Right Wing Bonus Tracks: King Barron
July 8, 2021: Christian Post: 'Not one-size-fits-all': Promise Keepers conference to help men in their struggles with loneliness
Other featured speakers will include prominent Hispanic evangelical leader the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, televangelist James Robison, New York City megachurch Pastor A.R. Bernard, Gateway Church Pastor Robert Morris, Dallas Cowboys chaplain Jonathan Evans and bestselling author Nick Vujicic. Aug 29, 2015: Youtube: Pastor James Robison, Guest Dr Kent and Amber Brantly 'Called for Life' Aug 20, 2015: Charisma: James Robison Talks About 'Terrifying Expectation of Judgment'
America refusing to pursue righteousness will force the country into bondage, evangelist James Robison says. Mar 16, 2015: Right Wing Watch: James Robison: When Conservative Christians Take Control Of Government, 'Oh, The Demons Shudder!' On his "Life Today" program this morning, James Robison interviewed Todd Starnes about his recent book "God Less America" and the two agreed that if conservative Christians in America could simply come together, they could save this nation by voting every member of Congress out of office and make "the demons shudder!" Jan 15, 2015: Dallas Morning News: Evangelical leaders from across the U.S. tackle nation’s problems
James Robison, the Southlake evangelist, founder of LIFE Outreach International and host of the daily television program LIFE Today, stressed that in the Christian church “there are no minorities — if any member suffers, we all suffer.” “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the fulfillment of Dr. King’s dream could be moved forward in a tangible way through this gathering,” he said, “and wouldn’t it be wonderful if Jesus’ dream was fulfilled as well.” Sept 8, 2014: Right Wing Watch: Robison: Candidates Who Support Abortion Rights Or Gay Marriage Are Incapable Of Hearing God And Leading America On his TV show "Life Today" this morning, James Robison interviewed Ben Carson about his current book and what Robison sees as America's rapid decline. July 7, 2014: Charisma: Why Did Copeland, Robison Meet With Pope Francis? James and Betty Robison, co-hosts of the Life Today television program, and Kenneth Copeland, co-host of Believer's Voice of Victory, met the Roman Pontiff at the Vatican on Tuesday. The meeting lasted almost three hours and included a private luncheon with Pope Francis. July 3, 2014: CrossMap: TV Preachers Kenneth Copeland and James Robison Glowingly Describe Meeting with Pope to Tear Down ‘Walls of Division’
Two controversial TV preachers recently met Pope Francis in an effort to work toward tearing down the 'walls of division' between Catholics and Protestants. |
October 2, 2024: James Robison (The Stream): Hurricane Helene is a representation of the destruction the prince of the air is causing in America today. “He wants to divide and destroy,” says Robison. “Much of our national leadership is being led by the deceiver. Therefore, they spend their time deceiving the people, and the people in the nation and in most of the world are deceived by the father of lies.” But there is a force that can prevail against the deceiver. “If the family of the perfect Father will come together, love Him with all our heart, love our neighbor, [with] the other members of the Body of Christ coming together, submitted to the one head — if we will do that, we can begin to correct the course,” he says. “No matter how poor the decisions of many of our people are, we will not allow the enemy, the deceiver, to continue to lead, deceive, and destroy this country.” October 10, 2024: James & Betty Robison (The Stream): Each believer alive today has the same opportunity to impact the course of human events. What is the Lord asking you to do today? We’d like to suggest that one major way is by voting. Take a stand for truth and help change the course of our nation and what will happen here for future generations! Jesus’s personal family history is full of people who failed in major ways — and yet God used them. He can use you, too. Saul may have been a murderer who was bent on persecuting Christians, but he was not beyond God’s reach — and neither is anyone else. |
Televangelist Report Card
Fundraising appeals covered a wide range of styles. Some ministries, like Paul Crouch’s Praise the Lord and Charles Stanley’s In Touch, had separate segments offering an item in exchange for a contribution. Others, such as James Robison’s Life Today, used larger segments of airtime to raise money for the poor by showing the hosts traveling to a needy part of the world. Some hosts made direct financial appeals to the camera, such as Jerry Falwell (plugging his correspondence school), Robert Tilton (asking followers to “make a vow” for $1,000 so they will be blessed), or Swaggart (“We’ve given you something. … and now I need your help”). Half of the organizations never responded with any financial information (including Robert Schuller, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Falwell, Swaggart, Robison, Benny Hinn, and Jack Van Impe). About one-fourth replied by sending inadequate pie-chart information that gave no specific details about how much money was spent on salaries and who made up the board of directors. Charles Stanley’s In Touch ministry first put me on the fundraising mailing list before sending the requested information two months later, and it took a second request to get Graham’s organization to finally send a basic financial statement.
(Christianity Today 10/22/01) READ MORE>>>>>
Fundraising appeals covered a wide range of styles. Some ministries, like Paul Crouch’s Praise the Lord and Charles Stanley’s In Touch, had separate segments offering an item in exchange for a contribution. Others, such as James Robison’s Life Today, used larger segments of airtime to raise money for the poor by showing the hosts traveling to a needy part of the world. Some hosts made direct financial appeals to the camera, such as Jerry Falwell (plugging his correspondence school), Robert Tilton (asking followers to “make a vow” for $1,000 so they will be blessed), or Swaggart (“We’ve given you something. … and now I need your help”). Half of the organizations never responded with any financial information (including Robert Schuller, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Falwell, Swaggart, Robison, Benny Hinn, and Jack Van Impe). About one-fourth replied by sending inadequate pie-chart information that gave no specific details about how much money was spent on salaries and who made up the board of directors. Charles Stanley’s In Touch ministry first put me on the fundraising mailing list before sending the requested information two months later, and it took a second request to get Graham’s organization to finally send a basic financial statement.
(Christianity Today 10/22/01) READ MORE>>>>>