Tux-Wearing Christian Nationalists Laugh About Their Influence, Live From Mar-a-Lago Christian Nationalists were out in force at Mar-a-Lago on Friday night, once again demonstrating their proximity to MAGA power. Lance Wallnau — the chief promoter of a “Seven Mountains Mandate” for right-wing Christians to seize control over government and culture — was dressed in a tux and streaming live to his 1 million Facebook followers. The black-tie event was the America First Policy Institute gala at Trump’s Palm Beach estate, where the former president was soon to speak. As he filmed with his cell phone, Wallnau grabbed co-religionist Jim Garlow — the MAGA pastor with whom now-House Speaker Mike Johnson recently prayed to spare a “depraved” America from the “judgment that we clearly deserve.” Both religious figures are associated with an evangelical movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, which has an unusual obsession with earthly power. The duo engaged in jocular banter during the stream on Friday: “You can read about you in the news lately,” Wallnau ribbed Garlow, referring to Rolling Stone’s coverage of the pastor’s prayer call with Johnson. Garlow rejoined: “It’s because we’re dangerous — what do they call us? — ‘Christian nationalists.’” (Rolling Stone 11/21/23) READMORE>>>>> Jan 23, 2023: New Republic: The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right
Over in California, Jim Garlow, a politically connected pastor whose ministry, Well Versed, targets government leaders, cast the state’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, as “the chief of the baby-killers” and invited “intercession prayer leader” Maryal Boumann to his show, World Prayer Network, which is posted on YouTube, to discuss California’s “diabolical” Proposition 1, which added the right to the use of contraception and abortion to the state’s Constitution. In an Atlanta, Georgia, arena, Lance Wallnau, who is affiliated with the prophets and apostles of the neo-charismatic Reformation Prayer Network, which aims to “reverse the curse over America” by “igniting a holy reformation in every sphere of society,” and who claimed that former President Donald Trump was “anointed” by God to “restore the crumbling walls that separate us from cultural collapse,” prayed over Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to a cheering crowd. Dec 20, 2019: Times of San Diego: Jim Garlow, Ex-Skyline Church Leader, Rips ‘Christianity Today’ Slam of Trump
Coming to the president’s defense, the former pastor of an East County megachurch has condemned Christianity Today’s viral editorial titled “Trump Should Be Removed from Office.” In a 1,600-word essay — 600 words longer than Galli’s — Garlow, 72, echoed Republican talking points on Trump’s interactions with Ukraine that led to his impeachment Wednesday. “Condescendingly, Galli lectures evangelicals who support Trump, saying that they ‘brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.’ To my knowledge, I know every one of the persons who have served as the president’s faith advisers,” he says. Garlow insists faith leaders haven’t excused anyone’s immorality or behavior, including the president’s. “Not one. They never have. Not one of them has ever said or believed that the (using Galli’s words) ‘bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end.’ Not one,” Garlow says. Jim Garlow Quitting Skyline Megachurch, Moving to Washington Ministry Jim Garlow, the activist preacher known for opposing same-sex marriage and praying with President Trump, is stepping down as senior pastor of his megachurch in Rancho San Diego. Garlow, 71, recently announced that he would leave Skyline Church, his perch since 1995, in mid-November. On Facebook, he said his successor would be Jeremy H. McGarity, 47, “who pastors a nearby thriving church, SevenSanDiego Church.” (Times of San Diego 11/21/23) READMORE>>>>> Nov 7, 2016: The Stream: Video: Evangelical Leader Jim Garlow on the Importance of Election 2016
Jim Garlow is the the pastor of Skyline Church in La Mesa, California. On Sunday, he shared a crucial message on the importance of voting, protecting freedom and the outcome of Tuesday’s election. Feb 4, 2015: Right Wing Watch: Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/4/15
Jim Garlow will be hosting Newt Gingrich and several other Religious Right and New Apostolic Reformation activists for a conference at his church in June. - Jan 9, 2015: Jim Garlow: JimGarlow.com: Churches Forced to Cover Abortions |
June 3, 2011: Garlow told a gathering of religious conservatives at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference from a variety of faiths and denominations that the United States is suffering from a spiritual cancer that requires enormous sacrifice and a return to truths contained in the Bible to overcome....In order for us to go through our land, we are going to have to go through tough things." He likened the sacrifices that Americans must make to restore their country to the hardships of chemotherapy and radiation on the human body. “At the end of 2012, I want to be able to say that my wife is still alive, and so is my country.”
