- Joel Bowman - Keith Boyette - William Boykin - Greg Boyle - Jennie Boysen - Jamie Bradshaw - Mario Bramnick - Tony Brazelton - Jack Brewer - James Brewer-Calvert - Todd Brewer - Jared Brock - David Brockman -
==joel bowman======
Reverend Joel A. Bowman, Sr. is a native of Detroit, Michigan who has served as a pastor in Louisville, Kentucky for over twenty-five years. He is also a licensed clinical social worker with over thirty years of experience as a mental health clinician
King’s daughter, Bernice A. King, has said some of her father’s quotes are “cherry-picked for convenience and comfort.” That is definitely true of the “I Have a Dream” speech.
The most often-repeated line of the speech is, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
In an opinion piece titled “The Whitewashing of MLK’s Legacy,” Kennith Woods said, “This singular statement has proven to be powerful and timeless — so much so, that King’s dream has largely overshadowed the rest of his speech and his life"
This statement by King has been grossly misappropriated by many on the right to forward a political agenda that is antithetical to King’s philosophy. Some right-wing pundits have misused this line from the speech to suggest King envisioned a “colorblind” America. This certainly was not the case. What King actually envisioned was an America where racial inequality would be eradicated. Others have misused this line from King’s speech to say he would have been against affirmative action and that he believed to “make it” in America, people just need to pull themselves up by their own “bootstraps.” This is patently false.
In a 1967 interview with NBC, King said, “It’s a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And many Negroes by the thousands and millions have been left bootless as a result of all of these years of oppression and as a result of a society that deliberately made his color a stigma and something worthless and degrading.”
Still others, like former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, have invoked King’s name while opposing those who organize to protest police brutality of Black bodies. -Rev Joel Bowman; Baptist News Global; More than a dream: The undiluted legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. 8/28.23
The most often-repeated line of the speech is, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
In an opinion piece titled “The Whitewashing of MLK’s Legacy,” Kennith Woods said, “This singular statement has proven to be powerful and timeless — so much so, that King’s dream has largely overshadowed the rest of his speech and his life"
This statement by King has been grossly misappropriated by many on the right to forward a political agenda that is antithetical to King’s philosophy. Some right-wing pundits have misused this line from the speech to suggest King envisioned a “colorblind” America. This certainly was not the case. What King actually envisioned was an America where racial inequality would be eradicated. Others have misused this line from King’s speech to say he would have been against affirmative action and that he believed to “make it” in America, people just need to pull themselves up by their own “bootstraps.” This is patently false.
In a 1967 interview with NBC, King said, “It’s a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And many Negroes by the thousands and millions have been left bootless as a result of all of these years of oppression and as a result of a society that deliberately made his color a stigma and something worthless and degrading.”
Still others, like former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, have invoked King’s name while opposing those who organize to protest police brutality of Black bodies. -Rev Joel Bowman; Baptist News Global; More than a dream: The undiluted legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. 8/28.23
June 7, 2023: Washington Post: For many Southern Baptists, the only campaign question is which Republican candidate to support
“There is a segment of the white evangelical populace, they’re looking for a way to distance themselves with the deal with the devil they made in 2016” in supporting Trump, said the Rev. Joel Bowman Sr. of Louisville, Kentucky, who was among several Black pastors who left the SBC in 2021 in dismay over what they saw as a racial backlash in a denomination that had once formally repented of its forebears’ racism.
“There is a segment of the white evangelical populace, they’re looking for a way to distance themselves with the deal with the devil they made in 2016” in supporting Trump, said the Rev. Joel Bowman Sr. of Louisville, Kentucky, who was among several Black pastors who left the SBC in 2021 in dismay over what they saw as a racial backlash in a denomination that had once formally repented of its forebears’ racism.
