Luke 13
The church has become skilled at exegeting culture while remaining unskilled at exegeting Scripture. Many pastors and theologians have decided to speak to the needs of the day, which, in turn, has amounted to speaking to any and every issue that the secular world throws in our face. This may appear to have immediate value, but will certainly not be of any lasting impact. Many of the issues of the day, that seem so colossal and important at present, will have short shelf-lives in the long run. Many have fallen into the trap of the “tyranny of the urgent” when it comes to speaking to current events. Sites that boast of theological substance have frequently become nothing more than op-ed, cultural commentary–baptized news feeds and cultural advice columns. This is not to say that we are not called to take a stand against sin that threatens the well-being of the church. We must certainly be ready to speak with courage and boldness when the truth of Scripture is being undermined, and the members of our churches are bullied into compromise. While there are times when we need to speak to the latest social controversy, one thing is sure, most of today’s issues and controversies are sure to be yesterday’s news. Jesus wasn’t compelled to respond to the current event news of His day (luke 13:1-5) with culturally contextualizing analysis. We would do well to spend a lot more time considering His responses and a lot less time reading everyone’s social commentary." --Feeding On Christ
Luke 13:3:
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. |
“Shall not the gate of heaven be shut against your soul when you die, except you repent while you live? And yet, will you delay? Christ says, Lk 13:3, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Do you think that Christ speaks unadvisedly to you?” Thomas Doolittle