinful mind or carnal mind is hostile to God. It hates the very things of God and cannot please God because it is impossible to walk according to his ways while following the desires of the flesh. Many Christians try and try but experience constant failure because they are not living by the Holy Spirit as their compass and guide. They are living out of their own efforts rather than living a life of faith.
To have true victory in life we must be in tune with the Holy Spirit that was given to us. His office and function is to instruct, help and comfort us on this earth. But just as important He reveals and reminds us what Jesus told us. It is the most blessed gift along with salvation that we received from God. If we are trying live apart from the provision Christ made for us in sending the Holy Spirit, then we will never know God in the way he desires. Jesus thought that this guide was so important that he said in John, "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you" ( John 16:7 ). So many times we wish that we could have Jesus sitting next to us teaching and instructing us. But Jesus said it was expedient that he return to the Father so that he could send us the Holy Spirit in His place. -Juli Camarin; The Carnal Mind is Hostile to God—Romans 8:7; 11.24.09
To have true victory in life we must be in tune with the Holy Spirit that was given to us. His office and function is to instruct, help and comfort us on this earth. But just as important He reveals and reminds us what Jesus told us. It is the most blessed gift along with salvation that we received from God. If we are trying live apart from the provision Christ made for us in sending the Holy Spirit, then we will never know God in the way he desires. Jesus thought that this guide was so important that he said in John, "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you" ( John 16:7 ). So many times we wish that we could have Jesus sitting next to us teaching and instructing us. But Jesus said it was expedient that he return to the Father so that he could send us the Holy Spirit in His place. -Juli Camarin; The Carnal Mind is Hostile to God—Romans 8:7; 11.24.09
==michael camp======
Michael Camp spent twenty-five years in the evangelical movement, as an ordained missionary to Muslims, a development worker in Africa, and a lay leader in independent, charismatic, and Baptist churches. Today, as an author, podcaster, speaker, Rotarian, microbrew enthusiast, and bad golfer, he helps people find a more authentic spiritual path along Jesus' subversive way of peace. Michael is also active in a Rotary Club in Bainbridge Island, WA where he helps facilitate microfinance and development projects in Africa and Asia.
Most people in evangelicalism/fundamentalism have a fear-based faith. They have a fear of falling away, losing one’s salvation, going to hell, not being “biblical,” not remaining orthodox, being influenced by demons, being gay, losing their Christian friends, becoming a heretic, not having a church covering, losing their Christian job, ruining their religious career, or any manner of other fears. “Perfect love casts out fear” and “Anyone who fears has not been perfected in love,” says the New Testament book of I John. People with a fear-based religion have not experienced true, unconditional love. The love they “know” is conditioned on measuring up to please a transactional and two-faced god who demands something in return and is unprincipled in meting out love and forgiveness. People need to break out of this cycle of fear.
--Michael Camp; The Spiritual Brewpub; How Faith Deconstruction Workshops Can Help You Reclaim More Historical and Beautiful Beliefs 8.18.23
--Michael Camp; The Spiritual Brewpub; How Faith Deconstruction Workshops Can Help You Reclaim More Historical and Beautiful Beliefs 8.18.23
June 21, 2023:
👉Breaking Bad Faith by Michael Camp uncovers how bad faith—belief in a duplicitous, retributive, and violent god—is entrenched in today’s popular theology and American culture (it’s worse than you think). Using forgotten history, it exposes 12 myths most Christians believe and how entrenched violent retribution is in parts of the Bible and in the majority Christian worldview. It then shows us what matters most: Jesus’ subversive way of peace and restoration beyond religion. You’ll learn contemporary mind-blowing examples how this path works, including many outside of Christianity. A perfect antidote for those deconstructing evangelical faith and encouragement for those yearning for a peaceable, historically honest path.
