===Rob Bell===
William Barclay: Guilty of Universalism William Barclay’s iconic little blue commentaries are on the shelves of many pastors. So it’s odd that Rob Bell has been so roundly rejected for holding essentially the same belief as this celebrated theologian. Barclay writes, “I am a convinced universalist. I believe that in the end all men will be gathered into the love of God…the choice is whether we accept God’s offer and invitation willingly, or take the long and terrible way round through ages of purification.” In that work, Barclay also lists early church fathers, Origen and Gregory of Nyssa, as two other Christian Universalists. --Relevant: Six Heretics Who Should Be Banned From Evangelicalism 9/13/22 Heresy, holiness, and Oprah: Rob Bell interviewed ROB BELL was once the pastor of a megachurch in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and was saluted by one newspaper as “the next Billy Graham”. Today, he is more likely to be found on stage at a stand-up comedy club in downtown Los Angeles than in a pulpit. But he has not stopped preaching. “I get a screen and put up sections from the book of Ecclesiastes, and it somehow works,” he says of his shows at the Largo comedy club, where he has a residency. “People just realise, ‘Wait, was that a sermon? Did I just buy a ticket for a show and I just heard a sermon? And I’m not only OK with it, it was kind of great to be there.’” Bell moved to LA in 2012, a year after the publication of Love Wins (Features, 5 August 2011), which cast doubt on the idea of hell as a place of eternal conscious punishment. To the US’s Evangelical gatekeepers, such as Franklin Graham and John Piper, this amounted to denial of the gospel itself, and a reason to warn their flocks off his work. (Church Times 6/14/18 ) READMORE>>>>> |
Dec 22, 2021: Get Religion reported: Turns out that, like many folks who live in the northern half of the country, Bell wanted to escape to a better climate — so it was off to California he went. Los Angeles Magazine just ran a long piece on what Bell is up to now as he lives near the tony Venice Beach section of Los Angeles. The soulful photos look like, as one Twitter poster remarked, “like he delivers sandwiches for a hipster restaurant in Portland.” New York Times reported: Pastor Stirs Wrath With His Views on Old Questions. A new book by one of the country’s most influential evangelical pastors, challenging traditional Christian views of heaven, hell and eternal damnation, has created an uproar among evangelical leaders, with the most ancient of questions being argued in a biblical hailstorm of Twitter messages and blog posts.
Dct 16, 2016: RobCast: Episode 122 | We Need To Talk About Politics
May 26, 2016: Los Angeles Times: Rob Bell: podcaster, bestselling author, performer and, yes, pastor
Conjure up an image of a former mega-church pastor and you will almost certainly not envision Rob Bell.
Aug 6, 2015: Inlander: INTERVIEW: Pastor Rob Bell on why everything is spiritual
He’s the controversial pastor who famously questioned his belief regarding the traditionally held Christian view of hell in his 2011 book, Love Wins, causing many in the religious community to label him a heretic and worse. This Friday, Michigan megachurch founder/Oprah-approved spiritualist/gay marriage advocate Rob Bell comes to the Knitting Factory. Yes, the Knitting Factory, where people often arrive wearing little, drink a bit too much and listen to music with lyrics not always compatible with righteous teachings.
Mar 23, 2015: Inquistr: Jesus Swagger’ Author Calls Out ‘Poser Christians,’ But Is Accused Of Being Just That
A recent piece published by Baptist News highlighted the book as a much-needed return to “authentic” Christianity and a turn away from pastors like Rob Bell, who have, for the most part, been ideologically excommunicated from the faith.
Feb 19, 2015: Charisma: Rob Bell Trashes the Bible on Oprah
For those who had any questions, Rob Bell has now made himself totally clear: He is willing to trash parts of the Bible as "letters from 2,000 years ago" when God's Word contradicts his views on same-sex "marriage."
