Oct 1, 2016: Jerry Johnston: Jerry Johnston Interviews Ben Witherington on Biblical Illiteracy in the Church
Feb 27, 2015: Raw Story: 7 perfectly good reasons why you won't be having sex with this creepy pastor's daughter this weekend
The Godly man above is the Rev. Dr. Jerry R. Johnston -- who once had a very nice fundamentalist church that went broke in Kansas which is a very hard thing to do with so many sheep to be sheared -- and his lovely and equally Godly daughter Danielle. Sept 17, 2011: Kansas City Star: After losing his building, Pastor Jerry Johnston starts over
Last Sunday, it was just Pastor Jerry standing alone at the altar, in the light-colored summer suit he had worn two days earlier at his daughter’s beach-front wedding, convincing his followers it would be OK. Mar 3, 2011: Pitch: Robert Ulrich, Jerry Johnston apologist, is sure an accomplished chap The Bible warns against pride. But that hasn't stopped Robert Ulrich, the chief apologist of beleaguered pastor Jerry Johnston, from allowing First Family Church to post a version of his résumé that's nearly 1,000 words long. |
February 28, 2015: The now defunct website called Fusion reported: The daughter from that Christian dating video is married, has a great sex life, and doesn’t care what you think. The mid-nineties video resurfaced and went viral this week, making Newsome a momentary Internet celebrity—along with her father and the video’s host, Pastor Jerry Johnston. Newsome is now married with two young kids, living as the wife of a pastor in Missouri and working as the worship director of their church. Aug 19, 2014: The Daily News Reported: Sixteen years of performing has found the Needhams on stage at places like Opryland Hotel, the Gibson Bluegrass Showcase, the Stardust Theater in Nashville, Bill Monroe Bluegrass Festival, Royal Caribbean cruise lines and locally at Oakfield’s Labor Daze. They have appeared on television with the likes of Jerry Johnston and First Family Church of Overland park, Kan. |
October 10, 2012: Kansas City Star reported that Jerry Johnston’s New Day Church shuts down. The church that the Rev. Jerry Johnston launched a year ago after losing his Overland Park megachurch to foreclosure has also shut its doors. New Day Church Kansas City, which opened in September 2011 in an Olathe school, held its last service Sept. 30. An Olathe School District official confirmed this week that the church had canceled its contract to lease the building on Sundays. The church originally met at Olathe East High School, then moved to Pioneer Trail Middle School. Johnston could not be reached for comment Tuesday. He and his wife, Cristie, sold their southern Johnson County home and belongings in an estate sale last year and had been commuting from out of town. The New Day Church website is still online, but the links have been disabled. Johnston’s sermons, which had been available as podcasts on iTunes, have been inactivated as well.
But Johnston apparently isn’t leaving the ministry.
An evangelist before founding First Family Church in 1996, he now appears to be returning to his roots. In recent months, Johnston has been a guest on “100 Huntley Street,” a religious television program in Canada that is described as the country’s longest-running daily talk show. Broadcast live, “100 Huntley Street” is the flagship program of Crossroads Christian Communications, a nonprofit organization based in Ontario. According to its website, the program “highlights compelling vignettes, stirring testimonies, dynamic points of interest and special reports that speak to Christians of all ages.” A video on the program’s website dated Aug. 29 discusses a documentary called “The Power of Media” that was recently produced by Johnston and another man. The video explores the influences of media on society, especially teens. As part of his research, Johnston visited a pornography convention and interviewed teens about sex. On the video, Johnston was introduced as executive director of Crossroads U.S.A. A call to Crossroads Christian Communications for comment was directed to a media spokeswoman, who did not respond. Last week Jerry and Cristie Johnston (she recently changed the spelling of her name from Christie on her Twitter and Facebook pages) were in Michigan, working on a documentary about teen suicide. On Oct. 4, Cristie Johnston posted on Twitter that she and her husband were taping interviews with mothers whose children had taken their lives. She included a picture of Jerry Johnston interviewing a woman in Michigan. The Rev. Chuck Millhuff, a longtime Kansas City area evangelist, said he wasn’t surprised to hear that Johnston had another job in the ministry. “He is definitely an entrepreneur,” Millhuff said. “Actually, I would not have been surprised to hear that Jerry has opened up a ministry on the moon.” Millhuff, who was a seminary student when he first heard Johnston speak, said Johnston’s new line of work might be a better fit for him. “That’s how he started out,” Millhuff said. “He is a very gifted speaker. He would be very good at that, and he would have a heart for that.” Johnston’s First Family Church, once described as among the fasting-growing megachurches in the country, had a rocky history. In 2007, The