Psalm 57:7: 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
David’s men tried to get David to kill Saul and seize the throne which was rightfully his, but David wouldn’t do it. Why? Wasn’t Saul trying to kill David? Wouldn’t it have been considered self-defense? No one would have blamed him. He could have gotten away with it and have saved years of frustration and pain in his own life. But David had already prepared, or fixed, his heart that he would not take the kingdom by killing Saul. His own words about this instance say, “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise” (Ps. 57:7). If David had not already fixed his heart on what he would and would not do, he would have succumbed to the pressure of that moment. But he had already fixed his heart against taking Saul’s life. The word “fixed” means: “1. firmly, in position; stationary 2. Not subject to change or variation; constant 3. Firmly held in the mind; a fixed notion” (American Heritage Dictionary). One of the keys to preparing our hearts is to fix our hearts on what we will and will not do before we encounter the temptation. David had already settled what he would do so that there were no options left when the temptation came. Far too often, Christians have not made strong enough commitments and, therefore, succumb to temptation. --Andrew Wommack