Feb 13, 2017: Garlow wrote: Walter Cronkite was once labeled "the most trusted man in America." I have no idea if he actually was or not. But tragically, many journalists who followed him have become some of "the least trusted voices in America." That grieves me. Journalism
is a noble profession. And America – as our Founding Fathers knew by the inclusion of the Fist Amendment – needs trusted, objective reporting. But we are not getting it. For that, they should be fired and hopefully replaced with a person without a strong political agenda or "slant" to their story. Or at least, if they continue reporting, disclose who they have voted for in past elections. We deserve journal- ists who will acknowledge that it is hard to be truly objective and thus, in fairness to any latent bias, will disclose their voting histories and other presuppositions December 12, 2017
September 25, 2024: Garlow delivered a message to an audience of pastors, ministry leaders and candidates for public office at the Pastor’s Appreciation Luncheon in El Centro, California. Radio station KGBA 100.1 FM organized and hosted. Garlow: “God created governments and God establishes nations. God knows more than we do, He is more loving than we are, wiser than we are. And to the extent that we follow his biblical principles of governance, we can reduce human pain, suffering and poverty.For a number of reasons, church leaders, ministry leaders and Christians are hesitant to get involved with elections and governance....They think that the Constitution does not allow them to do that. They are incorrect....The Constitution most assuredly allows them to be involved governmentally. That’s part of what the First Amendment is all about.....The constitution permits religion to be involved in the government but according to the First Amendment of the Constitution, the government may not control or dictate what religious people do or believe. When pastors and ministry leaders get involved in elections and governance, the community benefits." He cited several hypothetical outcomes: homes would stay together; men would honor their wives; children would have two parents in the home and the number of crimes, court cases and lawsuits would decrease. “My concern is what makes a community healthy and whole, complete and wholesome, peaceful and tranquil,” Garlow said. |
Sept 9, 2014: WND: Prayer returns to Capitol Hill
The services were launched under the direction of Dr. Jim Garlow, lead pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego and Rev. Dan Cummins, an associate pastor of that congregation. They are hosted by several members of Congress including Representatives Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Doug Lamalfa, R-Calif., Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.
The services were launched under the direction of Dr. Jim Garlow, lead pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego and Rev. Dan Cummins, an associate pastor of that congregation. They are hosted by several members of Congress including Representatives Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Doug Lamalfa, R-Calif., Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.
May 20, 2014: Huffington Post: Pastor James L. Garlow Predicts Americans Will Someday Tour Abortion Clinics Like Auschwitz Camp
Pastor James L. Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, California, is convinced that President Obama is responsible for "morally and economically destroying a wonderful experiment called America," expressing his opinion in an interview with The Daily Caller.
Pastor James L. Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, California, is convinced that President Obama is responsible for "morally and economically destroying a wonderful experiment called America," expressing his opinion in an interview with The Daily Caller.
May 20, 2014: Christian Post: Megachurch Pastor James Garlow: Obama's Legacy Is That He 'Morally and Economically Destroyed America'
President Barack Obama's legacy should be that he "morally and economically destroyed a wonderful experiment called America," said megachurch Pastor James Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, Calif., who blasted the president for his pro-abortion and pro-same-sex marriage views.
May 18, 2014: Urban Christian News: San Diego Megachurch Pastor Jim Garlow Remarries; Condemns President Obama’s Legacy
San Diego evangelical minister, James L. Garlow, says if history books are not distorted by today’s revisionistic tendencies, President Obama’s legacy should be that he’s responsible for “morally and economically destroying a wonderful experiment called America.”
Nov 8, 2013: Charisma: After Grieving Wife's Death, Jim Garlow Tells Church: 'I'm Seeing Someone'
After 120 days of almost unbearable pain, I finally began improving. At about the four-month mark, my grief became much more bearable. As you know, I am well into the seventh month since Carol's passing.
Apr 22, 2013: Christian Post: Skyline Church Pastor Jim Garlow's Wife Passes Away After Battle With Cancer
Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, Calif., has lost his wife, Carol, after a five-year battle with cancer, it was revealed on Sunday.
Oct 9, 2012: Daystar On Demand: Joni – Life After Death – Dr. Jim Garlow (J906)
“They say that Heaven is 10 million light years away…” Well they might change their minds after watching today’s show! Dr. Jim Garlow joins us again, and today he’ll share amazing stories of near death experiences, angelic visitations and deathbed visions that he’s gathered from people all over the country.
June 6, 2012: Fanatic For Jesus: Dr. Jim Garlow: Useful Idiot or Fascist Change Agent
Nearly 25 years ago, radio and television evangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts toward taking control of all institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government.
President Barack Obama's legacy should be that he "morally and economically destroyed a wonderful experiment called America," said megachurch Pastor James Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, Calif., who blasted the president for his pro-abortion and pro-same-sex marriage views.
May 18, 2014: Urban Christian News: San Diego Megachurch Pastor Jim Garlow Remarries; Condemns President Obama’s Legacy
San Diego evangelical minister, James L. Garlow, says if history books are not distorted by today’s revisionistic tendencies, President Obama’s legacy should be that he’s responsible for “morally and economically destroying a wonderful experiment called America.”
Nov 8, 2013: Charisma: After Grieving Wife's Death, Jim Garlow Tells Church: 'I'm Seeing Someone'
After 120 days of almost unbearable pain, I finally began improving. At about the four-month mark, my grief became much more bearable. As you know, I am well into the seventh month since Carol's passing.
Apr 22, 2013: Christian Post: Skyline Church Pastor Jim Garlow's Wife Passes Away After Battle With Cancer
Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, Calif., has lost his wife, Carol, after a five-year battle with cancer, it was revealed on Sunday.
Oct 9, 2012: Daystar On Demand: Joni – Life After Death – Dr. Jim Garlow (J906)
“They say that Heaven is 10 million light years away…” Well they might change their minds after watching today’s show! Dr. Jim Garlow joins us again, and today he’ll share amazing stories of near death experiences, angelic visitations and deathbed visions that he’s gathered from people all over the country.
June 6, 2012: Fanatic For Jesus: Dr. Jim Garlow: Useful Idiot or Fascist Change Agent
Nearly 25 years ago, radio and television evangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts toward taking control of all institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government.