Kansas City Star reported that hundreds of members had left over concerns about financial accountability. The newspaper also found that the church was structured in a way that provided little financial oversight. The Kansas attorney general launched an investigation into the finances of Johnston and his church after receiving complaints about church money. The investigation was later closed because it did not find any activity that violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, an attorney general spokesman said. Complaints also were filed with the Internal Revenue Service. In 2008, the IRS attached tax liens to the church property, citing more than $107,000 in unpaid payroll taxes from 2007. The church quickly settled, and the lien was released. In January 2011, Regions Bank filed a foreclosure petition against First Family in Johnson County District Court, alleging the church owed more than $14 million in mortgage payments and other costs. A judge ordered the foreclosure, and the church held its final service in September 2011. Johnston then launched New Day Church Kansas City a week later at Olathe East High. Though several of First Family’s board members were listed as members of the new church’s board when it began, none remained after a few months. Regions Bank bought back the First Family property at a sheriff’s sale in October 2011, then put it on the market. In April, the Blue Valley School District purchased the 51-acre complex for $9 million. The district plans to use the property at 143rd Street and U.S. 69 as an early-childhood education center and is working on a proposal to share space with the Blue Valley Recreation Commission. Renovation on the building is expected to cost about $19 million. Over the past two years the Johnstons and their three children — who at one time were all on the First Family Church payroll — have gone in different directions. Jerry and Cristie Johnston received their doctor of ministry
degrees from Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia in May. In June their son, Jeremy, who was executive pastor of New Day Church, was hired as a lecturer at Acadia. Their older daughter, Danielle, and her husband, Christian, left First Family in 2011 to start a new church in Lee’s Summit. And the Johnstons’ younger daughter, Jenilee, who was a youth ministry director at First Family, left the position in late 2010.
October 26, 2012: The now defunct blog called Bene Diction Blogs On Reported: Controversial Kansas City pastor now Executive Director of Crossroads Christian Communications USA. Most people have never heard of Rev. Jerry Johnston. Canadians who watch 100 Huntley Street regularly have seen him a fair bit the past few weeks. I doubt viewers who watch 100 Huntley Street religiously know about Johnston’s background, and I suspect that Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. would prefer that their viewers do not go online and look up his rocky history.
But Johnston apparently isn’t leaving the ministry.
An evangelist before founding First Family Church in 1996, he now appears to be returning to his roots. In recent months, Johnston has been a guest on “100 Huntley Street,” a religious television program in Canada that is described as the country’s longest-running daily talk show. Broadcast live, “100 Huntley Street” is the flagship program of Crossroads Christian Communications, a nonprofit organization based in Ontario. According to its website, the program “highlights compelling vignettes, stirring testimonies, dynamic points of interest and special reports that speak to Christians of all ages.” A video on the program’s website dated Aug. 29 discusses a documentary called “The Power of Media” that was recently produced by Johnston and another man. The video explores the influences of media on society, especially teens. As part of his research, Johnston visited a pornography convention and interviewed teens about sex. On the video, Johnston was introduced as executive director of Crossroads U.S.A. A call to Crossroads Christian Communications for comment was directed to a media spokeswoman, who did not respond. Last week Jerry and Cristie Johnston (she recently changed the spelling of her name from Christie on her Twitter and Facebook pages) were in Michigan, working on a documentary about teen suicide. On Oct. 4, Cristie Johnston posted on Twitter that she and her husband were taping interviews with mothers whose children had taken their lives. She included a picture of Jerry Johnston interviewing a woman in Michigan. The Rev. Chuck Millhuff, a longtime Kansas City area evangelist, said he wasn’t surprised to hear that Johnston had another job in the ministry. “He is definitely an entrepreneur,” Millhuff said. “Actually, I would not have been surprised to hear that Jerry has opened up a ministry on the moon.” Millhuff, who was a seminary student when he first heard Johnston speak, said Johnston’s new line of work might be a better fit for him. “That’s how he started out,” Millhuff said. “He is a very gifted speaker. He would be very good at that, and he would have a heart for that.” Johnston’s First Family Church, once described as among the fasting-growing megachurches in the country, had a rocky history. In 