Dec 12, 2014: Relevant Magazine: What the Continued Crucifying Of Rob Bell Says About Modern Christianity
It’s often been said that we Christians eat our own. This unsettling expression is all-too true, and apparently Rob Bell is on the menu yet again.
Nov 3, 2014: Huffington Post: Rob Bell On How To Reboot When You're Stuck In A Rut (VIDEO)
In the above "Help Desk" video, he sits down with Jill-Michele, a single 34-year-old actress and comedian living in Los Angeles.
Sept 12, 2014: Christian Today: Rob Bell joins Oprah Winfrey on 'The Life You Want' tour; calls talk show host a 'really good preacher'
Former Mars Hill Bible Church pastor Rob Bell is currently on the road with media mogul Oprah Winfrey for her eight-city "The Life You Want" tour.
July 18, 2014: OC Register: Rethinking the Bible: A reassessment among some evangelicals
“We’re in a moment of history where things are shifting,” said Rob Bell, a best-selling evangelical author and former megachurch pastor who lives in Laguna Beach.
July 7, 2014: Inebriate Me: An Open Letter To Rob Bell
Dear Rob Bell, I love you, man.
June 24, 2014: Relevant Magazine: The Return of Rob Bell
More than three years after Desiring God founder and pastor John Piper famously tweeted “Farewell Rob Bell” (linking to a blog post about Bell’s controversial book Love Wins), Bell is making a comeback.
May 15, 2014: Faith Forward: Christianity Must Lose Its Dualism (What Rick Warren Could Learn from Rob Bell)
Bell’s progressive Christian perspective is, of course, nothing new, but he is the first mega-church pastor (as far as I know), educated in and emerging from an evangelical exclusive and dualistic tradition and having grown beyond that tradition, who has had the courage to publicly proclaim a more inclusive, holistic vision.
Apr 29, 2014: Christian Post: The Rob Bell Show' Starts Taping for Oprah Winfrey Network
Rob Bell, described as a pastor, author and spiritual leader, has invited supporters to attend the first tapings of his new show picked up by OWN, or The Oprah Winfrey Network.
Apr 28, 2014: Apprising Ministries: READY FOR “THE ROB BELL SHOW” ON OPRAH’S NETWORK?
A couple of weeks back here at Apprising Ministries I pointed out that Rob Bell is Set to Tour with Oprah Winfrey.You may also recall I told you that it was back in 2008 I would feel led to write Rob Bell And Christian Universalism.
Apr 17, 2014: Skeptical Inquests: Book Review: “Love Wins” by Rob Bell
Evangelical pastor Rob Bell’s book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived (NY: HarperOne, 2011) contains ideas over which the larger evangelical community in this country is up in arms, namely the argument that hell is a temporary place of punishment, not an eternal one.
Apr 7, 2014: The Federalist: Oprah, Rob Bell, And Faux Self-Empowerment For The Self-Centered
Oprah Winfrey has long been the leader in American guru aggregation, rounding up doctors, psychologists, planners, soothsayers, do-gooders, pastors, rabbis, and emotive specialists from all corners of life. Yet amidst the seeming diversity and specialization, the overall themes are rather predictable.
Apr 3, 2014: Sojourners: The Tribes of Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll, John Piper ... and Jesus
I may disagree with Rob Bell about hell, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to reject one of the most gifted Christian communicators of our time. Bell’s in-depth research and exegetical approach adds insightful historical context and background information that often goes previously unnoticed — revealing profound scriptural truths.
Mar 26, 2014: MLive: Pastor Rob Bell to tour with Oprah Winfrey, Michigan stop planned
Rob Bell will join Oprah Winfrey this fall on an eight-city tour scheduled to include a stop at The Palace of Auburn Hills near Detroit.
Feb 25, 2014: Brian McLaren: Q&R: You, Rob Bell, Donald Miller, and Christianity Today
Kevin Miller wrote a piece in CT about you, Rob Bell, and Don Miller. It follows other negative articles about you, and them, in CT. Do you think the portrayal was fair, and if not, why not?” Here’s my Response
Dec 8, 2013: Denny Burk: Rob Bell has left the church for a “quasi-intentional spiritual community”?
Jim Hinch argues in The American Scholar that evangelicalism is on the decline in America.
Nov 29, 2013: Schooley Files: Rob Bell's "What Is the Bible?" Series
Rob Bell has been blogging a series called "What Is the Bible?" If you're interested in reading it from the beginning, it starts here.
Nov 19, 2013: Christian Post: Rob Bell's 'Love Wins' Nudged 1,000 People to Leave Mars Hill Bible Church, Says Michigan Megachurch Successor
Mars Hill Bible Church, the congregation founded by author Rob Bell, lost about 1,000 people over their former pastor's controversial 2011 book, Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, according to the Grandville, Mich., megachurch's new pastor Kent Dobson.
Sept 25, 2013: Peter Enns: Rob Bell, Oprah, and N. T. Wright. Yeah, you heard me.
Just yesterday on The Revangelical Blog, Brandan Robertson posted on Rob Bell teaming up with Oprah. Apparently, she sees Bell as a spiritual mentor of sorts along with a number of others that strike a nerve with her.
May 4, 2013: Christian Post: Rob Bell Grows Frustrated Amid Questions on 'Sinfulness' of Homosexuality
Former Mars Hill Bible Church Pastor Debates UK Christian Minister Andrew Wilson
Apr 8, 2013; Dont Eat The Fruit: Where Are Rob Bell’s Glasses?
About a month ago, Rob Bell, former pastor of Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, released a book called What We Talk About When We Talk About God. Since then, there have been quite a few reviews offering various critiques and overviews as well as treatises on Bell’s significance.
Mar 20, 2013: Youtube: Interview: Why Rob Bell Supports Gay Marriage
Rob Bell created a splash earlier this week when he came out in favor of gay marriage. Bell, who is on a book tour for "What We Talk About When We Talk About God," says that God is inviting us to see things in new ways.
Mar 18, 2013: Huffington Post: Rob Bell Comes Out for Marriage Equality
This Sunday Rob Bell spoke at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral and openly endorsed marriage equality:
"I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it's a man and woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think the church needs -- I think this is the world we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are..........I think we are witnessing the death of a particular subculture that doesn't work. I think there is a very narrow, politically intertwined, culturally ghettoized, Evangelical subculture that was told "we're gonna change the thing" and they haven't. And they actually have turned away lots of people. And i think that when you're in a part of a subculture that is dying, you make a lot more noise because it's very painful. You sort of die or you adapt. And if you adapt, it means you have to come face to face with some of the ways we've talked about God, which don't actually shape people into more loving, compassionate people. And we have supported policies and ways of viewing the world that are actually destructive. And we've done it in the name of God and we need to repent.....................I would say that the powerful, revolutionary thing about Jesus' message is that he says, 'What do you do with the people that aren't like you? What do you do with the Other? What do you do with the person that's hardest to love?' . . . That's the measure of a good religion, is - you can love the people who are just like you; that's kind of easy. So what Jesus does is takes the question and talks about fruit. He's interested in what you actually produce. And that's a different discussion. How do we love the people in the world that are least like us?"
Mar 18, 2013: Red Letter Christians: RIP, Rob Bell
Some evangelicals are now not only saying, ‘Farewell, Rob Bell’ but actually declaring him dead to evangelicalism.
Mar 8, 2013: MLive: Rob Bell talks about why he really left Mars Hill
On the eve of his return to West Michigan Sunday to promote a new book, Rob Bell would like to clear a few things up.
Nov 26, 2012: New Yorker: The Hell-Raiser
A megachurch pastor’s search for a more forgiving faith
May 26, 2016: Los Angeles Times: Rob Bell: podcaster, bestselling author, performer and, yes, pastor
Conjure up an image of a former mega-church pastor and you will almost certainly not envision Rob Bell.