==keith boyette======
The SBC Will Sell Insurance, Retirement to Women Pastors — If They Aren’t Southern Baptists
“As part of its decision to have GuideStone administer its benefits programs, the Global Methodist Church has communicated to GuideStone that it is unequivocally committed to the ordination and deployment of women in any and all leadership positions in the Global Methodist Church and its regional conferences and local churches,” Keith Boyette, transitional connectional officer for the Global Methodist Church, told Religion News Service. When it was founded in 2022, leaders of the Global Methodist Church had named Wespath, which manages benefits for the United Methodist Church, to administer denominational benefits, but they have since decided to make a change. (Word & Way 1/10/24) Read More>>>>>
“As part of its decision to have GuideStone administer its benefits programs, the Global Methodist Church has communicated to GuideStone that it is unequivocally committed to the ordination and deployment of women in any and all leadership positions in the Global Methodist Church and its regional conferences and local churches,” Keith Boyette, transitional connectional officer for the Global Methodist Church, told Religion News Service. When it was founded in 2022, leaders of the Global Methodist Church had named Wespath, which manages benefits for the United Methodist Church, to administer denominational benefits, but they have since decided to make a change. (Word & Way 1/10/24) Read More>>>>>
Three dozen NC churches have agreed to leave the UMC under approved plan
After a judge dismissed their lawsuit, the 36 churches in the Western North Carolina Conference agreed to leave under the denomination's exit plan. They will formally exit in November. The Rev. Keith Boyette, the Global Methodist Church’s chief executive, was traveling and unavailable to comment. (Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service 9/11/23)
Read More>>>>>
After a judge dismissed their lawsuit, the 36 churches in the Western North Carolina Conference agreed to leave under the denomination's exit plan. They will formally exit in November. The Rev. Keith Boyette, the Global Methodist Church’s chief executive, was traveling and unavailable to comment. (Yonat Shimron, Religion News Service 9/11/23)
Read More>>>>>
United Methodist bishops meet, look to pivot after 2,400+ churches disaffiliate
Since 2019, more than 2,400 churches have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church, according to the latest tally by the United Methodist News Service. The majority — about 2,000 churches and 2,450 clergy, including three former United Methodist bishops — have joined the Global Methodist Church, according to the Rev. Keith Boyette, who leads the new denomination as its transitional connectional officer. And more congregations and conferences around the world have declared their intention to join the Global Methodist Church, according to a post on the new denomination’s website.
(Emily McFarlan Miller/Religion News Service 5/1/23) Read More>>>>>
Since 2019, more than 2,400 churches have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church, according to the latest tally by the United Methodist News Service. The majority — about 2,000 churches and 2,450 clergy, including three former United Methodist bishops — have joined the Global Methodist Church, according to the Rev. Keith Boyette, who leads the new denomination as its transitional connectional officer. And more congregations and conferences around the world have declared their intention to join the Global Methodist Church, according to a post on the new denomination’s website.
(Emily McFarlan Miller/Religion News Service 5/1/23) Read More>>>>>
==william boykin======
Washington Watch with Tony Perkins
On today’s program: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC’s Executive Vice President, reacts to the recent Pentagon announcement of a sweeping overhaul of military recruiting practices following another year of missed recruiting goals. 10/24/23 |
Right Wing Watch Exposes The Mythical Martyrdom Of Jerry Boykin
If you want to keep an eye on what the most dangerous far right elements in public life-- the David Bartons, Pat Robertsons, Matt Barbers, Cindy Jacobs, Glenn Becks, Bryan Fischers, Ted Nugents, the Phyllis Schlaflys-- are up to when they think no one is looking... well People For the American Way's Right Wing Watch is looking. Always watching... always reporting... always focusing attention on the worst of the neo-fascist crackpots undermining democracy, freedom and equality. Example-- their just-released, powerful and compelling report, The Mythical Martyrdom of Jerry Boykin. The report goes beyond just being a biography of Evil incarnate-- although it certainly is that-- to a case study on how the religionist right and the Conservative Movement use the propaganda techniques pioneered by fascists long dead to brainwash the poor saps Chris Mooney has been writing about so eloquently in his books, The Republican War on Science and The Republican Brain. (Down With Tyranny 4/22/12) Read More>>>>
If you want to keep an eye on what the most dangerous far right elements in public life-- the David Bartons, Pat Robertsons, Matt Barbers, Cindy Jacobs, Glenn Becks, Bryan Fischers, Ted Nugents, the Phyllis Schlaflys-- are up to when they think no one is looking... well People For the American Way's Right Wing Watch is looking. Always watching... always reporting... always focusing attention on the worst of the neo-fascist crackpots undermining democracy, freedom and equality. Example-- their just-released, powerful and compelling report, The Mythical Martyrdom of Jerry Boykin. The report goes beyond just being a biography of Evil incarnate-- although it certainly is that-- to a case study on how the religionist right and the Conservative Movement use the propaganda techniques pioneered by fascists long dead to brainwash the poor saps Chris Mooney has been writing about so eloquently in his books, The Republican War on Science and The Republican Brain. (Down With Tyranny 4/22/12) Read More>>>>
==greg boyle======
Rev Greg Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, a program he started in the Dolores Mission Church in Los Angeles to reduce gang violence in his community in the 1980s, the so-called “decade of death.” It peaked with 1,000 gang-related killings in 1992. In 1988 Boyle and his parish started what would become Homeboy Industries, a program dedicated to providing a second chance to former gang members. Today, Homeboy Industries is a nonprofit that trains and employs former gang members and formerly incarcerated people in a dozen social enterprises, including a bakery, café and diner, food retail, catering, apparel and embroidery and electronics recycling. Yearly, it serves over 10,000 former gang members from across Los Angeles, not only through its job placement program but through services like case management, education, legal services, mental health services, substance abuse and tattoo removal.