2007, The Kansas City Star reported that hundreds of members had left over concerns about financial accountability. The newspaper also found that the church was structured in a way that provided little financial oversight. The Kansas attorney general launched an investigation into the finances of Johnston and his church after receiving complaints about church money. The investigation was later closed because it did not find any activity that violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, an attorney general spokesman said. Complaints also were filed with the Internal Revenue Service. In 2008, the IRS attached tax liens to the church property, citing more than $107,000 in unpaid payroll taxes from 2007. The church quickly settled, and the lien was released. In January 2011, Regions Bank filed a foreclosure petition against First Family in Johnson County District Court, alleging the church owed more than $14 million in mortgage payments and other costs. A judge ordered the foreclosure, and the church held its final service in September 2011. Johnston then launched New Day Church Kansas City a week later at Olathe East High. Though several of First Family’s board members were listed as members of the new church’s board when it began, none remained after a few months. Regions Bank bought back the First Family property at a sheriff’s sale in October 2011, then put it on the market. In April, the Blue Valley School District purchased the 51-acre complex for $9 million. The district plans to use the property at 143rd Street and U.S. 69 as an early-childhood education center and is working on a proposal to share space with the Blue Valley Recreation Commission. Renovation on the building is expected to cost about $19 million. Over the past two years the Johnstons and their three children — who at one time were all on the First Family Church payroll — have gone in different directions. Jerry and Cristie Johnston received their doctor of ministry
degrees from Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia in May. In June their son, Jeremy, who was executive pastor of New Day Church, was hired as a lecturer at Acadia. Their older daughter, Danielle, and her husband, Christian, left First Family in 2011 to start a new church in Lee’s Summit. And the Johnstons’ younger daughter, Jenilee, who was a youth ministry director at First Family, left the position in late 2010.
October 26, 2012: The now defunct blog called Bene Diction Blogs On Reported: Controversial Kansas City pastor now Executive Director of Crossroads Christian Communications USA. Most people have never heard of Rev. Jerry Johnston. Canadians who watch 100 Huntley Street regularly have seen him a fair bit the past few weeks. I doubt viewers who watch 100 Huntley Street religiously know about Johnston’s background, and I suspect that Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. would prefer that their viewers do not go online and look up his rocky history.
Feb 1, 2011: Kansas City paper, The Pitch reported: The Rev. Jerry Johnston‘s First Family Church is facing foreclosure. The Kansas City Star reported today that Regions Bank wants the Overland Park megachurch to pay more than $14 million in mortgage and other costs or the bank will foreclose on the property, sell it and use the proceeds to pay off the church’s debt.
Sept 6, 2011: The Pitch reported: Anyone in the market for a megachurch? The Rev. Jerry Johnston's First Family Church is getting booted out of its Overland Park home near U.S. Highway 69 and 143rd Street, The Kansas City Star's Judy L. Thomas reported (and she's done a fantastic job of keeping track of what's going on with the church).
March 23, 2007: The Rev Peep Blog reported: So, I was not surprised when I recently read the series of articles in the Kansas City Star about Jerry. The articles report that Jerry or "Dr." Jerry as he likes to be called has been less than forthright with all sorts of people. Apparently, he only had a GED and never went to college (he's getting his B.A. now at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's Bible college). The "Dr." on the church signs and letterhead was an honorary one given to him by Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. Apparently, there's not a whole lot of honest disclosure going on in terms of financial matters either, at least according to the Kansas City Star. Both Jerry and the church have been delinquent in paying tax bills. The church also has several court actions against it for unpaid bills to contractors. The church won't provide financial information even to its members. The board of the 4000+ member church is not elected, and you guessed it, both Jerry and his wife serve as one of the few board members. One of the people listed as a board member, when contacted by the Star, said that he hadn't been to the church in years and didn't even know he was on the board. So much for financial transparency.
May 1, 2007: Right Wing Watch reported: The Next Jerry Falwell? The Kansas City Star has recently run a series of articles profiling Jerry Johnston, pastor of the First Family megachurch in Overland Park, Kansas, who apparently sees himself as the next Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson