Warren Wendall Wiersbe (May 16, 1929 – May 2, 2019) was an American Christian clergyman, Bible teacher, conference speaker and a prolific writer of Christian literature and theological works. He pastored the Moody Church in Chicago (1971–1978) and succeeded Theodore Epp as director of the Back to the Bible radio ministry.
Jan 10, 2019: Warren Wiersbe - Life is a Battleground. Warren Wiersbe - What to Wear to War, Life is a Battleground - Part 1 of 5. Ever feel as if you're living in a war zone? That's because as Christians we are! Satan is waging war against followers of Christ. But God has equipped us with the tools we need to face each day, to be clothed in His armor and ready to stand in His strength. Warren Wiersbe helps us find out how to use these tools in our lives. |

Living by faith means obeying God’s Word in spite of feelings, circumstances, or consequences. It means holding on to God’s truth no matter how heavy the burden or how dark the day, knowing that He is working out His perfect plan. It means living by promises and not by explanations. --Warren Wiersbe in his Genesis commentary, both in the preface and his comments on Genesis 22:3–5

“God is not in a hurry. He kept Abraham and Sarah waiting twenty-five years before Issac was born, and Issac and Rebekah waited twenty years for Esau and Jacob, Jacob had to wait fourteen years to get the bride he really wanted, and then he had to serve six more years to build up his flocks so he could be independent, a total of twenty years. Twenty-two years passed between Joseph's betrayal by his brothers and the brothers' reconciliation in Egypt. God is not in a hurry because all His works are done in love. "Love is patient, love is kind" (1 Cor.13:4). Let's be grateful that God takes His time.”
― Warren W. Wiersbe , Too Soon to Quit!
― Warren W. Wiersbe , Too Soon to Quit!

“The Lord prepared Moses for his ministry and took eighty years to do it. He was raised as a prince in Egypt and taught all that the wise men in Egypt knew. Some scholars believe that Moses was in line to be the next Pharaoh. Yet Moses gave all this up to identify with the people of God in their suffering (Heb. 11:24–27). God gave Moses a forty-year “post-graduate course” as a shepherd in the land of Midian, a strange place for a man with all the learning of Egypt in his mind. But there were lessons to be learned in solitude and silence, and in taking care of ignorant sheep, that Moses could never have learned in the university in Egypt. God has different ways of training His servants, and each person’s training is tailor-made by the Lord.”
― Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Equipped (Deuteronomy): Acquiring the Tools for Spiritual Success
― Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Equipped (Deuteronomy): Acquiring the Tools for Spiritual Success

“You may think that you are insignificant in the great plan of God, but you are not. You are tremendously important to God—so much so that Jesus died for you, and the Holy Spirit lives in you. You may seem small in your own eyes, and this is good; because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. However, don’t let your humility become sin by making you believe you can do nothing for God. God can use you to help Him accomplish His will on this earth.”
― Warren W. Wiersbe; The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days
― Warren W. Wiersbe; The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days

“You may think that you are insignificant in the great plan of God, but you are not. You are tremendously important to God—so much so that Jesus died for you, and the Holy Spirit lives in you. You may seem small in your own eyes, and this is good; because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. However, don’t let your humility become sin by making you believe you can do nothing for God. God can use you to help Him accomplish His will on this earth.”
― Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days
― Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days

“Jeremiah had been dwelling on his sorrows and the sorrows of his people, but then he lifted his eyes to the Lord — and this was the turning point. In the midst of sorrow and ruin he remembered the mercy of the Lord. “‘His compassions fail not.’ We have failed him, but he cannot fail us. ‘Great is your faithfulness.’” --Warren Wiersbe on Lamentations 3
May 3, 3019: Gospel Coalition: Warren Wiersbe (1929–2019)
Popular and prolific Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe died on the evening of May 2, 2019, at the age of 89. Warren Wendel Wiersbe was born on May 16, 1929, the third child of Fred and Gladys Anna (Forsberg) Wiersbe, in East Chicago, Indiana (25 miles southeast of Chicago). At that time, the steel town of East Chicago was the most industrialized city in the United States. His mother was of Swedish descent, and his father was of German descent. He was a lactose-intolerant milkman. |
Writing to me is a ministry. I’m not an athlete, I’m not a mechanic. I can’t do so many of the things that successful men can do. But I can read and study and think and teach. This is a beautiful, wonderful gift from God. All I’m doing is using what he’s given to me to teach people, and to give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. |
May 5, 2019: Moody Bible Institute: WARREN WIERSBE, 1929–2019
Cherished friend of Moody Bible Institute dies on May 2, 2019 |
Dr. Warren Wiersbe once described Heaven as “not only a destination, but also a motivation. When you and I are truly motivated by the promise of eternity with God in heaven, it makes a difference in our lives.” For Wiersbe, the promise of eternity became the motivation for his long ministry as a pastor, author, and radio speaker. Beloved for his biblical insight and practical teaching, he was called “one of the greatest Bible expositors of our generation” by the late Billy Graham. |