Aug 6, 2015: Inlander: INTERVIEW: Pastor Rob Bell on why everything is spiritual
He’s the controversial pastor who famously questioned his belief regarding the traditionally held Christian view of hell in his 2011 book, Love Wins, causing many in the religious community to label him a heretic and worse. This Friday, Michigan megachurch founder/Oprah-approved spiritualist/gay marriage advocate Rob Bell comes to the Knitting Factory. Yes, the Knitting Factory, where people often arrive wearing little, drink a bit too much and listen to music with lyrics not always compatible with righteous teachings.
Mar 23, 2015: Inquistr: Jesus Swagger’ Author Calls Out ‘Poser Christians,’ But Is Accused Of Being Just That
A recent piece published by Baptist News highlighted the book as a much-needed return to “authentic” Christianity and a turn away from pastors like Rob Bell, who have, for the most part, been ideologically excommunicated from the faith.
Feb 19, 2015: Charisma: Rob Bell Trashes the Bible on Oprah
For those who had any questions, Rob Bell has now made himself totally clear: He is willing to trash parts of the Bible as "letters from 2,000 years ago" when God's Word contradicts his views on same-sex "marriage."
Dec 12, 2014: Relevant Magazine: What the Continued Crucifying Of Rob Bell Says About Modern Christianity
It’s often been said that we Christians eat our own. This unsettling expression is all-too true, and apparently Rob Bell is on the menu yet again.
Nov 3, 2014: Huffington Post: Rob Bell On How To Reboot When You're Stuck In A Rut (VIDEO)
In the above "Help Desk" video, he sits down with Jill-Michele, a single 34-year-old actress and comedian living in Los Angeles.
Sept 12, 2014: Christian Today: Rob Bell joins Oprah Winfrey on 'The Life You Want' tour; calls talk show host a 'really good preacher'
Former Mars Hill Bible Church pastor Rob Bell is currently on the road with media mogul Oprah Winfrey for her eight-city "The Life You Want" tour.
July 18, 2014: OC Register: Rethinking the Bible: A reassessment among some evangelicals
“We’re in a moment of history where things are shifting,” said Rob Bell, a best-selling evangelical author and former megachurch pastor who lives in Laguna Beach.
July 7, 2014: Inebriate Me: An Open Letter To Rob Bell
Dear Rob Bell, I love you, man.
June 24, 2014: Relevant Magazine: The Return of Rob Bell
More than three years after Desiring God founder and pastor John Piper famously tweeted “Farewell Rob Bell” (linking to a blog post about Bell’s controversial book Love Wins), Bell is making a comeback.
May 15, 2014: Faith Forward: Christianity Must Lose Its Dualism (What Rick Warren Could Learn from Rob Bell)
Bell’s progressive Christian perspective is, of course, nothing new, but he is the first mega-church pastor (as far as I know), educated in and emerging from an evangelical exclusive and dualistic tradition and having grown beyond that tradition, who has had the courage to publicly proclaim a more inclusive, holistic vision.
Apr 29, 2014: Christian Post: The Rob Bell Show' Starts Taping for Oprah Winfrey Network
Rob Bell, described as a pastor, author and spiritual leader, has invited supporters to attend the first tapings of his new show picked up by OWN, or The Oprah Winfrey Network.
Apr 28, 2014: Apprising Ministries: READY FOR “THE ROB BELL SHOW” ON OPRAH’S NETWORK?
A couple of weeks back here at Apprising Ministries I pointed out that Rob Bell is Set to Tour with Oprah Winfrey.You may also recall I told you that it was back in 2008 I would feel led to write Rob Bell And Christian Universalism.
Apr 17, 2014: Skeptical Inquests: Book Review: “Love Wins” by Rob Bell
Evangelical pastor Rob Bell’s book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived (NY: HarperOne, 2011) contains ideas over which the larger evangelical community in this country is up in arms, namely the argument that hell is a temporary place of punishment, not an eternal one.