👉Breaking Bad Faith by Michael Camp uncovers how bad faith—belief in a duplicitous, retributive, and violent god—is entrenched in today’s popular theology and American culture (it’s worse than you think). Using forgotten history, it exposes 12 myths most Christians believe and how entrenched violent retribution is in parts of the Bible and in the majority Christian worldview. It then shows us what matters most: Jesus’ subversive way of peace and restoration beyond religion. You’ll learn contemporary mind-blowing examples how this path works, including many outside of Christianity. A perfect antidote for those deconstructing evangelical faith and encouragement for those yearning for a peaceable, historically honest path.
We need to shed this false lens from which most people view Jesus and his early followers. You see, “Christianity,” the way most people think of it, has almost nothing—or at best, very little—to do with the historical Jesus epic that began in the first century. “Christianity,” and particularly Western Christianity and its variety of popular modern streams of evangelicalism and fundamentalism, is full of mythical, fraudulent, and violent theologies that cloud one’s mind so much that it’s almost impossible to see the beauty of the magnanimous message that Jesus still brings the world. French theologian, Jacques Ellul, called this “the subversion of Christianity,” arguing that there was not just deviation from the core message but “radical and essential contradiction, or real subversion.” [Ellul, The Subversion of Christianity, 3] Russian author of War and Peace and theologian, Leo Tolstoy, said both believers and unbelievers typically are wearing this false lens, being “fully persuaded that they have understood Christ’s teachings a long time, and that they understand it so fully, indubitably, and conclusively, that it can have no other significance, than the one they attribute to it. And the reason for this conviction is that the false interpretation and consequent misapprehension of the Gospel is an error of such long standing.” [Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You, 32]
==caleb campbell======
Caleb Cambell is a native Phoenician. In 2006 he came on staff and has served as Lead Pastor since 2015. In 2014 he received a Masters in Ministry degree from Phoenix Seminary and enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Theological Seminary where he studied Leadership in multi-ethnic, multi-generational churches.
June 12, 2023: Word & Way: With Turning Point Faith, Pastors Use Politics as a Church-Growth Strategy
The effect of Dream City’s now monthly TPUSA events is felt at nearby churches such as Desert Springs Bible Church, where the Rev. Caleb Campbell serves as pastor. At the beginning of the pandemic, Campbell said, his church drew around 700 people on a Sunday. But when Desert Springs suspended in-person worship during lockdown and Campbell began preaching about racial justice following the murder of George Floyd, people began leaving — with many citing political reasons for their exit.
Some of his congregants, Campbell said, ended up at Dream City. By the time the church opened up again, attendance dipped to as low as 100.
“2020 hits and then it’s a deluge — it’s hundreds of people leaving and making sure that I knew about it,” he said. “The ones that haunt me are the ones that I just never heard from again.”
The effect of Dream City’s now monthly TPUSA events is felt at nearby churches such as Desert Springs Bible Church, where the Rev. Caleb Campbell serves as pastor. At the beginning of the pandemic, Campbell said, his church drew around 700 people on a Sunday. But when Desert Springs suspended in-person worship during lockdown and Campbell began preaching about racial justice following the murder of George Floyd, people began leaving — with many citing political reasons for their exit.
Some of his congregants, Campbell said, ended up at Dream City. By the time the church opened up again, attendance dipped to as low as 100.
“2020 hits and then it’s a deluge — it’s hundreds of people leaving and making sure that I knew about it,” he said. “The ones that haunt me are the ones that I just never heard from again.”
==mae elise cannon======
Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon is the executive director of Churches for Middle East Peace and an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). She formerly served as the senior director of advocacy and outreach for World Vision US on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. She is the author of Social Justice Handbook and Just Spirituality, and coeditor of Evangelical Theologies of Liberation and Justice.
During last week's Zoom call, Mae Elise Cannon, of the ecumenical group Churches for Middle East Peace, called out unnamed evangelical leaders who she said have declined to sign, citing concerns including how it would go over with their churches or religious organizations."White evangelical brothers and sisters, where are you?" Cannon said. "There's a few of us on this call today, but let me tell you how many people said 'no.' " --Wyoming Public Media: Evangelical Leaders Condemn 'Radicalized Christian Nationalism' 1.24.21
==michael carden======
Michael Carden teaches biblical studies and comparative religion at the University of Queensland. He has published a number of essays on Bible, sexuality and religion, including contributions to the anthologies Queer Commenatry and the Hebrew Bible (2001), Redirected Travel: Alternative Texts, Readings and Spaces in Biblical Studies (2003) and Popular Spiritualities: The Politics of Contemporary Enchantment (forthcoming 2004). Michael is also a contributor to the internationally collaborative queer Bible commentary project, The Bible in Translesbigay Perspective.
For Genesis 19, the ideology is homophobia; the existence of the words 'sodomy' and 'sodomite' testify to its sorry career in Christianity. The fate of these cities is held up by religious conservatives to justify the suppression of non-heterosexual people and to fan hatred of same sex eroticism and gender fluidity. The story represents, for Christianity, a tale "of homophobic genocide" signifying the "culture's desire that gay people not be".
Thus, even if the angels had been consenting, it is wrong to read the Sodomite's demand as anything else but an act of abuse of outsiders. The threatened rape of the angels is an attempt to inscribe outsiders as queer and therefore not real men… But in attempting to inscribe the outsider as queer the Sodomites are also attempting to inscribe the queer as outsider. Thus the tensions of homosexual panic amongst the men of Sodom are relieved in a way that confirms their own heterosexuality. Rather than reading the attempted rape of the angels as an instance of homosexual violence I believe it should be more accurately read as an instance of homophobic violence.
--Michael Carden, “Compulsory Heterosexuality in Biblical Narratives and their Interpretations: Reading Homophobia and Rape in Sodom and Gibeah,” Australian Religion Studies Review, Vol. 12 No.1 (1999).
Thus, even if the angels had been consenting, it is wrong to read the Sodomite's demand as anything else but an act of abuse of outsiders. The threatened rape of the angels is an attempt to inscribe outsiders as queer and therefore not real men… But in attempting to inscribe the outsider as queer the Sodomites are also attempting to inscribe the queer as outsider. Thus the tensions of homosexual panic amongst the men of Sodom are relieved in a way that confirms their own heterosexuality. Rather than reading the attempted rape of the angels as an instance of homosexual violence I believe it should be more accurately read as an instance of homophobic violence.
--Michael Carden, “Compulsory Heterosexuality in Biblical Narratives and their Interpretations: Reading Homophobia and Rape in Sodom and Gibeah,” Australian Religion Studies Review, Vol. 12 No.1 (1999).
“The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is also an account of mass genocide, and therein lies a danger for inverting the Christian account into one of divine judgement on misogyny and homophobia. The virulence of the Christian myth of Sodom is derived very much from this fact of genocide, giving license to gallows, concentration camp and hate crime.”
--Michael Carden, Genesis, in The Queer Bible Commentary, Deryn Guest, Robert E. Goss, Mona West, Thomas Bohache [Eds.] (London: SCM Press, 1988), p.38.
--Michael Carden, Genesis, in The Queer Bible Commentary, Deryn Guest, Robert E. Goss, Mona West, Thomas Bohache [Eds.] (London: SCM Press, 1988), p.38.
==greg carey======
‘We appeal to heaven': A theologian helps explain a Christian nationalist rally in Harrisburg
“What really holds the movement together is the claim that these prophets and apostles are exercising Jesus’ authority on Earth,” said Greg Carey, a New Testament professor at Lancaster Theological Seminary and co-pastor of Life Church Lancaster. “So you have these speakers that tend to be authoritarian, you have these speakers who directly represent God, and it tends to foster authoritarian politics, too.” Lately, Carey has been warning people about Christian nationalism. He defines it as the belief that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and should be governed according to a particular, narrow set of principles. Christian nationalists often mix religion with myths or stories about early European settlers in what would become the U.S. As the election approaches, he says this movement, whose adherents have claimed former President Donald Trump was anointed by God, is preparing people to forcefully contest election results wherever Democrat Kamala Harris wins. At the same time, Carey noted, a New Apostolic Reformation leader, Lance Wallnau, is working to recruit adherents to serve as poll watchers. There, they will be in place to claim “fraud” anywhere Republicans lose, and push that message to Republican National Committee lawyers through a tipline set up by the party. “Part of what we’re seeing is, in New Apostolic Reformation circles, an orchestrated attempt to rally people in swing states, and especially to get them involved in the election process, as poll watchers or election workers,” Carey said. “It really is a way of preparing for a contested election.”
