job 5
"Give us this day our daily bread." The good things of this life are the gifts of God; he is the donor of all our blessings. "Give us." Not faith only—but food is the gift of God; not daily grace only is from God—but "daily bread." Every good thing comes from God. "Every good gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights." James 1:17. Wisdom is the gift of God. "His God instructs him to discretion." Isaiah 28:26. Riches are the gift of God. "I will give you riches." 2 Chron 1:12. Peace is the gift of God. "He makes peace in your borders." Psalm 147:14. Health, which is the cream of life, is the gift of God. "I will restore health unto you." Jer 30:17. Rain is the gift of God. "Who gives rain upon the earth." Job 5:10. All comes from God; he makes the grain to grow, and the herbs to flourish
― Thomas Watson, The Lord's Prayer
― Thomas Watson, The Lord's Prayer