March 10, 2023: Religion News: ‘Spiritual exemplars’ change the media narrative about religion
Scholars sometimes make the distinction between intrinsic and fundamentalist religion that is authoritarian. The exemplars we have studied fit the category of intrinsic religion. The Rev. Greg Boyle, a Catholic priest we profiled, measures all beliefs by whether they are loving, not whether they are part of the dogma of the church. This conviction guides the efforts of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention and prison reentry program in the world.
Scholars sometimes make the distinction between intrinsic and fundamentalist religion that is authoritarian. The exemplars we have studied fit the category of intrinsic religion. The Rev. Greg Boyle, a Catholic priest we profiled, measures all beliefs by whether they are loving, not whether they are part of the dogma of the church. This conviction guides the efforts of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention and prison reentry program in the world.
==jennie boysen======
April 1, 2023: Baptist News Global: One of the first whistleblowers at Northern Seminary says she has been fired by trustees
Jennie Boysen told Baptist News Global Interim President John Bowling told her this week on a Zoom meeting the board had instructed him to terminate her, and she had the option to resign with a severance. After the meeting, her email and electronic access to the seminary had been blocked. Boysen, who is also an alumna, said she hasn’t received anything in writing from the seminary about this week’s action, nor had she received any negative feedback about her competency or job performance.
Jennie Boysen told Baptist News Global Interim President John Bowling told her this week on a Zoom meeting the board had instructed him to terminate her, and she had the option to resign with a severance. After the meeting, her email and electronic access to the seminary had been blocked. Boysen, who is also an alumna, said she hasn’t received anything in writing from the seminary about this week’s action, nor had she received any negative feedback about her competency or job performance.
==jamie bradshaw======
Feb 24, 2023: Christian Chronicle: Addressing church decline one child at a time
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Jamie Bradshaw, the Windsong children’s program coordinator and a mother of two, said she thinks the program offers students a strong foundation in Scripture. “It’s a two-year program,” Bradshaw said. “We group our kids by first and second grade, third and fourth grade and so on. … So if they stay in our program from pre-K to sixth grade, they’ll get the Bible on their level four times.” Bradshaw administers benchmark exams during two weeks each semester to about 60 children in the Sunday school program, awarding students with stickers when they pass. The exams add a level of accountability for both students and families with young children.
NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Jamie Bradshaw, the Windsong children’s program coordinator and a mother of two, said she thinks the program offers students a strong foundation in Scripture. “It’s a two-year program,” Bradshaw said. “We group our kids by first and second grade, third and fourth grade and so on. … So if they stay in our program from pre-K to sixth grade, they’ll get the Bible on their level four times.” Bradshaw administers benchmark exams during two weeks each semester to about 60 children in the Sunday school program, awarding students with stickers when they pass. The exams add a level of accountability for both students and families with young children.
==mario bramnick======
May 25, 2023: Right Wing Watch: Kingdom In Politics Is Training Right-Wing Christians to Run for Office for the Purpose of ‘Bringing Heaven to Earth’
While WPN founders, right-wing activists Jim Garlow and Mario Bramnick, often use the program as a conduit for the promotion of wild conspiracy theories, Wednesday night’s program featuring a conservative Christian political strategist named Aamon Ross who runs a political consulting business called Kingdom In Politics, the purpose of which is to “prepare and inspire believers to take an active role in politics.”
While WPN founders, right-wing activists Jim Garlow and Mario Bramnick, often use the program as a conduit for the promotion of wild conspiracy theories, Wednesday night’s program featuring a conservative Christian political strategist named Aamon Ross who runs a political consulting business called Kingdom In Politics, the purpose of which is to “prepare and inspire believers to take an active role in politics.”
==tony brazelton======
Tony and Cynthia Brazelton are both natives of the Washington, D.C. area and serve as Pastors of Victory Christian Ministries International, a growing, thriving, multi-racial, non-denominational, Bible believing, Bible teaching church in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with locations in Suitland, MD, Woodbridge, VA, Waldorf, MD, St. Mary's County and Washington, DC, as well as campuses in Orlando, FL and Middlesbrough, United Kingdom.
==jack brewer======
June 2, 2023: Media Matters: American theocracy: Trinity Broadcasting Network’s nightly news program is spreading Christian nationalism
- Centerpoint guest and Former NFL player Jack Brewer advocated for the Ten Commandments to be taught in public schools, and blamed teen violence on the lack of prayer in these institutions. According to Brewer, “It goes back to morality and not having that fear of God, you know, being in the school system that doesn't teach God, that removes prayer, that doesn't even teach the basic Ten Commandments to set some type of morality in these children.” He concluded, “We’re not going to be able to play the secular route like we have in the past because there really is a line in the sand, and which side are you going to be on? ” [TBN, Centerpoint, 4/14/23]
==todd brewer======
Todd Brewer is the managing editor of the Mockingbird website. He graduated from Durham University in 2015 with a Phd in New Testament Studies. His thesis, “Hermeneutics and Early Christian Gospels” is under contract with Mohr Siebeck and he co-edited the Cambridge Companion to the Gospels, 2nd edition.
Mar 10, 2023: Axios: Religious leaders experiment with ChatGPT sermons
Todd Brewer, managing editor of a religious publication called Mockingbird, had a similar take after asking ChatGPT to write a Christmas sermon "based upon Luke’s birth narrative, with quotations from Karl Barth, Martin Luther, Irenaeus of Lyon, and Barack Obama."
Todd Brewer, managing editor of a religious publication called Mockingbird, had a similar take after asking ChatGPT to write a Christmas sermon "based upon Luke’s birth narrative, with quotations from Karl Barth, Martin Luther, Irenaeus of Lyon, and Barack Obama."
==james brewer-calvert====== |
Dec 17, 2022: Frederick News-Post: Some Georgia pastors push back against spread of Christian nationalism
The Rev. James Brewer-Calvert, senior pastor of First Christian Church of Decatur, recently addressed the issue of Christian nationalism for his congregation. He said Christian nationalism is a threat. “The drive to yoke church and state endangers our republic’s foundation of liberty to practice — or not to practice — religion, and governmental autonomy from faith-based organizations.”
Brewer-Calvert said he felt it is necessary to “educate and prepare folks because it’s a serious and very present threat to both our country and our collective faith journey.”
The Rev. James Brewer-Calvert, senior pastor of First Christian Church of Decatur, recently addressed the issue of Christian nationalism for his congregation. He said Christian nationalism is a threat. “The drive to yoke church and state endangers our republic’s foundation of liberty to practice — or not to practice — religion, and governmental autonomy from faith-based organizations.”
Brewer-Calvert said he felt it is necessary to “educate and prepare folks because it’s a serious and very present threat to both our country and our collective faith journey.”
==jared brock======
Jared Brock is an award-winning author and director of several films including PBS's acclaimed Redeeming Uncle Tom with Danny Glover. His writing has appeared in Christianity Today, The Guardian, Smithsonian, USA Today, Huffington Post, Relevant, and TIME. He has traveled to more than forty countries, including North Korea, Transnistria, and the Vatican.
So, what did rabbi Jesus mean when he said the poor would always be among them?
As it turns out, Matthew 26:11 is a rabbinical head nod to an Old Testament passage that starts with, “There will always be poor people in the land” (Deut. 15:11a)—but that is not where the thought begins or ends. What precedes and follows this Deuteronomic text is a veritable barrage of economic policy aimed at obliterating poverty within the Israelite faith family—along with a warning that systemic poverty is a direct result of their disobedience to God. And so, by invoking this phrase, Jesus is scolding his disciples for thinking and perhaps even acting like the world when it comes to caring for the poor and needy among them (Matt. 26:10–11).....Given the specific audience to whom Jesus addresses this statement, the meaning is obvious: The poor will always be among them because the rich will always be above them.
Now, let’s return to read the rest of the verse, which people often neglect: “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me” (Matt. 26:11, NLT; emphasis added).
If we’re to believe this verse is a universal statement for all people at all times, then it means we’re forever surrounded by poor people and we no longer have God. We don’t get to keep the first half of the verse and discard the rest. Is not God still with us? Clearly, then, Jesus is speaking about his physical presence with this specific group of people. - Jared Brock; Christianity Today; ‘The Poor Will Always Be Among You’ Is a Call to Obedience 12/8/23
As it turns out, Matthew 26:11 is a rabbinical head nod to an Old Testament passage that starts with, “There will always be poor people in the land” (Deut. 15:11a)—but that is not where the thought begins or ends. What precedes and follows this Deuteronomic text is a veritable barrage of economic policy aimed at obliterating poverty within the Israelite faith family—along with a warning that systemic poverty is a direct result of their disobedience to God. And so, by invoking this phrase, Jesus is scolding his disciples for thinking and perhaps even acting like the world when it comes to caring for the poor and needy among them (Matt. 26:10–11).....Given the specific audience to whom Jesus addresses this statement, the meaning is obvious: The poor will always be among them because the rich will always be above them.
Now, let’s return to read the rest of the verse, which people often neglect: “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me” (Matt. 26:11, NLT; emphasis added).
If we’re to believe this verse is a universal statement for all people at all times, then it means we’re forever surrounded by poor people and we no longer have God. We don’t get to keep the first half of the verse and discard the rest. Is not God still with us? Clearly, then, Jesus is speaking about his physical presence with this specific group of people. - Jared Brock; Christianity Today; ‘The Poor Will Always Be Among You’ Is a Call to Obedience 12/8/23
==david brockman======
Inside the anti-LGBTQ effort to put Christianity back in schools
“What we’re seeing is the culmination of decades of political activism by the Christian right,” said David Brockman, a scholar of religion at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. Brockman, who has spent years studying the influence of far-right Christian activism, said some evangelical leaders see the vitriolic backlash against transgender people, LGBTQ children’s books and gender-affirming medical care as a powerful new tool to motivate followers. (Mike Hixenbaugh and Antonia Hylton/NBC News 10/4/23) Read More>>>>>
“What we’re seeing is the culmination of decades of political activism by the Christian right,” said David Brockman, a scholar of religion at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. Brockman, who has spent years studying the influence of far-right Christian activism, said some evangelical leaders see the vitriolic backlash against transgender people, LGBTQ children’s books and gender-affirming medical care as a powerful new tool to motivate followers. (Mike Hixenbaugh and Antonia Hylton/NBC News 10/4/23) Read More>>>>>
Churches are breaking the law and endorsing in elections, experts say. The IRS looks the other way.
Trump’s opposition to the law banning political activity by nonprofits “has given some politically-minded evangelical leaders a sense that the Johnson Amendment just isn’t really an issue anymore, and that they can go ahead and campaign for or against candidates or positions from the pulpit,” said David Brockman, a scholar in religion and public policy at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University
(Jeremy Schwartz/Texas Tribune 10/30/22) READ MORE>>>>>
Trump’s opposition to the law banning political activity by nonprofits “has given some politically-minded evangelical leaders a sense that the Johnson Amendment just isn’t really an issue anymore, and that they can go ahead and campaign for or against candidates or positions from the pulpit,” said David Brockman, a scholar in religion and public policy at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University
(Jeremy Schwartz/Texas Tribune 10/30/22) READ MORE>>>>>