Apr 7, 2014: The Federalist: Oprah, Rob Bell, And Faux Self-Empowerment For The Self-Centered
Oprah Winfrey has long been the leader in American guru aggregation, rounding up doctors, psychologists, planners, soothsayers, do-gooders, pastors, rabbis, and emotive specialists from all corners of life. Yet amidst the seeming diversity and specialization, the overall themes are rather predictable.
Apr 3, 2014: Sojourners: The Tribes of Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll, John Piper ... and Jesus
I may disagree with Rob Bell about hell, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to reject one of the most gifted Christian communicators of our time. Bell’s in-depth research and exegetical approach adds insightful historical context and background information that often goes previously unnoticed — revealing profound scriptural truths.
Mar 26, 2014: MLive: Pastor Rob Bell to tour with Oprah Winfrey, Michigan stop planned
Rob Bell will join Oprah Winfrey this fall on an eight-city tour scheduled to include a stop at The Palace of Auburn Hills near Detroit.
Feb 25, 2014: Brian McLaren: Q&R: You, Rob Bell, Donald Miller, and Christianity Today
Kevin Miller wrote a piece in CT about you, Rob Bell, and Don Miller. It follows other negative articles about you, and them, in CT. Do you think the portrayal was fair, and if not, why not?” Here’s my Response
Dec 8, 2013: Denny Burk: Rob Bell has left the church for a “quasi-intentional spiritual community”?
Jim Hinch argues in The American Scholar that evangelicalism is on the decline in America.
Nov 29, 2013: Schooley Files: Rob Bell's "What Is the Bible?" Series
Rob Bell has been blogging a series called "What Is the Bible?" If you're interested in reading it from the beginning, it starts here.
Nov 19, 2013: Christian Post: Rob Bell's 'Love Wins' Nudged 1,000 People to Leave Mars Hill Bible Church, Says Michigan Megachurch Successor
Mars Hill Bible Church, the congregation founded by author Rob Bell, lost about 1,000 people over their former pastor's controversial 2011 book, Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, according to the Grandville, Mich., megachurch's new pastor Kent Dobson.
Sept 25, 2013: Peter Enns: Rob Bell, Oprah, and N. T. Wright. Yeah, you heard me.
Just yesterday on The Revangelical Blog, Brandan Robertson posted on Rob Bell teaming up with Oprah. Apparently, she sees Bell as a spiritual mentor of sorts along with a number of others that strike a nerve with her.
May 4, 2013: Christian Post: Rob Bell Grows Frustrated Amid Questions on 'Sinfulness' of Homosexuality
Former Mars Hill Bible Church Pastor Debates UK Christian Minister Andrew Wilson
Apr 8, 2013; Dont Eat The Fruit: Where Are Rob Bell’s Glasses?
About a month ago, Rob Bell, former pastor of Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, released a book called What We Talk About When We Talk About God. Since then, there have been quite a few reviews offering various critiques and overviews as well as treatises on Bell’s significance.
Mar 20, 2013: Youtube: Interview: Why Rob Bell Supports Gay Marriage
Rob Bell created a splash earlier this week when he came out in favor of gay marriage. Bell, who is on a book tour for "What We Talk About When We Talk About God," says that God is inviting us to see things in new ways.
Mar 18, 2013: Huffington Post: Rob Bell Comes Out for Marriage Equality
This Sunday Rob Bell spoke at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral and openly endorsed marriage equality:
"I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love, whether it's a man and woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man. I think the ship has sailed and I think the church needs -- I think this is the world we are living in and we need to affirm people wherever they are..........I think we are witnessing the death of a particular subculture that doesn't work. I think there is a very narrow, politically intertwined, culturally ghettoized, Evangelical subculture that was told "we're gonna change the thing" and they haven't. And they actually have turned away lots of people. And i think that when you're in a part of a subculture that is dying, you make a lot more noise because it's very painful. You sort of die or you adapt. And if you adapt, it means you have to come face to face with some of the ways we've talked about God, which don't actually shape people into more loving, compassionate people. And we have supported policies and ways of viewing the world that are actually destructive. And we've done it in the name of God and we need to repent.....................I would say that the powerful, revolutionary thing about Jesus' message is that he says, 'What do you do with the people that aren't like you? What do you do with the Other? What do you do with the person that's hardest to love?' . . . That's the measure of a good religion, is - you can love the people who are just like you; that's kind of easy. So what Jesus does is takes the question and talks about fruit. He's interested in what you actually produce. And that's a different discussion. How do we love the people in the world that are least like us?"
Mar 18, 2013: Red Letter Christians: RIP, Rob Bell
Some evangelicals are now not only saying, ‘Farewell, Rob Bell’ but actually declaring him dead to evangelicalism.
Mar 8, 2013: MLive: Rob Bell talks about why he really left Mars Hill
On the eve of his return to West Michigan Sunday to promote a new book, Rob Bell would like to clear a few things up.
Nov 26, 2012: New Yorker: The Hell-Raiser
A megachurch pastor’s search for a more forgiving faith
Dec 29, 2011: Relevant Magazine: Is Rob Bell a Universalist?
Looking back at the controversy surrounding Love Wins.
Nov 17, 2011: Credo House: Why Do We Love C.S. Lewis and Hate Rob Bell?
Here at the Credo House in Edmond Oklahoma, Tim Kimberley (@pastortimk) and I are teaching a series on the top theologians of church history on Tuesday nights. I have insisted that C.S. Lewis be part of the mix due to his abiding theological influence on so many people today.
May 22, 2011: Because Its Possible: Francis Chan on Rob Bell’s Love Wins
Francis Chan has joined the ranks of Christians responding to Rob Bell’s recent New York Times Bestseller Love Wins.
Apr 14, 2011: Time: Pastor Rob Bell: What if Hell Doesn't Exist?
Rogue pastor Rob Bell's argument about salvation and judgment has Evangelicals in a fury — and a young generation rethinking Jesus
Looking back at the controversy surrounding Love Wins.
Nov 17, 2011: Credo House: Why Do We Love C.S. Lewis and Hate Rob Bell?
Here at the Credo House in Edmond Oklahoma, Tim Kimberley (@pastortimk) and I are teaching a series on the top theologians of church history on Tuesday nights. I have insisted that C.S. Lewis be part of the mix due to his abiding theological influence on so many people today.
May 22, 2011: Because Its Possible: Francis Chan on Rob Bell’s Love Wins
Francis Chan has joined the ranks of Christians responding to Rob Bell’s recent New York Times Bestseller Love Wins.
Apr 14, 2011: Time: Pastor Rob Bell: What if Hell Doesn't Exist?
Rogue pastor Rob Bell's argument about salvation and judgment has Evangelicals in a fury — and a young generation rethinking Jesus
Mar 27, 2011: Earthbound Spirit: What is Rob Bell?
Rob Bell is a theological tease. That’s my conclusion, having read his new book, Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived - a book much talked about in the (religious) press and among all my facebook friends for the past month.
Mar 24, 2011: The Blaze: Pastor Fired After Backing New Rob Bell Book Questioning Hell
The pastor of a rural United Methodist church in North Carolina wrote a note on his Facebook page supporting a new book by Rob Bell, a prominent young evangelical pastor and critic of the traditional view of hell as a place of eternal torment for billions of damned souls.
Mar 19, 2011: CNN: Rob Bell punches back against claims of heresy
For two weeks while controversy swirled around him, Pastor Rob Bell stayed silent. His critics said he was playing fast and loose with heaven and hell, salvation and damnation. The eternity of souls was on the line, they said.
