Jan 10, 2016: Raymond Ibrahim: Breaking Israel News: A Wretched Existence: Christian Life in Muslim Pakistan
Read more at http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/261319/wretched-existence-christian-life-muslim-pakistan-raymond-ibrahim#DLA61G2vb0ijI05H.99 Apr 24, 2015: Gospel Herald: Raymond Ibrahim: Christianity’s Future In West Tied to Fate of Middle East Christians [Interview] In light of the recent video released by ISIS showing the beheadings of 30 Ethiopian Christian men in Libya, author Raymond Ibrahim warns that the future of Christianity in the West is tied to the fate of Christians in the Middle East. Nov 13, 2014: Youtube:TRUNEWS 11/13/14: Raymond Ibrahim & Piers Corbyn
As most of the USA shivers with abnormally cold temperatures in early November, Rick talks with long-range weather forecaster Dr. Piers Corbyn in Great Britain about the likelihood of a new mini-ice age. Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again, talks with Rick about how Islam is colonizing the West with the support of Barack Obama. Oct 2, 2014: Raymond Ibrahim: Jihad Watch: Is the Islamic State a Good Thing?
July 15, 2014: Jihad Watch: Raymond Ibrahim on ISIS’s Islamic inspirations — on The Glazov Gang This week’s special guest on the counterjihadsphere’s premier chat show, The Glazov Gang, was none other than Jihad Watch contributor Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Middle East and Islam specialist, and the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). May 20, 2014; Vimeo: Embracing New Life - Ep. 42: Raymond Ibrahim (EN) Raymond Ibrahim discusses the particulars of the persecuted church with Isik Abla. Raymond is an American research librarian, translator, author and columnist. His focus is Arabic history and language, and current events. May 19, 2014: 2scottmongomery: docstalk: Raymond Ibrahim and Michael Scheuer debate what al-Qaeda wants I recently wrote something of a lengthy exposition regarding ex CIA analyst Michael Scheuer’s continuous characterizations of Osama bin Laden as at once Robin Hood, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Thomas Jefferson—that is, a man fighting oppression and tyranny, that and nothing more. May 5, 2014: I Am Not Ashamed Of: Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News: ‘Will Egypt’s el-Sisi Protect Christians?’ Not el-Sisi, CBN News contributior Raymond Ibrahim said. Not the Egyptain military, police, or any other political candidate who may become president. Apr 26, 2014: PJ Tatler; Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News: ‘Will Egypt’s el-Sisi Protect Christians?’ On April 24, CBN News Senior International Reporter Gary Lane interviewed me about Egypt. Lane’s write-up, “Will Egypt’s el-Sisi Protect Christians?” as well as the three part interview, follow: Apr 24, 2014: Europe News: Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Islam, Dictators, and Christian Persecution Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Center, was recently interviewed on New Zealand’s Shine TV, a Christian station. The ten-minute interview with host Allen Lee focuses on a wide range of topics, including Arab dictators versus Islamists and the phenomenon, historic and modern, of Christian persecution. Apr 2, 2014: Raymond Ibrahim: New Age Islam: An Islamophobic view of Moderate Islam
Apr 2, 2014: Dialogue Ireland: Raymond Ibrahim believes in Moderate Muslims but not in Moderate Islam says Daniel Pipes Raymond Ibrahim’s recent piece for CBN, “Why ‘Moderate Islam’ is an Oxymoron,” has prompted questions because it contradicts my views and yet (because he is a fellow at the Middle East Forum) it appears on MEForum.org and was sent to the MEF mailing list. Mar 27, 2014: Daled Amos: Raymond Ibrahim on Western Ignorance of the 'Conditions of Omar' The following by Raymond Ibrahim is reposted here with permission of Middle East Forum: Mar 25, 2014: Right Scoop: Raymond Ibrahim on the myth of Moderate Islam Raymond Ibrahim sat down with CBN News to talk about “Moderate Islam” and why it’s an oxymoron: Mar 8, 2014: Eagle Forum: Interview: Raymond Ibrahim — In the Crosshairs of the Violent: Christian Persecution Some think of Christian persecution as a dirty relic of Roman imperialism. But did you know that the number of Christians murdered for their faith worldwide doubled in 2013? Join us for updates from Syria. Mar 3, 2014: Bare Naked Islam: RAYMOND IBRAHIM and the Islamic elephant in the room While the media refuse to acknowledge that Muslims are behind 80% of the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the world, Barack Hussein Obama, behind the scenes, is supporting and funding regime changes in countries that have ushered in radical Islamist leaders, who have greatly increased the level of persecution and killings of Christians there. Feb 24, 2014: OPERC: Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News
Raymond Ibrahim, the Coptic Christian author of the book Crucified Again, is interviewed on CBN News here. I bought a copy on Amazon and read it. Feb 7, 2014: Rayond Ibrahim: DC Clothesline: Exposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection Sept 4, 2013: Fire Andrea Mitchell: Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd shows Obama as Satan
Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians. ) Ibrahim is also a Middle East and Islam specialist. Aug 20, 2013: Power Talk FM 96.7: Raymond Ibrahim, air board, our government Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim joined the show (he's a Fresno State alum too!). We discussed the situation in Egypt as well as terrorism across the Middle East. Some of his recent work shows that President Obama's brother may be a Muslim Brotherhood leader. July 25, 2013: Defining Ideas: Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World The extent of this disaster, its origins, and the reasons why it has been met with a shrug by most of the Western media are the topics of Raymond Ibrahim’s Crucified Again. Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an associate fellow of the Middle East Forum. May 31, 2013: Raymond Ibrahim: Newsmax: Blasphemy Charges Soar Against Christians in Egypt ![]() CULTURE WATCH: Jan 20, 2014: Raymond Ibrahim (National Review) reports that the Obama administration is doing nothing to help Christians being persecuted in Muslim countries across the world in "The U.S. and Christian Persecution." In fact, he charges that "the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today." His source? "According to the recently released 2014 World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted, Syria is the third worst nation in the world in which to be Christian, Iraq is fourth, Afghanistan fifth, and Libya 13th. All four countries receive the strongest designation, “extreme persecution” (other designations are “severe,” “moderate,” and “sparse” persecution)........Aside from being so closely and harshly ranked, these four nations have something else in common: heavy U.S. involvement. " Ibrahim reports that wherever the United States has intervened in an Islamic nation, Islamics have come to power. I initially started to write that the report is "shocking" but really, considering who the commander in cheif of the military has been for the last 5 years, it really is no surprise at all. In light of the suffering that goes on in the hands of Islamic extremists in these countries though, it should be a terrifying wake up call.