(Lancaster Inline 10/11/24) READ MORE>>>>>
“What really holds the movement together is the claim that these prophets and apostles are exercising Jesus’ authority on Earth,” said Greg Carey, a New Testament professor at Lancaster Theological Seminary and co-pastor of Life Church Lancaster. “So you have these speakers that tend to be authoritarian, you have these speakers who directly represent God, and it tends to foster authoritarian politics, too.” Lately, Carey has been warning people about Christian nationalism. He defines it as the belief that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and should be governed according to a particular, narrow set of principles. Christian nationalists often mix religion with myths or stories about early European settlers in what would become the U.S. As the election approaches, he says this movement, whose adherents have claimed former President Donald Trump was anointed by God, is preparing people to forcefully contest election results wherever Democrat Kamala Harris wins. At the same time, Carey noted, a New Apostolic Reformation leader, Lance Wallnau, is working to recruit adherents to serve as poll watchers. There, they will be in place to claim “fraud” anywhere Republicans lose, and push that message to Republican National Committee lawyers through a tipline set up by the party. “Part of what we’re seeing is, in New Apostolic Reformation circles, an orchestrated attempt to rally people in swing states, and especially to get them involved in the election process, as poll watchers or election workers,” Carey said. “It really is a way of preparing for a contested election.”
(Lancaster Inline 10/11/24) READ MORE>>>>>
==Brian Carn======
Prophet Brian Carn is an internationally recognized prophetic voice, student of the Word, author of three top selling books, Recording Artist, General Overseer of City Church International Fellowship (CCIF), and Pastor of Kingdom City Church (KCC) in three locations. He is renowned for his prophetic accuracy, humility and passion. His ministry has been broadcasted all over the world on television stations such as: Daystar, TBN, and The Word Network, where he has been the host of two shows, “Brian Carn LIVE” and “Prophetic Encounters with Prophet Brian Carn”.
Apr 30, 2020: WSOTV: ‘It ain’t real’: Local pastor’s COVID-19 sermons raising eyebrows
Pastor Brian Carn at Kingdom City Church in southwest Charlotte held services after the stay-at-home order was first put in place. After several services, police talked to Carn and say he agreed not to hold church again until the stay-at-home order is lifted.
Pator Carn: “Evidently gas is most definitely as essential need. Gas prices are going up right now, we just wanted to be a blessing to the community and give people as much gas as we could possibly give them."
Pastor Brian Carn at Kingdom City Church in southwest Charlotte held services after the stay-at-home order was first put in place. After several services, police talked to Carn and say he agreed not to hold church again until the stay-at-home order is lifted.
Pator Carn: “Evidently gas is most definitely as essential need. Gas prices are going up right now, we just wanted to be a blessing to the community and give people as much gas as we could possibly give them."
Mar 13, 2021: WCCB: Charlotte Church Gives Away $10,000 Worth Of Gas
“Evidently gas is most definitely as essential need. Gas prices are going up right now, we just wanted to be a blessing to the community and give people as much gas as we could possibly give them,” says Pastor Brian Carn of Kingdom City Church.
“Evidently gas is most definitely as essential need. Gas prices are going up right now, we just wanted to be a blessing to the community and give people as much gas as we could possibly give them,” says Pastor Brian Carn of Kingdom City Church.
==simonetta carr======
Amy Carmichael Shaped Me as a Mom
Review: ‘Church History’ by Simonetta Carr Church History, a new book by Simonetta Carr, tells dozens of stories about lives like Carmichael’s. It’s primarily a textbook for young readers, with lots of maps, illustrations, timelines, and helpful information about how the church grew. But it will inspire children and adults alike to serve God faithfully and live by his strength in their varied life circumstances. Some of the people who influenced the church moved in the topmost tiers of society; some were born or raised to be emperors or popes. But most of the people Carr covers in Church History were ordinary people who followed God faithfully as he led them through extraordinary circumstances. (Ginger Blomberg/Gospel Coalition 5/25/23)
Review: ‘Church History’ by Simonetta Carr Church History, a new book by Simonetta Carr, tells dozens of stories about lives like Carmichael’s. It’s primarily a textbook for young readers, with lots of maps, illustrations, timelines, and helpful information about how the church grew. But it will inspire children and adults alike to serve God faithfully and live by his strength in their varied life circumstances. Some of the people who influenced the church moved in the topmost tiers of society; some were born or raised to be emperors or popes. But most of the people Carr covers in Church History were ordinary people who followed God faithfully as he led them through extraordinary circumstances. (Ginger Blomberg/Gospel Coalition 5/25/23)
==james carroll======
State Baptist leaders describe success in convention remarks
James Carroll’s presidential address focused on 1 Corinthians 3. “I love Kentucky Baptist churches and believe God wants to continue to use us to reach the commonwealth for Christ and for our mission work around the world,” he said. Carroll noted that “God is building us and building His kingdom through us. We can be confident He is working through us. Nothing will stop Him. As Kentucky Baptists, we have responsibilities.” Carroll then said “eternity will reveal the true value of our labor for the Lord. It’s God’s building — we are coming along to build on the foundation that has been laid.” Carroll urged Kentucky Baptist churches against being obsessed with numbers. “Southern Baptists love to win — by any metrics we seem to be winning, we are the only one to stave off theological liberalism. We are the largest mission sending organization in the world. Our love for winning means sometimes we can make concessions that pull us away from our primary commitment. Numbers can be misleading … an obsession over it can be deadly.” (Chip Hutcheson/The News Enterprise 11/17/23)
Read More>>>>>
James Carroll’s presidential address focused on 1 Corinthians 3. “I love Kentucky Baptist churches and believe God wants to continue to use us to reach the commonwealth for Christ and for our mission work around the world,” he said. Carroll noted that “God is building us and building His kingdom through us. We can be confident He is working through us. Nothing will stop Him. As Kentucky Baptists, we have responsibilities.” Carroll then said “eternity will reveal the true value of our labor for the Lord. It’s God’s building — we are coming along to build on the foundation that has been laid.” Carroll urged Kentucky Baptist churches against being obsessed with numbers. “Southern Baptists love to win — by any metrics we seem to be winning, we are the only one to stave off theological liberalism. We are the largest mission sending organization in the world. Our love for winning means sometimes we can make concessions that pull us away from our primary commitment. Numbers can be misleading … an obsession over it can be deadly.” (Chip Hutcheson/The News Enterprise 11/17/23)
Read More>>>>>
==angela carson======
Jan 14, 2023: Canton News: Carson selected as Mississippi Christian Living Leader of Year
For the fourth year in a row, Mississippi Christian Living (MCL) has taken nominations for Christian Leaders of the Year, and, this year, Cantonian Angela Carson was selected.
Carson is the founder and executive director of the Canton-based Pine Grove Association, which serves youth, the elderly, the Hispanic community and others.
She is the founder and president of Carson Consulting Services, which offers training, consulting and coaching for nonprofits, small businesses and government entities.
She is a member, secretary and Sunday school teacher at Priestley Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Canton.
For the fourth year in a row, Mississippi Christian Living (MCL) has taken nominations for Christian Leaders of the Year, and, this year, Cantonian Angela Carson was selected.
Carson is the founder and executive director of the Canton-based Pine Grove Association, which serves youth, the elderly, the Hispanic community and others.
She is the founder and president of Carson Consulting Services, which offers training, consulting and coaching for nonprofits, small businesses and government entities.
She is a member, secretary and Sunday school teacher at Priestley Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Canton.