Mar 16, 2011: Albert Mohler: We Have Seen All This Before: Rob Bell and the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology
In this new book, Rob Bell takes his stand with those who have tried to rescue Christianity from itself. This is a massive tragedy by…
Mar 15, 2011: Youtube: MSNBC Host Makes Rob Bell Squirm: "You're Amending The Gospel So That It's Palatable!"
Mar 15, 2011: Denny Burk: Martin Bashir Takes on Rob Bell
I don’t know what else to say. This interview is devastating. It exposes the inconsistency of Bell’s argument. Bell wants to be a universalist without taking the name, and Bashir won’t let him off by a facile appeal to “paradox.” Watch above or read the transcript below
Mar 2, 2011: Jesus Creed: Waiting for Rob Bell
Whether evangelicalism was paying attention or not, it is now. Universalism, or at least the prospect of it, is the single most significant issue running through the undercurrent of evangelicalism today.
Mar 1, 2011: Albert Mohler: Universalism as a Lure? The Emerging Case of Rob Bell
As is so often the case, most of us first learned of Rob Bell’s new book by means of Justin Taylor and his blog, “Between Two Worlds,” at the Gospel Coalition.
Feb 26, 2011: Gospel Coalition: Rob Bell: Universalist?
John Piper once wisely wrote, “Bad theology dishonors God and hurts people. Churches that sever the root of truth may flourish for a season, but they will wither eventually or turn into something besides a Christian church.”
July 17, 2009: Because Its Possible: Rob Bell is a Heretic
Just wanted to take a minute to point everybody to a great satire site. The author specializes in Rob Bell (pastor of Mars Hill) heresy posts,
Rob Bell is a theological tease. That’s my conclusion, having read his new book, Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived - a book much talked about in the (religious) press and among all my facebook friends for the past month.
Mar 24, 2011: The Blaze: Pastor Fired After Backing New Rob Bell Book Questioning Hell
The pastor of a rural United Methodist church in North Carolina wrote a note on his Facebook page supporting a new book by Rob Bell, a prominent young evangelical pastor and critic of the traditional view of hell as a place of eternal torment for billions of damned souls.
Mar 19, 2011: CNN: Rob Bell punches back against claims of heresy
For two weeks while controversy swirled around him, Pastor Rob Bell stayed silent. His critics said he was playing fast and loose with heaven and hell, salvation and damnation. The eternity of souls was on the line, they said.
Mar 16, 2011: Albert Mohler: We Have Seen All This Before: Rob Bell and the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology
In this new book, Rob Bell takes his stand with those who have tried to rescue Christianity from itself. This is a massive tragedy by…
Mar 15, 2011: Youtube: MSNBC Host Makes Rob Bell Squirm: "You're Amending The Gospel So That It's Palatable!"
Mar 15, 2011: Denny Burk: Martin Bashir Takes on Rob Bell
I don’t know what else to say. This interview is devastating. It exposes the inconsistency of Bell’s argument. Bell wants to be a universalist without taking the name, and Bashir won’t let him off by a facile appeal to “paradox.” Watch above or read the transcript below
Mar 2, 2011: Jesus Creed: Waiting for Rob Bell
Whether evangelicalism was paying attention or not, it is now. Universalism, or at least the prospect of it, is the single most significant issue running through the undercurrent of evangelicalism today.
Mar 1, 2011: Albert Mohler: Universalism as a Lure? The Emerging Case of Rob Bell
As is so often the case, most of us first learned of Rob Bell’s new book by means of Justin Taylor and his blog, “Between Two Worlds,” at the Gospel Coalition.
Feb 26, 2011: Gospel Coalition: Rob Bell: Universalist?
John Piper once wisely wrote, “Bad theology dishonors God and hurts people. Churches that sever the root of truth may flourish for a season, but they will wither eventually or turn into something besides a Christian church.”
July 17, 2009: Because Its Possible: Rob Bell is a Heretic
Just wanted to take a minute to point everybody to a great satire site. The author specializes in Rob Bell (pastor of Mars Hill) heresy posts,