December 12, 2024: Ibraham wrote: “Muhammad” is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales, according to a report released on December 5 by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics. It is, perhaps, worth remembering that 17 years ago, a report warned that “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion… The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside.” Baby Muhammads are, in fact, taking over all of Western Europe (once a bastion against Muhammad). According to a 2023 report, The first name Mohammed has gained popularity in Germany in the past year…. In Berlin, Mohammed was the most popular first name for boys in 2022. Last year he had ranked third…. In Bremen, the first name Mohammed has moved up from third place to second place…. In Hesse, too, the name of the Muslim prophet is on the rise. There he fought his way from eighth to third place.
December 22, 2024: Ibraham posted at Gatestone Institute: The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of November 2024. List is here. ![]() Jan 27, 2023: Middle East Forum: Raymond Ibrahim on Christians Who Defended the West from Islamic Conquest
Raymond Ibrahim, a Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow at the Middle East Forum and a fellow at both the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Gatestone Institute, spoke to a January 27th Middle East Forum Webinar (video) about his latest book, Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam. The following is a summary of his comments: Ibrahim's recent book is a complement to his previous book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, which focused on eight decisive battles between the Islamic world and the West. In Ibrahim's earlier book, he described how the map changed from 632 to 732 A.D. after the Christian majority and Jewish minority that existed throughout North Africa and the Middle East were "swallowed up" by Islamic jihadi wars following Mohammed's death. Islamic jihad "went on in perpetuity," with Asia Minor falling to the Turks and Spain undergoing Islamic conquest over the centuries. Jihad even spread as far as Iceland in the sixteenth century. America's Barbary Wars were fought against Muslims who attacked American ships in the Mediterranean Sea and enslaved their sailors. Thomas Jefferson met with the Barbary ambassador, who told him the reason for the Muslim attacks against Americans was the Islamic faith's commandment that Muslims commit jihad against the infidel. In Defenders of the West, Ibrahim focused on "eight decisive men," Christians who fought against jihad waged by the Ottomans in the Holy Land, by the Moors in Spain, and by varied sultans and caliphs in the Balkans. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt wrote that the willingness of the European people to fight against Muslim invasions, from the seventh through the seventeenth century, saved Christian Europe. Ibrahim's "main takeaway" from the book is summed up in Roosevelt's quote: "Whenever the Muhammadans have had complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared." Dec 11, 2011: Raymond Ibrahim gave Testimony before the Tom Lantos Commission. He stated: "Anyone familiar with Muslim doctrine and history, especially as it applies to Egypt and the Copts, will find none of the above surprising; rather, the treatment of Copts in the Medieval era and their treatment today demonstrate great continuity-from the destruction of churches to the subjugation of Christians. However, because there was a lull in this animosity, from the colonial era when Islam was on the wane, to just a few decades ago, most Westerners, deeming events closer to their time and space more representative of reality, ignore the continuum of history and doctrine dealing with persecution, and thus fail to comprehend what is otherwise so obvious and open for the world to see. This is exacerbated by the fact that the articulators of knowledge-the media, academia, and apologists of all stripes-in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness, have made uncomfortable truths all but unknowable. In short, the evidence of Muslim persecution of Christians in general, persecution of Egyptian Copts in particular, is overwhelming-doctrinally, historically, and current events. What is lacking is a Western paradigm that can accept-and act upon-this evidence." May 12, 2013: Charisma reported: In his new book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians, author Raymond Ibrahim suggests that in the aftermath of the Arab Spring the world is facing a growing human rights crisis, with Christians being the primary targets. Jan 16, 2012: Church Arise: Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians at a Crossroads A recent article by Raymond Ibrahim in support of a petition by the Christian Solidarity International, urging US President Obama to take steps to “prevent the eradication of the endangered Christian communities and other religious minorities of the Islamic Middle East” provides a concise compilation of recent Christian persecution around the globe. We present part of it here, and urge readers to check the rest on the internet. “When the major media reported a few months ago that Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was set to be executed for leaving Islam, many Western people were shocked, finding it hard to believe that in the 21st century people are still being persecuted—by their governments no less—simply for being Christian. |
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